August 2024 Newsletter

View previous Academic Affairs Newsletters here.

Sawyer_Doug_B headshot.jpg

Academic Affairs Leadership Team

Doug Sawyer, MD, PhD

Chief Academic Officer

Interim VP of Research

Susan Ahern

Vice President of Innovation

Linda Chaudron, MD, MS

Vice President of Medical Education

Kneka Smith, EdD, MPH

Vice President,

Academic Affairs

Note from...

Doug Sawyer, MD, PhD, Chief Academic Officer

Hi all, 

I hope that you all had a great summer! As the next generation heads back to school, I always find this is a season where learning is contagious, a season where some intentional career and community development comes naturally. With that in mind, there are some great opportunities of substance coming up listed in the Newsletter worth considering. For example, Daniella Radu, Director of the Office of Research Ethics and Compliance is leading a national mini-bootcamp for researchers on how to navigate the single IRB process. Sounds like a fantastic learning opportunity that I hope our teams can join.  

One opportunity that is not in the newsletter is the first annual John Lualdi, MD Cardiovascular Grand Rounds to be held at the Dana Center on September 12 at 7 AM. This conference honors the career and legacy of a fantastic human being and exceptional cardiologist who provided exceptional care at Maine Medical Center for 25 years. Dr. Pam Douglas, a physician-investigator who helped to shape Dr. Lualdi’s career, will be the inaugural speaker. We hope to have a great turnout for this event which will be held in person as well as be available virtually.

In other news, with rebranding, we have officially changed the name of the TUSM MMC Maine Track to be the TUSM MaineHealth Maine Track. As we enter the season of final candidates for the position of VP of Research, please keep a lookout on your calendars for talks by the candidates which can be attended live or in person. We look forward to everyone's feedback as we make our decision on this important position. 

With thanks for all you do,



  • Upcoming Events & Opportunities
  • MaineHealth Office of Faculty Affairs
  • Medical Education
  • Library & Knowledge Services
  • Research
  • Innovation

Upcoming Events & Opportunities

Interprofessional Education Opportunity

2024 Maine Medical Center Nutrition Symposium

September 18th

8:00 - 4:00pm EDT

Click here for more information and to register.

Single IRB Mini-Bootcamp for Investigators and Research Teams on September 24, 2024, at 1pm 


This bootcamp is designed to help investigators and research teams understand how to navigate the single IRB process. The session will be moderated by Daniela Radu, Director of Research Compliance at MaineHealth. 


Guest Speakers:


Michael Linke, Chair, StrokeNet Central IRB, SMART IRB Program Director, Education, Cincinnati, OH 

How to Plan for and Navigate Single IRB review 


Katelyn Benhoff, MA, Research Strategy & Program Specialist, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN 

Managing Relying Site Documentation 


Susan Branscum, BS, CCRP, Regulatory Manager at University of Alabama Birmingham 

Congenital and Perinatal Infections Consortium Model 


Amy Trullinger, BA, CCRP, Single IRB Project Manager at Indiana CTSI, Indianapolis, Indiana 

Indiana University – Liaison Model 


Please RSVP to by September 15, 2024

Medical Education

Advanced Practice Providers Education

  • The APP Education Office and the APP Center of Excellence will be hosting a Social Event for APPs on Thursday, September 26th at 5pm at Après in Portland to celebrate National APP Week. If you are a MaineHealth Advanced Practice Provider, Click here to RSVP. 

  • September marks the start of our planning season for placements over the next academic year! Please consider signing up to precept a student Sign Up to precept a student or share the link with someone that might be interested. Do you have questions about what being a preceptor entails? Feel free to reach out to us via email or visit our SharePoint site to learn more.


Notable Events 

  • 8/21 Nurse Educator Focused Faculty Development Course – This is the second year we have offered this One Day Faculty Development course, a combination of lecture and interactive hands-on experiences. Thirteen nurse educators from across the MaineHealth system learned about the core principles of simulation-based education as well as debriefing techniques. Participants had an opportunity to design and implement a simulation scenario including the debriefing process. The focus of this event is for nurse educators who already have some experience running simulations to expand- simulation education skillsets and strengthen collaborations with the simulation center. 

  • 8/26 OB Team Training (MOMSim 1.0) at Franklin Memorial Hospital - The simulation team offered two half day sessions of Obstetrical interprofessional team training and systems testing in Farmington. With this training, our MOMSim 1.0 program (funded by the Hearst Foundation and a generous anonymous donor) will have reached all eight MaineHealth member hospitals!  Stay tuned for the launch of MOMSim 2.0 a sustainability phase to begin next month funded by the RMOMs grant from AHRQ.  

