August E-Newsletter

Santa Monica Conservancy

Elects a New President

Mario Fonda-Bonardi at the Shotgun House © Sasha Renee Photography

Last week, the Santa Monica Conservancy elected a new President, Mario Fonda-Bonardi AIA. Mario is a half-century resident of Ocean Park, leading his private architectural practice and advocating for community issues.

As an Ocean Park community member, Mario served 16 years as a coach for the Santa Monica American Youth Soccer Organization, two terms as a Planning Commissioner, and is currently a leader of Santa Monica Architects for a Responsible Tomorrow (SMart) - as featured in the Santa Monica Mirror.

He has served on the Conservancy Board for over ten years, instrumental in creating the 11th Historic District, saving the Shotgun House, landmarking Chez Jay, and recently restoring the Church in Ocean Park.

Mario’s presidency succeeds Tom Cleys’, who served as President for the last five years, successfully transitioning the Conservancy from an all-volunteer community organization to a non-profit with a paid executive director and staff to pair with its energetic volunteer base. Tom is now the Treasurer, spearheading the Conservancy’s fundraising efforts. We thank him for his hard work, leadership, and dedication as President.

A note from Mario:

I am eager to lead the Conservancy in the middle of its third decade and look forward to increasing funding, tripling our nominal 300-person membership, and collaborating with community organizations doing crucial, parallel preservation work. I look forward to meeting and collaborating with everyone who loves preservation. Thank you for your support!

Meet Our New Executive Committee

  • Alec Nedelman is our new Vice President.
  • Tom Cleys is now the Board Treasurer.
  • Carol Lemlein stays as Board Secretary.
  • David Kaplan is leaving the Executive Committee. We thank David for his service as Board Treasurer and are excited to continue our relationship with him as chair of the Preservation Awards Committee and Member of the Advocacy Committee.

Doors Open California 

We are proud to participate in Doors Open California, the largest statewide celebration of sites of historic architecture, design, and cultural heritage. We are offering unique programming at the historic Shotgun House in Ocean Park on September 14-15, along with 20+ sites in the Southern California region that will be opening their doors that same weekend.

Doors Open California is the largest statewide celebration of historic places in California organized by our friends at the California Preservation Foundation.

Find other participating locations.

Call for Volunteer Storytellers

Storytellers Wanted Banner

The Santa Monica Conservancy is recruiting neighborhood volunteers to help tell the stories of Ocean Park!

The Shotgun House (SGH) is located just off Main Street and serves as our headquarters. The SGH volunteer team works to share the many stories that connect here at our little house. Sign up today and you could welcome visitors for free docent-led tours of the house, support our seasonal garden tours and evening open house events, and lead guided walks along Main Street as well as the Third Street Historic District. 

Your involvement is essential to preserving and transmitting the many stories that have shaped the neighborhood!

Join the Team
Conservancy Tours & Events

Tours of the Shotgun House

Free walk-in tours Saturday & Sunday, August 10-11; Saturday & Sunday, August 24-25

Click HERE for more information and to register for the virtual tour.

Tours of the Annenberg Community Beach House

Friday-Monday from 12-2 p.m. / 415 Pacific Coast Highway

Please call (310) 458-4904 to confirm dates and closures. Click HERE for more information.

Downtown Walking Tour

First and third Saturdays of the month at 10 a.m.

Discover the architectural gems and rich history of Downtown Santa Monica with one of our expert docents!

Click HERE to make a reservation.

Community Events

Telling Stories of Mexican California: Real Life and Myth Making

Exhibition open now until August 18 at the Satna Monica History Museum.

Click HERE for more information.

Pinhole Camera and Cyanotype Workshop with Artist Marzieh Karimi

Workshop offered August 8 and 10 at the Annenberg Beach house.

Click HERE for more information.

Un/Housed: A History of Housing in Santa Monica

Exhibition open now at the Santa Monica History Museum

Click HERE for more information.

Exhibition open now at the Santa Monica History Museum

Click HERE for more information.
Santa Monica Conservancy
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