Welcome to The Inner Space

Welcome Tiffany to The Inner Space

Family of Excellent Readers

TIFFANY – Intuitive/Tarot/Oracle Readings, Medium, Reiki Practitioner - Tiffany is a gifted intuitive with psychic abilities that began in her early childhood. Her journey started with learning to navigate this world as a very sensitive and empathic child having vivid dreams and a natural ability to connect to Spirit. 

Do you have a question you need more clarity and insight on? She can provide you with personalized guidance and practical steps for your healing and spiritual journey.

Call 404-252-4540 Now to Schedule.



Tamara Sweeney

Have you ever wondered where we come from? Are we related to Aliens? Come with us to explore the teachings of Daniel Winter. Daniel is a Quantum Physicist and multi-faceted researcher who loves to explain the theories and concepts of metaphysics and spirituality through a scientific lens. During this particular class we will be discussing Extraterrestrial History and the Physics of Consciousness 1 - 3 PM $33`



Sherry Henderson

The advanced beginner student is given the tools to delve deeper into chart synthesis.We will look at despositors or in layman's terms which planet is the boss. It may not be your sun sign. Planetary dignities, detriments, exaltation and fall will help us to determine if a "benefic" planet is really beneficial to us or a "malific" is all bad. We will review house rulers to gain a deeper insight into how these planets are impacted by aspects and transits. 6 Thursday evenings 7:30 - 9:30 PM $220 please pre-register.




John Henderson

What is hypnosis and what is not? Hypnosis is the opening of the portal between the logical and the creative sides of the brain so that information can cross beyond the critical thinking side into the creative and artistic side. The changes we wish to make are born of our creativity but to access that creativity, we must first remove the critical thinking component. Experience a group hypnotherapy mini session and free talk..

Friday evening 7 - 8 PM FREE



John Henderson

Saturday & Sunday course on How to Hypnotize, with the option to extend it to a full 100 hour certification or 200 hour DD.

$350 per day Pre-registered 11 AM - 5 PM


Click on the flyer to register

Astro Forecast July 29 - August 5

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde Alert! Mercury goes retrograde Monday, August 5.

Monday morning in the wee hours, the Moon is square Venus. Those middle of the night bank debits can take their toll on your budget. By late morning a lunar conjunction to Uranus brings unexpected, or even shocking news or events. The last aspect of the Scorpio Moon is a sextile to Neptune. Psychic abilities are heightened. Imagination is working overtime. The Moon moves into Libra to trine Pluto around dinner time may bring up uncomfortable dinner table discussions or it could encourage a meal made of leftovers, reinvented and presented as a delicious new dish. By bedtime conversations turn sour as the Gemini Moon squares Mercury.

Tuesday the Moon conjoins Mars before daylight. Don't expect to wake up feeling like Suzie Sunshine. If you are on the road in the pre-dawn hours count to 10 when somebody cuts you off in traffic. The mood shifts by daybreak as the Moon is sextile the Sun. Tonight a lunar conjunction with Jupiter dispels any residual angst from morning. Feelings of generosity and good will abound. Finances improve for Air signs.

Sleep may be uncomfortable as the Moon is square Saturn in the wee hours. Your P.J. many feel too tight, your bed too hard or your sleep partner hogs the covers. By early afternoon the mood shifts and it's time to enjoy some personal pleasure - get a massage, have your hair done, purchase some small item that makes you feel good. Tonight the Moon is square Neptune. Push back from the bar and skip that night cap. There is a tendency toward escapism tonight. Watch out for movie binging and resist the temptation to engage in any drugs whether prescription or street variety.

The Moon is in Cancer on Friday. Venus is square Uranus. Romantic relationships and finances can be a bit shaky today. Don't try to pin someone down and don't push financially. The results will not be pleasant. The Moon is trine Saturn by mid morning. It's a cooling off of emotions and feelings, especially with women. This is a good aspect for dealing with elders, bosses or parents.

Saturday the Moon is sextile Uranus and trine Neptune. Psychic insights are amazing. Insights and flashes of brilliance are intense. By breakfast time, hidden or secret information may be revealed.

The New Moon in Leo on Sunday is sextile Mars. Sleep may be restless or dreams could be action packed - even violent. By noon, the Moon is sextile Jupiter. This magnanimous duo is all about expansion. Enjoy it now because tonight Venus is quincunx Neptune and then Saturn. There could be depression. Late tonight Venus enters Virgo.

Remember Mercury is going retrograde tomorrow (Monday, August 5) Don't sign anything or make any binding promises for the rest of the month.

Dr. Sherry Henderson founded the Atlanian Mystery Schools, a holistic and metaphysical professional training program for astrologers, spiritual healers, ministers and counselors in 1995. Dr. Henderson teaches astrology, Kabbalah, psychic development, Tarot, world religion and spiritual business classes. She is a practicing Tarot reader & astrologer. Dr. Henderson is the director of The Inner Space metaphysical center in Atlanta, Georgia.
For information on classes or to schedule an appointment,
call 404-252-4540.
6558 Vernon Woods Drive, Sandy Springs (Atlanta) Georgia 30328