August 2022
Hedwig's Theme
Davis Guitar Orchestra Level 1 Director Michael Silva is leading off this month with a song from the Harry Potter movies: Hedwig's Theme, originally composed by John Williams.

Michael says this arrangement was written for his students as a fun way to learn to play in higher positions.

Click the video above to play the song, or click the button below for sheet music and additional information.
"Farewell" from Symphony No.45
Davis Guitar Orchestra Level 2 Director Matthew Grasso is also presenting a song this month. This is Matthew's description, from Facebook:

Please enjoy this video of "Farewell" from Symphony No.45 by Haydn performed by the Multi-String Guitar Ensemble. This work was composed 250 years ago and was designed to have all the musicians gradually walk off stage. This is my transcription for guitar septet. The video shoot was a true grassroots production and was created at American River College. Aya Ueda and Miyan Grasso setup the cameras and I did the audio and video editing.

Click the video above to play the song, or click the button below for sheet music and additional information.
New Orchestra Rehearsal Times
Heads up, guitarists! Starting in September, our rehearsal times for the Sacramento Community Orchestras will be changing.

Stay tuned to our events calendar to see the new rehearsal times.
Keep the Music Going
Have you been enjoying watching or participating in the Virtual Guitar Orchestra concerts? The Sacramento Guitar Society's Community Guitar Orchestras are funded by the Artists in Communities grant from the California Arts Council.

This grant requires matching funds in order for us to maintain eligibility, so please consider making a donation. The grant helps us offer the Virtual Guitar Orchestra program and will and ensure that the in-person orchestras return when the pandemic is over. Your donations are tax-deductible.
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Sacramento Guitar Society | (916) 572-7464 |