Zonta District 1 #Shorts

August 2024

A message from Governor Donna Raycraft

Dear Members,

I've been your District Governor officially for only a month, but I can tell you that it is one of the greatest honors of my life so far. Thank you.

In July, the District 1 Board had a Presidents' planning session providing club leadership with a calendar of dates and key events and resources for leading the club and shaping a culture that stimulates growth and retention. Both of those tools are posted on the District website - Resources - Leadership.  

I also announced my Goals for the Biennium. They include helping clubs amplify efforts to have a credible and visible voice; supporting club success, promoting leadership and sustainability; and encouraging engagement of audiences and allies. CALL TO ACTION: Please review them and let me know how you can contribute to these goals.  

I am proud to announce the District Committee Chairs for the Biennium:

Advocacy USA: Tonya Ozone

Advocacy CA: Carol Dobson

Bylaws: Lydea Irwin

Education Committees:

>AE Fellowship: Jane House

>Women in Business: Lorraine Bartlett

>Women in STEM: Jane House

>Young Women in Leadership: Lorraine Bartlett

Finance: Pamela Albertson 

Foundation Ambassador: Mary Ann Rubis

Membership & Club Creator: Lynn Stanley

Nominating & Succession Planning:

Donna Sroka

Mary Knight

Pam Albertson

Parliamentarian: Lydea Irwin

Public Relations & Communications: Sandy Carroll & Mary Knight

Service: TBA 

United Nations: Donna Sroka

Webmaster: Mary Knight

CALL TO ACTION: Please send the names/contact info of your Club Committee Chairs to Info@zontadistrict1.org for the District Handbook.

Together we can make District 1 the envy of all 31 other districts. The best way we can do that is for all of us to keep abreast of all that is going on at ZI and in our own District, and the easiest way to do that is to take time to read our website Thanks to Webmaster Mary Knight, it's the best of the 32.

Uniting for Climate Justice and Equality August 20th at 6:30pm EST | 7:30pm AST

Please share with existing and potential members and supporters of Zonta

Zonta eClub of Atlantic Northeast in Formation invites you to view a Roundtable recording on Climate Justice presented at the 2024 International Convention.


Climate change knows no borders, affecting us and communities around the world. This unique workshop aims to bring together individual Zontians from diverse backgrounds and regions to directly share their personal experiences, stories and insights about the impact of climate change on people and the pursuit of equality and justice. By amplifying global voices, we will collectively deepen our understanding, foster empathy, and inspire collaborative action to address these interconnected challenges.

ZontaDistrict1.org/news-events - Be sure to RSVP!

Let's get the momentum going for this biennium.

Starting with each member. We all have busy lives, yet we are volunteering our time and effort to Zonta because we believe in the mission. As such we deserve to feel appreciated, engaged, and inspired within our club and the District. Make that a priority.

Club Leaders are never expected to do it all alone, just because they stepped up to the position. Rewatch the video Wisdom of the Geese Ensure your team is aligned with a common goal, know when and where to seek help, empower and mentor others to lead, recognize and praise the efforts of others, stand by each other when things are tough, and always go back to the core purpose and values when conflicts arise.

Please take some time to explore the ZontaDistrict1.org and the Zonta.org websites and let us know where we can make improvements.