LWVOPRF August 28 Week in Preview
Help Wanted!
Interested in getting more involved with your League? Well we have some committees that are calling your name. Mark your calendars now.
Membership Committee - Monday, September 11, 7:00 pm. Set goals and plans for this year. At Marilyn Cantisano's house.  Contact Marilyn for more information.
Environnment Committee - Monday, September 18, 6:30 pm, Oak Park Township Sr. Room, 130 S. Oak Park Ave. Seeking members who are interested in protecting our environment. Contact Beverly Graham or Marsha Borders for more information.
Voter Service Committee - Thursday, September 28, 7:00 pm. Set plans for the coming year. At Peggy Kell's house. Contact Peggy for more information.
Watershed Game Training
There will be another opportunity to become a trainer in the Watershed Game. Take a leadership role in introducing your community to nutrient pollution best understood and tackled on a local watershed level. Scheduled for Friday, September 22 or Saturday, September 23, in Rockford from 9:30am-5:00pm. Read more here. Registration deadline is September 15.
Upcoming Events
September 14 - Illinois Campaign for Political Reform Summit, Columbia College. Flyer
O ctober 11 - State of the State Luncheon, Union League Club
November 6 - Moderator Training, Chicago