Marissa Parry and Dani Bruno facilitate lunch and learn at the one-day faculty development course Group photo after a fun and enriching one day sim faculty development course

Group photo after a fun and enriching one day sim faculty development course

Undergraduate Medical Education

Two of the Maine Track TUSM students are benefitting from a commitment to education in the Mount Desert Island community. Jack Marcucci and Nick Baker, both M26s, are spending the year in Bar Harbor as Longitudinal Integrated Curriculum (LIC) third year students. Students from Maine Track and other health professions from across the nation have studied at MDI Hospital for many years. In fact, MDI hospital is one of nine LIC sites at which third year medical students from Maine Track are placed.


Housing students, especially those like the 3rd year Maine Track students who are there for the better part of a year, has been difficult. Just this spring, a brand-new building, the Kogod Center for Medical Education at MADI Hospital, opened its doors to house visiting learners. In addition to a place to sleep, the center features common areas and kitchens for learner use! So far it has been well received and noted to be a place to support interprofessional learning. 

The official ribbon cutting ceremony recently happened and Jack and Nick were distinguished guests at this! They were able to meet with local, regional, and celebrity donors and sponsors (see included photo of them with a certain celebrity, known for her lifestyle branding, in addition to their local MDI educational leadership). As is typical in the LIC experience, the students are able to see how the community functions cohesively to provide wrap around medical care for local citizens (and tourists in a place like MDI!) and relies on financial and other support from people outside of the health system. 

FMI on the Kogod Educational Center and the unique medical education work done by our partners at MDI hospital, please read this article by clicking here.

The Undergraduate Medical Education department would like to thank MDI Hospital administration, the Bar Harbor Community, the interprofessional medical teaching faculty, and the LIC site director, Nate Donaldson, MD for their support of our students, including having them participate in ribbon cutting ceremony for this important building! 

Graduate Medical Education

Kalli Varaklis, MDMSEd - Designated Institutional Official

Click here for a detailed Graduate Medical Education (GME) update.

You can view the 2023-2024 GME Annual Program Evaluation by clicking here.

Journal of Maine Medical Center

From the Summer 2024 issue!

Follow JMMC on Twitter/X!

Please click here for the most recent publication of the Summer 2024 issue of JMMC.

MITE Group Manuscript Peer Review 

Please join us for the next Group Manuscript Peer Review (GMPR) 

Microsoft Teams session on September 10, 2024 at Noon. 

Anyone interested in learning more about the process of reviewing manuscripts is welcome!

CE credits are available. 

This month we are looking at an article on the topic of  

Healthcare Ethics Consultation: Expanding capability across a rural health care system 

- Bob Bing-You, MD, MEd, MBA & Vicki Hayes, MD 

Bob Bing-You, MD Vicki Hayes, MD

CLICK HERE to register. The article will be sent out one week prior to the session.

For those who are new to GMPR: 


What:  Group Manuscript Peer Review (GMPR) is an informal gathering of people interested in reviewing manuscripts together. Papers that have been submitted to journals outside the institution, as well as papers that are being prepared for submission by authors from within, are appraised. 


Why:  If you have ever reviewed a publication, written a paper, or are considering doing either, this group is for you! Or if you are just curious about the process and want to learn more. 


Who:  Anyone at any level from any discipline who is interested in experiencing peer review is welcome. Those who attend are typically from a diverse range of backgrounds and experience levels

Health Professions Educators Conference:

How to Make Learning Stick?

Registration now Open!

Friday, September 20, 2024

8:00 am - 2:00 pm

Dana Center & Virtual

Our focus for the conference this year is to highlight effective strategies to help learning stick and become long-lasting through the use of newer techniques such as AI and Social Media as well as seemingly traditional techniques such as chalk talks and effective engagement strategies.

Register now!

Fall Academy Meeting

 Thursday, September 19, 2024

Brighton Boardroom

335 Brighton Ave, 3rd Floor, Portland

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm


Please join us to sip, snack, and socialize as we welcome our newest Scholars and Academy members.   



We have many useful online resources, check out MITE’s newest pages:

 Check out the Department of Medical Education SharePoint Site!

Library & Learning Commons


MaineHealth Library & Learning Commons

New Exhibit: The Center of the World: In Memoriam by Photographer Steven Horowitz, MD 

Photographer Steve Horowitz, MD honors the victims and first responders of 9/11 with this exhibition. About the images, he says, “The buildings, and the people who worked there plus the first responders, are unforgettable. This is in recognition of them.”  

While living in New York City, he photographed the World Trade Center from different perspectives. After 9/11 and the ensuing world crises, he viewed it as the center of the world. To visualize this concept, and memorialize the victims and first responders, he created these montages, combining celestial antique map representations and views of lower Manhattan with his photographs. 

