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August 2024

District 4 Officers  

Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Contact your District 4 board members.


Betsy Cutler



Ala Hamilton-Day



Bill Bauer 



Pat Civale 



Joann Glasson 


President's Message

District 4 has lots to be proud about!

The Philadelphia Regional at Valley Forge was well-attended, had wonderful hospitality and tremendous volunteers! Rex Saffer and John Dickenson have plenty to crow about after such a wonderful event. I had a wonderful week with many friends I had not seen for quite some time. I played teams every day with six different partners and seven different teams! Never had that much variety before, and I plan to keep it up for most future tourneys. Despite some cases of COVID and the lights going out on Sunday the event ran incredibly smoothly. I know the volunteers were running on fumes at the end, but what a great time was had by all!

The Finger Lakes Regional in Rochester is fast approaching and I encourage all of you to try to attend this tournament. A very friendly atmosphere in a great facility, and that great New York hospitality is on tap for all who attend. I was at this tourney last year and am looking forward to another fun time. I plan to play pairs for the days I am attending which is not my normal style but my partner prefers this so I will give it a go!

After Rochester we all have the NAP (North American Pairs) district finals to look forward to. I hope all of you have had a chance to qualify to play in the district finals. If not, there are a few more online chances plus most clubs will offer games in August to earn a place in the finals. Find a partner and come out to play and try to earn a partially subsidized trip to Memphis in March.

The online monthly games dwindled a little in July, but I hope that was just an anomaly.  Lynn Chapin has proved to be her usual extremely capable self and we finally can guarantee that (with the exception of last-minute fill-ins) the game will be limited to District 4 members. We will also make sure the future games are two boards per round so we play more people to level the playing field some more. The next game is August 14 at 7pm and will again be eighteen boards with a $5 entry fee.

Finally, I am gearing up for a great week in Lancaster in late October. I have such fond memories of Spooky Nook as I earned my Life Master there. I remember I only needed .35 more masterpoints of any color to go over the 500 mark and the last day I was playing Swiss teams and we just squeaked by earning .51 red points, just enough for me to go over the top! It will always be my favorite tournament for this reason.

See you all at the tables!



From the Regional Director 

Joann's taking a much deserved month off and will be back with news in September.

District 4 Schedule


Rochester, NY

August 5-10

Manheim, PA

October 28-November 3


Wilmington, DE

September 6-8

Oswego, NY

September 21-22

Cherry Hill, NJ

September 27-29

King of Prussia, PA I/N

October 14

Rochester, NY

October 19-20

Allentown, PA

October 25-27

Seneca Falls, NY

November 9-10


November 11-17

Camp Hill, PA I/N

November 22-24

Wilmington, DE

December 13-15

Camp Hill, PA I/N

December 27

District 4 NAP Finals

Flight A: September 14-15

Cherry Hill, NJ

Flight C: September 15

at various clubs

Flight B: October 6

North Wales, PA, Camp Hill PA, and West Elmira, NY

For the complete 2024 D4 calendar, click here.

Our Monthly Feature

The 4Spot features fantastic contributors on a regular rotation:

January, April, July, October:
Larry's Learning Center by Larry Cohen

February, May, August, November:

For Novices Only

March, June, September, December:
Schwaidelson's Fractured Four-Hand Tales

For Novices Only

Click here for Robert Todd's good review of Puppet Stayman. He includes a popular alternative over 1NT called Modern Puppet Stayman, also known as Five-Card Stayman.

Master Solvers Club

Moderator: Nick Straguzzi

OMG, the Solvers got in a fight! Read all about it here.

Visit the MSC website to read next month's problem and submit your answers online here.

News from Around the Units

Unit 112: Central New York


Betty Youmans


The Finger Lakes Regional is next week! Come to Rochester in beautiful Upstate New York. Join us for a week of fun, fellowship and gold points! The Finger Lakes Regional will be held on August 5-10. Face-to-face pairs and team events will occur Monday – Friday. Saturday will be an on-line game for all District 4 players. We look forward to welcoming all players. A free lunch will be available daily.

The Rochester Summer Sectional was held on July 6-7. Roger Woodin shared his bridge knowledge during a lesson on Saturday morning. Pair games were held on Saturday and Swiss Teams on Sunday. A popular, new feature on Sunday was Stratified Non-Life Master pairs with 8.5 tables. Many thanks to Liz Meacham, chair, Denise Slattery, hospitality chair, and the outstanding team of volunteers who helped with set-up, publicity and all aspects of this event.   

