To the members & friends of First Presbyterian Church of Glen Cove:
We have come to the end of our time with Jill White, the regional mission interpreter who helped us get our visioning process off the ground. We started by exploring the programs that we currently have, the programs that we wished we had, what we liked about our church, and what we wanted to do differently. Then we looked at everyone’s answers and determined mission priorities based on the responses. And after that we looked at data from the surrounding neighborhoods and towns to help us understand who is actually around us and what their needs are. And lastly, we discussed how we put it all together into a strategic plan. It’s been quite the journey with Jill!
But the truth is that this is not the end of our visioning journey! Jill is like the mother bird pushing her babies out of the nest so that we can take what we’ve learned and fly. It is now our great joy to actually create our strategic plan and implement the changes that we’ve agreed upon. It’s going to take time, intention, people, and resources. It is not always going to be easy (there will be hard learning moments); yet, I believe that if we commit to this process of transformation, it will be worth it.
Change also requires rhythms of rest, play, and work. I hope that you have found time for your own rest this summer. Speaking of rest, Lucas and I will be going on vacation for the next two weeks to get some of that rest and play. We’ll be here this Sunday, August 8th, and then you’ll get to hear from some other amazing preachers over these next two weeks!