Teachers, How Can ArtWorks Support You?

ArtWorks wants to know how it can best serve its teachers! If you are an ArtWorks teacher, please take 2 minutes to fill out a very brief survey:

ArtWorks has already made adaptations to remote learning, offering online workshops, self-guided art activities, and new partnerships like the Georgia O'Keefe's Art & Leadership Summer Program.

Teacher responses to this survey will help ArtWorks continue to connect SFPS teachers and students to creative expression and community - needed now more than ever. 
Books For Kids!

PIE office manager Shelley Cohen is ready to give out books to SFPS students
Thanks to a generous donation to the Bee Hive Books Project, Partners has given out nearly 90 books to SFPS families for summer reading enjoyment!

The books were distributed at Chaparral Elementary School to families participating in the summer lunch program.
Melville Hankins Awards ArtWorks $20,000

'Blue,' student artwork from an ArtWorks workshop led by Teaching Artist Gregory Gutin. 
In late July, the Melville Hankins Family Foundation awarded $20,000 in grant funding for the ArtWorks program. 

"We are overjoyed to be recipients of Melville Hankins funding," says program director Erin De Rosa. "This support ensures that ArtWorks can continue to provide critical arts education to SFPS students during these challenging times."

The Foundation is a private nonprofit organization which supports organizations and institutions that provide programs for the benefit of education for young adults as well as children, animal services, the performing arts and religious organizations affiliated with the Episcopal or Anglican Church. 

SFPS Extended Learning Program

An SFPS student working diligently on a writing prompt in early 2020. 
ArtWorks, community partners, and teachers from Santa Fe Public Schools are again collaborating on an innovative learning opportunity for students from July 27th - August 7, 2020. 

The SFPS Extended Learning Time Program (ELTP) is an initiative from the Santa Fe Public Schools that provides additional instruction in music, art, and computer science prior to the start of the school year. At no cost to students, ELTP offers 10 additional days of school for students who want to engage in creative, hands-on activities that also expand critical thinking skills.

This program mirrors a similar SFPS initiative that took place at the end of the 2019-2020 school year that ArtWorks also participated in. ArtWorks is excited to collaborate with the District on this opportunity!

Partners in Education has been supporting teachers in our public schools for 32 years. That's all we do. We invite you to read on to see how our programs help teachers to make a difference in the community. Your donation can be directed to a specific program or to Partners in Education in general.

Have you ever seen a big yellow school bus outside the Lensic or a museum? Each year, donors like you provide the funding for buses for nearly 600 public school classes to go on  transformative educational adventures.

The Teacher Warehouse is currently closed until further notice. We will update you when we're able to reopen.

ArtWorks is an aesthetic education program that builds critical thinking skills and frees young imaginations. ArtWorks makes the arts personally meaningful to over 1,800 public school students and teachers through an integrated program of art-making, viewing live performances and exhibits, and achieving understanding through inquiry and reflection.

Through the generosity of donors like you, classroom teachers receive grants for innovative, curriculum-based projects. Partners in Education awards over $50,000 to about 60 teachers each year.  

Partners in Education also honors seven Santa Fe Public School teachers each year with the Teachers Who Inspire awards. 

The Partners in Education Foundation for the Santa Fe Public Schools seeks to marshal resources and create alliances to foster excellence in Santa Fe's public schools. 

ArtWorks' mission is to make the arts personally meaningful to children and elementary school teachers through an integrated program of art-making, viewing virtual or live performances and exhibits, and achieving understanding through inquiry and reflection.


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Partners in Education Foundation
1300 Camino Sierra Vista, Suite 109
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(505) 474-0240
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