Congratulations to players achieving new ranks:

Junior Master

Betty Buskirk, Fulton

Club Master

Thomas Jerram, Elmira

Jay Mehta, Horseheads

Sectional Masters

John Gunselman, Big Flats

Phyllis Holtgrewe, Elmira

Dustin Kasser, Rochester

Mary Rab, Oneonta

Lisa Roland, Rochester

Gerald Steenberge, Pittsford

Regional Masters

Nancy Bircher, Rochester

James Hassell, Elmira

Ruby Life Master

Holli Mast, Corning

Gold Life Master

Charles Adrion, Rochester

Unit 120: Northeastern Pennsylvania 

Doreese Torrey


Hello Unit 120!!  

Many of our Unit members have been taking advantage of the tournaments in and near Pennsylvania the last few months. Yet another is coming the last week of October at Spooky Nook in Lancaster. No more rooms at the bridge rate but lots of other places to stay nearby.

Peggy O'Keefe achieved her Life Master June 26 playing a team game with Marie Wildman, Beth Rosenthal and Brian Hudson. Peggy has been diligently striving to achieve her status. We are all so proud of you, Peggy!!

Let's all take a minute to also applaud a former member of our unit, Anne Pelak, who achieved Life Master on July 11 playing with Jim Post and a pickup team. Anne, if you recall, was a longtime member and was our web page guru before moving to the King of Prussia area to be near family. Yea  Anne!!

Only 53 days left until summer officially ends, so enjoy whats left of the dog days.  

See you at the virtual/face to face bridge tables.

Unit 121: Berks Montgomery 


Bill Buskirk


On September 5, 12 and 19, Unit 121 will again be offering lessons by Sue Wessner at no cost for newer and intermediate players. Lessons will be 11:00-11:45, prior to the regular Thursday game, and will cover a variety of topics, especially those requested by students. 


If you can attend only one or two of the lessons that is fine, since each week’s lesson will stand alone. Please contact Sue at 610-972-5327 or bridgebysue@gmail.com to let her know which dates you will attend and if you have any questions or topics you would like her to cover. Bring your own lunch if you want to eat before the game.

Unit 133: Lehigh Valley 
Lois Fuini

New Rank Advancements - Congratulations!

New Club Masters

Clyde Halstead

Martha Phelps

New Silver Master

Freda Witmer

The Longest Day

Unit 133 is still accepting donations toward our gift for the Alzheimer’s Association. If you would like to make a contribution to this very worthwhile cause, please mail a check payable to the Alzheimer’s Association to Betsy Cutler, 1383 Deerfield Drive, Allentown PA 18104. We are counting on YOU to make this fundraiser a success! 

North American Pairs Qualifying Game 

Friday, August 9 at 12:30pm will be an NAP qualifying game at Lehigh Valley Active Life. In this game you will be awarded 1⁄2 red and 1⁄2 black points. If you do well, you will be eligible to play in the district wide finals for the North American Pairs event and possibly earn a stipend toward play in the NABC tournament in Memphis this Spring. Even if you don’t want to compete in the District 4 event or Memphis, you will still earn red and black points. The entry fee for this game will be $9. 

Annual Over/Under Swiss Team Game 

Friday, August 16 at 12:30pm, Lehigh Valley Active Life will host our annual over/under Swiss Teams Event. At least one person in each pair must be under 500 points. This is an excellent opportunity for players to learn the strategies of playing Swiss Teams and how the scoring is different from pair games. All, while having fun at our local club. The entry fee is $9. 

STaC Game Results 

District 4 Sectional Tournament at Club games were held at Lehigh Valley Active Life in Allentown.

Monday, July 8th STaC Winners:

N/S-1st Lee Stanley & Carl Ziegler; 2nd William Licht & Dorothy Cockrell 

E/W-1st Barbara Berk & Mary Ann Sharpless; 2nd Betty Abrams & Betsy Cutler 

Friday, August 4th STaC Winners:

N/S- 1st Patty Fosselman & Vivian Kane; 2nd Patricia Sabitino & Mary Ann Sharpless 

E/W- 1st Clyde Halstead & Martha Phelps; 2nd Hans & Phyllis Toegel 

Fall Sectional coming soon! 

  • Dates: October 25-27 
  • Games: Friday and Saturday pairs, Sunday Swiss 
  • Points: Silver
  • Saturday AM: Free 0-20 pt. game
  • Fee: $12 per person per session

Please check back next month for additional details! 

Unit 141: Philadelphia 
John Dickenson

The D4 regional held within the boundaries of Unit 141 at the Alloy hotel in King of Prussia went well – we matched our table count of 1098 from last year exactly. The Free Relaxed Game for 0-20 players was held for the first time since the pandemic, with 12.5 tables. Many thanks to the volunteers from our Unit who staffed the event.

