Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.
Envision Eugene Newsletter
What's New with Envision Eugene?
August 25th, 2019
This month's Envision Eugene Newsletter includes surveys for the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan and River Road Corridor Study and provides updates on Growth Monitoring and Urban Reserves planning. We hope you'll find this information useful and reach out if you have questions. As always, you can find more information on all of our work by visiting our website.
Take the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan Surveys!
Where are we? This fall we wrap up the Action Planning phase of the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan and will present a draft list of action items for community input. These actions are specific steps, such as new programs or land use code changes, that will implement the goals and policies of our neighborhood plan. Our volunteer Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is taking the lead on sorting and editing the draft actions, and the survey below is designed to give them the input they need.

Neighborhood Plan Survey: As the CAC and their working groups sort through the draft actions, certain priorities have emerged within each of the topic areas. This survey includes priority actions and lets community members say what is most important to them and suggest edits to the draft actions. 

Corridor Study Survey: The River Road Corridor Study is moving along with the rest of the neighborhood plan. The design team created two concepts for future land use along River Road, and the survey below dials in on those options. This survey dives into greater detail than the neighborhood plan survey and takes about 25 minutes to complete. The two surveys are designed to complement each other and allow folks to weigh in on the topics most important to them. Use the link below to take the survey, or visit the Corridor Study webpage for more information.
For more information, visit eugene-or.gov/RRSCplan or contact Assistant Planner Audrey Stuart at AStuart@eugene-or.gov or 541-682-5461.
Growth Monitoring Charts Make First EETAC Appearance
The Growth Monitoring Program took a major step in April bringing the first monitoring charts to the Envision Eugene Technical Advisory Committee (EETAC) for feedback. Over the past couple of years, staff from the City’s Planning and Information Services Divisions have been developing a database system to collect and report on key data related to how our community is growing, such as how big households are and how densely and how quickly our housing land is developing. This information is intended to provide the community and decision makers with improved data to inform our growth management decisions and be better prepared for changing trends.

The goal is to have the first monitoring report to City Council by early 2021, after urban reserves have been identified. The report will be a major step towards understanding how well our actual growth and development matches what we assumed and making data more accurate and accessible. Several monitoring datasets will be collected including US Census, employment and income, building permits, and land use applications. The semi-automated database system tackled Census data first because it is less complex and easy to attain from the US Census Bureau website.

At their April and June meetings, the EETAC reviewed and gave input on the first set of draft Census charts regarding household demographics and housing costs. The EETAC schedule is now starting to alternate between both the Growth Monitoring and the Urban Reserves projects. It is anticipated that they will finish review of housing costs charts and begin population growth at their September or October meetings.

For more information, check out the EETAC meeting schedule or contact Heather O’Donnell at HODonnell@eugene-or.gov or 541-682-5488.
Urban Reserves Suitability Analysis
This summer we have been working on the Urban Reserves suitability analysis, which weighs and balances a variety of factors to identify which land in the Urban Reserves study area should remain under consideration for future urbanization. The suitability analysis considers many factors, from the high-level cost of providing utilities, to the social equity and climate impacts of designating different areas Urban Reserves. 

It’s a big lift—and there are almost 11,000 acres to analyze—but this September we will have our first draft of preferred areas for Urban Reserves. After that, we will hit the ground running with outreach to specific neighborhoods and stakeholders. Updates will be available on our project webpage and will be sent out in e-newsletters. 

The Envision Eugene Technical Advisory Committee (EETAC) met on August 15 to review our work underway. On September 5th the EETAC will review growth monitoring work, and on September 19th they will review the Urban Reserves suitability analysis.

For more information, visit our project page at  www.eugene-or.gov/UrbanReserves or contact project manager Rebecca Gershow at RGershow@eugene-or.gov or 541-682-8816.
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City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401