Step Up Sunday is August 7. Our “official” return of the school year, all children and youth advance to their next classes on this date. Email Andrea (Pre-K-6th grade) or Erin (7th-12th grades) with questions or if you are interested in helping lead one of our Children’s Sunday school or Youth Formation classes.
Dayspring Children's Ministry will have a Sno-Cone Party to after both services and all current and new Children's Ministry volunteers get a free sno-cone! There will also be a Children's Ministry table on the patio where people can learn more or sign up to be a volunteer. All money earned from sno-cones benefits our Project Hope clean water well program.
Starting this Sunday, August 7 is a new “Child Check-in” system for checking your children in for Sunday school each week. We'll show a QR code to scan during children's time or, if you'd rather do it earlier, it can be found by using the same QR code used for accessing the Sunday bulletin or by going to dayspring-umc.org/bulletin. You can check your children in for Sunday school using your own smart phone. It’s quick and easy!
Parents of kids in 7th-12th grades: Sign up for our B2SB Back To School Bash from 5pm-7pm this Sunday, August 7th! The event will feature parent and youth discussions about the upcoming year and, of course, food! We strongly encourage Jr./Sr. High youth and their families to come, even if you cannot be there the whole time. Email Erin with questions or RSVP here.
Amidst all the turmoil we are feeling in our world and in our lives at this time, walking the labyrinth offers us a time for intentional quiet meditation with God. You may walk the labyrinth any time when the campus is open. Pastor Shirley will offer more information about Walking the Labyrinth between services next Sunday, August 7. Meet Pastor Shirley at the entrance to the labyrinth following the 9:00 service.
We will celebrate the life of Ed Coyoli this Friday, August 5, at 11:00am. A reception will follow the service in Fellowship Hall and the service will be livestreamed HERE.
Children's and Youth Choirs hold their first rehearsals of the season on Wednesday, August 10 in Room 206. Our goal is to musically educate your children in the most engaging way possible in order to give them meaningful, positive musical experiences. Email JulieAnne Weissberg for more information.
Children’s Choir (1st-6th Grade): 6 – 6:45pm
Youth Choir (7th-12th Grade): 6:45 – 7:30pm
Taize brings a time for contemplative worship, involving sung and chanted prayers, meditation, a period of silence, liturgical readings, and icons - a time for you to spend in deep personal connection with God. Our next Taize Service will be held in Fellowship Hall on August 14 at 4pm.
If you're ready to cool off and enjoy fun, fellowship (at 8500 feet) and worship with a large bunch of adventurous Dayspringers, register for camp HERE! This year, we will again head to Hoyer Campground near Greer, Arizona, where we’ve reserved family sites for our 25th Annual All Church Labor Day Campout. Registration will continue until all spots are filled. Register early to guarantee your spot! Space will be limited, and you may share an individual site with another family. Please email Carol Muggeridge with questions.
We are currently creating new Spiritual Direction small groups. This is a process in which people – usually four people – gather together on a regular basis – usually monthly – to assist one another in an ongoing awareness of God in all of life. There are three agreements we make as a group:
- Commit ourselves to an honest relationship with God
- Participate wholeheartedly in the group process through prayerful listening and response
- Open our spiritual journeys for consideration by others.
Depending on the needs of those in the group, we can provide an in-person group and also a group on Zoom. If you are interested in either one of these groups, please email Pastor Shirley. The first gathering will be Wednesday, September 7 at 10:30am on Zoom. At that time, upcoming meetings and times will be decided.
Do you need a retreat, a time to recharge your batteries? Our moral and spiritual health depends upon our openness to “withdraw to a quiet place” (Mark 1:35). At the same time, we need to hear God’s call for justice and peace. Join us for this year’s Five Day Academy for Spiritual Formation September 18-23 at the beautiful Redemptorist Renewal Center near Tucson. Sponsored by the Desert Southwest Conference, this year’s theme is “Journey into the Heart of Christ: Spiritual Healing and Justice,” with faculty presenters Vance P. Ross and Hwa-Young Chong. Click HERE for more information and to register by August 15.
This Sunday's Messages:
Who are you in the Story?
Rev. Joel Bullock
at 11:00 at Dayspring Arcadia
The Seven Steps Beyond Frustration:
6. Enlarge Your Circle
Rev. Jeff Procter-Murphy
at 9:00 & 10:30 at Dayspring Tempe
Our most recent livestreamed services: