Independence Alliance is Accepting Referrals for Our 2024 Home Modifications Project!
This project, funded in part by a grant from Greater Cincinnati Foundation, will provide home modifications that will assure a safe and accessible environment for people with disabilities so they can live as independently as possible.
Home modifications are changes made to a person’s home that create a living environment that is accessible, safe, and promotes independence. These changes can include adding supportive features, such as those that improve a person’s ability to engage in daily activities, care for themselves, or maintain access to community participation. While handrails or temporary ramps are common home modifications, this project can also provide modifications such as lowering a mailbox or doorbell, changing doorknobs to lever style knobs, lowering closet rods, installing a raised toilet, updating faucets to lever handles, adding a handheld shower spray, or updating to a digital thermostat.
Interested in submitting a referral? Our referral guidelines are as follows:
· Home modifications must be reasonable and necessary.
· Home modifications must increase a person’s independence.
· Home modifications must follow ADA guidelines.
· Interior home modification referrals for a rental property will require a written authorization from landlord or property owner.
· Eligible applicants must have no other resources to help obtain this modification.
· The completed referral form must be signed by the participant or a representative.
· Participants may live in Southwestern Ohio or Northern Kentucky.
A Home Modifications Project committee will review all referrals. If your referral is approved, an on-site assessment will be completed, and modification/installation work will be carried out through our partnership with People Working Cooperatively or Right Now Mobility. It is our goal to work together to complete each project in an efficient manner and within a suitable time, however, all projects are subject to the availability of the contractor and materials.
Home Modifications Referral Form, click here.
Contact Debbie Moorehous or call: 513-338-5110