It is not too early to plan for our fall sectional – it will be held September 27 to 29 in Cherry Hill, NJ at Bridge Friendzy. For those who have not yet had the pleasure of playing in this facility, please give it a try! Terrific spacious venue, plenty of free parking, and Bernadette Hennessy May is a wonderful hostess. It is around an hour drive from most of suburban Philly in PA and less from center city.

A warm welcome to our newest PCBA members!

Susan Hayes

Marilyn Killough

Denise Marcinek

Anna McAleer

Sue Ann McElroy

Nina Nell

Larry Ravetz

Sandra Texter

Jennifer Vastardis

Lee Warden

Congratulations to our members who achieved a new rank!

Junior Masters

Eileen Brode

George Gainer Jr

Barry Marks

Doris Spera

Jill Willits

Club Masters

Diane  Basile

Stuart Freemark

Seulky McInneshin

Marie  Power

Marilynne Rose

John Shulman

Sectional Masters

Devika Chakraborty

Pat Cieslinski

Angel  Farrell

Osman Lake

Joann Nash

Regional Masters

Nancy Dersimonian

Lori Flynn

NABC Masters

Steven Binnick

Mary Previtera

Life Masters

Jacob Baron

Philip Freidenreich

Silver Life Masters

Charles Goldman

Sapphire Life Masters

Kenneth Shatoff

Unit 168: Central Pennsylvania 

Ben Hawn 


Here’s a recent hand that my partner and I got wrong. At matchpoints you are in second seat, red vs. white. Your hand counts to 13 HCP: 





You open 1S and the one on your left whips out the Unusual Notrump. 

P  1S  2NT  4S

5D  ??

Do you pass? Double? Bid 5S? I don’t know. Is pass forcing? I don’t think so. Could 5D be making? It’s probably not a favorite, but yes. You do have an extra spade, so maybe 5S is right. Is partner the captain here? I believe so. The 4S call has quite a wide range after all, from a shapely Yarborough to a near-opening hand. (You are not playing Unusual over Unusual. U/U is a good treatment and would be helpful here.)

Opener - who shall remain anonymous - went to 5S. Partner - who shall also remain anonymous - raised to 6S with the following hand:





Down one off the top. 

Preempts cause problems.

Congratulations to the following Unit 168 players as they move up the ACBL rankings ladder:

New Junior Masters:

David Garbisch 

Shao Huang

Susan Lewis

Steve Shapiro

New Club Master:

Janie McKnight

New Sectional Masters:

Steven Becker

John Dileonardo

Lana Fellows

New Regional Masters:

Gail Burke

Lloyd Schubert 

New NABC Master:

Claudia Hostetter

New Silver Life Masters:

Jim Miller

Paul Sekula

New Sapphire Life Master:

Janet La Grassa

Dickinson Plantation - Dover, Delaware ~Richard Popper

Unit 190: Delaware 


Paula Varrassi


Delaware Clubs

The Bridge Studio of Delaware, Wilmington

Harold Jordon



MOT, Middletown

Cheryl Shields



Monday Morning Bridge Club

Friday Nooners


Clare O’Brien



Shore Bridge


Monday @ 12:30

Wednesday @ 9:30

Anna DeLapo




Ocean View Presbyterian Church

Thursday @ 12:30

Donna Heckscher




The Diamond State Sectional


A New Sectional for Non-Life Master Intermediate and New Players

The 2024 Diamond State Sectional Tournament

September 6-8, 2024 at the Bridge Studio in Wilmington.

Line up your partner(s) and save the dates!

This will be a cashless tournament. Pay by card at the door. Pre-registration is not required. There will be no vaccination requirements and masks will not be required unless requested by opponents at your table. The Annual Meeting of the DSBA will be held between sessions Saturday. If you are a member of Unit 190 please plan to attend.

For questions, contact sectional@unit190.org or see the tournament flyer here. 

Bridge In View NLM 0-500 Sectional Tournament

September 20-21, 2024 in Ocean View, DE

This silver point tournament is open only to players with 500 or fewer masterpoints. It will feature sessions for players with 0-20, 0-100, and 0-500 masterpoints, spread over the mornings and afternoons of two days. Play once, play twice, or play all four sessions; the choice is yours.  Prizes will be awarded for session winners. Lunch is complimentary. If you register ahead of time and need a partner, we guarantee to find you one!

More details are available on the event flyer, or contact one of the Tournament Co-Chairs, Paula Varrassi (pvarrassi @ gmail.com) and Trina Williams (trinasw47 @ icloud.com).

Walk-ins are welcome but space is limited. Register early to guarantee your place.  Click here for the pre-registration form.

If you've never played in a tournament, that's OK. We'll have folks available to explain how it works and help you get comfortable before play begins.

Link to the unit website

Unit 217: Susquehanna 

Jim McKeown


Check back next month for Unit 217 news.

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4Spot | August 2024 | Editor: Susan Morse