Our Stewardship Matters
It’s Stewardship season, and this is our time to listen to God’s call to us to sustain the mission and ministries of our church. Thank you to those who have already made an annual gift commitment to sustain St. James’s. In the coming months we will share some powerful stories about the Holy Spirit moving among us. Pandemic or not, we continue to be Doers because We are the Church.

When Dick Bennett volunteered to mentor a child at the Peter Paul Development Center more than a decade ago, he imagined it might be a two or three year commitment at most, and that’s how he pitched it to his partner, Sam Fuller. However, something remarkable happened – something Spirit-filled and life changing – once Dick and Sam started working with Jama Ibrahim that transformed the mentorship relationship into much more. 

In these challenging times we have come to find deep comfort in our time together to worship, to be servant leaders, and to grow our faith. We have found that it’s not so much about coming to the church – we have discovered wherever we are, that WE are the church.

We make offerings in thanks for God’s generosity to us. You are invited to participate and support our transformative ministries, serving both our parish and those who look to us in need. We are into the season of Annual Giving for the year 2021, hopefully a brighter time, and we want to be prepared to fulfill our call to serve. Thank you for pledging online by filling out the 2021 Pledge Commitment.

If you are moved to give right now, click here to make a gift or to set up a recurring gift to sustain the worship and ministries of our church to the Glory of God.
Servant Sunday - September 27th
We are so happy to announce that on Sunday, the 27th of September, we will hold our fourth biennial Servant Sunday! In previous years, we were able to have hands-on opportunities at many local agencies. Due to the ongoing pandemic, that will not be possible this fall. Instead, we will offer numerous and safe alternative projects in which individuals and families can participate. Once again we will sponsor the Rise Against Hunger meal packaging event but it will be off-site and have limited DOER spaces available. 

Recently we joined Beth Ahabah for an exciting mask making partnership that resulted in 1410 masks being made and delivered to the Market at 25th for distribution to vulnerable populations. This is a joy to again share partnership with Beth Ahabah, our friends and neighbors.

We are excited to have St. Philip’s Episcopal Church congregation join us in this special outreach day. St. Philip’s began in 1861 as a mission of St. James’s. Servant Sunday is just the beginning of a rich partnership as we look forward to bringing our congregations together for forums and ministries as we continue learning and growing together for racial justice and reconciliation.  
This event will be a wonderful way to celebrate St. James’s core identity as a parish of Doers of the Word. We will “blanket” our entire community with love-in-action ministry! Mark your calendar now and be on the lookout for more details in the coming weeks.
Children & Youth Ministry for 2020 - 2021
The pandemic won’t stop our commitment to nurture the spiritual lives of the children, youth, and families of St. James’s.

Here is Children & Youth Ministry Design for 2020-2021 which describes a wide variety of offerings for your entire family for the year ahead.

To help us keep track of our flock, we hope all families who consider St. James’s their church home will Register your child/youth for 2020-2021 by September 15, 2020.

This will tremendously improve our ability to communicate effectively even if you’re already in our church membership database.

For additional information please contact