Steven Horowitz, MD is a retired academic neurologist who continues to teach medical students as an adjunct clinical professor of neurology at the Tufts University School of Medicine. He is also on the teaching faculty of MaineHealth Maine Medical Center. 

The exhibit will be on display in the Library until mid-October. 

Farewell to Sabrina Brown: 

We are sad to say farewell to our newest Medical Librarian Sabrina Brown, MLIS. Sabrina joined us in February 2024 as a Knowledge Services Specialist overseeing access management for our electronic resources. Sabrina received an irresistible offer from the MIT Libraries closer to her home in Massachusetts.   Her contributions were many in the short time she was with us, and we will miss her! Tell your library friends - the Medical Librarian position will be posted soon! 

Dana Center

Admin II Position Available (30hrs):  Spread the word! We are seeking an Administrative Assistant II to work with Pam Barringer in the Dana Center. This role is primarily responsible for scheduling in a complex and dynamic learning environment. Did I mention that you get to work with Pam?!! Share this opportunity with someone who loves solving puzzles and helping people! 



Summer Interns Showcase Final Projects

MaineHealth Institute for Research summer students gave their final presentations on August 7 to a packed house! This combined celebration included MaineHealth Non-Clinical and Research Interns. Best wishes and congratulations to this year’s Summer Undergraduate Research Program participants and thank you to our research education team for coordinating the program.

(pictured bottom right – L to R):

Christine Ellis, Liz Dench Bergst, Dr. Robert Koza, and Dr. Lucy Liaw.

Blood Drive at MHIR


MaineHealth is sponsoring a blood drive on Tuesday, October 1 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Maine Health Institute for Research in Scarborough.


Contact Victoria Van Berlo for more information.

In the News

ICYMI - Dr. Robert Smith, Director of MHIR’s Vector Borne Disease Lab, was interviewed by WABI TV 5 in Bangor, regarding the Lyme disease vaccine trial at Pen Bay Medical Center.

Click the pic for the story!

Qualitative Research Interest Group

Qualitative Research Interest Group (QRIG)


QRIG is an interdisciplinary group that meets virtually each month to discuss topics related to qualitative research. Our members include researchers at MaineHealth, Tufts, UNE, U Maine, and Kaiser Permanente. We alternate among 3 types of meetings: journal club, works-in-progress, and special topics.


On August 22, we had a journal club where we discussed an article on Open Science and Qualitative Research, led by Eric Anderson, faculty scientist at CIPHR. A recording of that meeting is available upon request.


Our next meeting, on September 26, @4-5 p.m. will be a special topic on the Framework Method of analysis. This approach tends to appeal to more quantitative-minded analysts, as it organizes your data in a spreadsheet! We will discuss what it is, when it is appropriate to use, and practical steps to complete your analysis using the framework method.  


If you would like to attend, but are not currently a member of QRIG, please email to receive a Teams link and calendar invite. All are welcome!

Clinical Trials Office

Florence Implementation

Florence is an important addition to the research infrastructure at MaineHealth that will allow us to reduce compliance risk while simultaneously expanding clinical research opportunities for our patients.

What is Florence?

  • A secure electronic storage platform for essential documentation for clinical research projects.

Why is MaineHealth investing in Florence?

  • The system promotes regulatory compliance through version controls, user permissions, and automated audit trails, allowing us to appropriately manage our current projects while simultaneously expanding clinical research opportunities for our patients.

How does this change impact you?

  • Florence is being implemented enterprise-wide – all clinical research teams will be expected to use the system to store electronic research files in the near future.

Who do I contact if I have questions?

  • The MaineHealth Clinical Trials Office is leading the implementation – please contact Karen Wilson with any questions you have about the system, functionality, or implementation timeline.


NIH R01 Diversity Supplement

Michelle Karam, a post-bac research assistant in Dr. Michaela Reagan’s lab with plans for graduate school in biomedical science, will be funded for one to two years on a diversity supplement to Dr. Reagan’s R37 grant (an R01 with a two-year merit extension period). Michelle’s project will examine the tumor supportive roles of the fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) in multiple myeloma. Dr. Reagan is a Faculty Scientist at the MaineHealth Institute for Research (MHIR) whose research focuses on multiple myeloma.

NIH Funding to Upgrade MHIR Flow Cytometry Core 

MHIR has received funding to upgrade the aging MACSQuant Analyzer-10 cytometer within the Flow Cytometry Core to the next-generation MACSQuant Analyzer-16 cytometer. This advanced instrument offers six additional fluorescent channels, facilitating simultaneous analysis of more extensive marker panels, which is vital for those studying stem/progenitor cells and immune cells. The funding will be provided as supplemental funds to Dr. Doug Sawyer’s AC-COBRE grant thanks to the successful proposal submitted by MHIR Faculty Scientist Cal Vary.

SAMHSA Funding to Address Mental Health Needs of Homeless

MHIR’s Dr. Gloria Sclar will lead a five-year project through the Maine Medical Center-Preble Street Learning Collaborative to launch a mobile harm reduction, housing, and treatment program designed to outreach, engage, and house individuals experiencing, or at imminent risk of, homelessness, with co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders in Greater Portland. The funding will be provided by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 

Bridging the Gap: Understanding Lung Cancer Survivors’ Needs and Care Access Challenges

In this pilot project, which is funded by the American Cancer Society Institutional Reasearch Grant we will collaborate with UVM's Cancer Center to develop and field an exploratory assessment of lung cancer survivors’ behavioral and medical healthcare needs and to identify care access challenges. Learning from this survey work will inform the development of future interventions to address the identified unmet needs and to promote equitable access to services for lung cancer survivors in our region.

PI: Liz Scharnetzki; Co-Is: Kevin Stein, Neil Korsen

External Collaborators: Investigators at UVM Cancer Center, including Chris Anker, Scott Langevin, Maija Reblin, and Garth Garrison

Please contact the Research Grants Office for all Research Grant Inquiries  

If you are interested in applying for a research grant or have been contacted to participate in a grant-funded clinical trial, please email our office at as soon as possible, ideally up to 10-12 weeks prior to the deadline. We know this is not always possible and will adjust timelines based on your deadline. You can also contact us at any time with questions about the grants process or if you would like to set up a meeting to learn more about research grants at MaineHealth. 

Check out MaineHealth Institute for Research's SharePoint Site!


the connective tissue between research, education, and care

Fall 2024 Innovation Opportunities: Innovation Cohort and Ignite Fund 

Join our 8-week Innovation Cohort, designed specifically for care team members with ideas to address unmet care needs. Gain innovation and creative problem-solving skills, expert guidance, and opportunities for networking and collaboration. Whether you’re improving patient care, designing a medical device, or optimizing healthcare processes, our program equips you with the tools and knowledge to accelerate your novel solution. Don’t miss this opportunity to bring your healthcare innovation to life! 

The Cohort will meet the following dates from 8-9:30am: 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, and 12/5. 


Applications are due October 3 at 10:00 am. Learn More and Apply. 

The Innovation Ignite Fund is a $20,000 investment funding opportunity designed to help you bring your innovative idea to life. With funding that can be used for prototyping, pilot testing, or testing assumptions, you’ll have the resources and expert connections needed to accelerate your innovation and transform care! 


Applications are due October 3 at 10:00 am. Learn More and Apply. 


To learn more, join us for an Innovation Cohort & Ignite Fund info session using the links below: 

September 4, 1-1:30pm 

September 12, 4-4:40pm 

Dr. Samir Haydar and CAPE Team Secure Bonfire Investment for Next Phase of Development 

As surging cases of COVID-19 continue to challenge healthcare systems, the Collapsible Aerosol Particle Enclosure (CAPE) is being tested as a potential solution to expand hospital capacity and improve infection control. Originally developed to convert a hospital stretcher into a negative pressure chamber, the CAPE is designed to contain contagious viruses and prevent their spread, addressing critical needs in medical facilities. 

The CAPE, which has undergone extensive patient trials at MaineHealth Maine Medical Center Portland, is now benefiting from follow-on funding provided by the Innovation Funding Program’s Bonfire investment. This new funding will support further testing at other healthcare systems and the regulatory approval process required by the FDA. 

Congratulations to Samir Haydar, MD, and the CAPE team for their progress with the CAPE! 

If you are interested in MaineHealth Innovation Funding Program’s Bonfire investment, read more here

MaineHealth Joins ARPA-H Investor Catalyst Hub Network 

We are thrilled to announce that MaineHealth has been selected as a spoke of the ARPA-H Investor Catalyst Hub Network. This network, part of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), connects researchers, entrepreneurs, and investors to accelerate the development of innovative healthcare solutions. 

As one of three regional hubs, the Investor Catalyst Hub will help scale health research and venture investment ecosystem capabilities, disrupt traditional care models, create new delivery pathways, and help performers bring transformative solutions to market.  

Todd Keiller, Director of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer, will share more details as MaineHealth joins the network. 

For more information on the Investor Catalyst Hub, click here.  

Keep up with MaineHealth Innovation by signing up for our monthly newsletter. 

MaineHealth Innovation builds connections to drive diversity of thought, educates to produce creative problem-solvers, and funds to accelerate ideas. By leveraging the ideas, insights and expertise of all care team members to develop novel solutions to our unmet care needs, we are working together so our communities are the healthiest in America. 

To learn more about these or other innovation opportunities at MaineHealth, visit the MaineHealth Innovation website or email 

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