Changing Your Email? A Checklist
Changing your email is never fun, but it can be necessary. When you need to make a change, there are several things you need to consider. Follow this checklist to ensure you don’t lose data, keep up with your old contacts, and avoid security risks.
There are many reasons you might decide to change your email:
·        losing access to the old one and not being able to recover that account;
·        changing your internet service provider (ISP);
·        having to stop using a professional email for personal messages too;
·        falling victim of identity theft;
·        not feeling as proud of your address now that you’re above the age of 14.
Whatever prompts your move, try these tips to avoid missing mail and risking account compromise.
Notify your contacts of the change
You will be amazed at the number of people you have in your contacts folder. Still, you can make the change easier by letting your friends and family know that you have a new email address.

When you send out a message to your contacts, respect people's privacy. Send your update with their names in the blind carbon copy (BCC) line.
Don’t move on too quickly
You may be ready to move on, but don’t delete that old email address too soon. It’s a common mistake. Instead, try to hold onto your old email as long as possible. You don’t have to continue using it, but if you still have access, you can:
·        set up forwarding so any emails to your old address will go to your new one;
·        see what emails are still coming to identify accounts you might have forgotten to change.
Inventory all accounts using that address
Use a password manager? We recommend its convenience. Plus, you can search there for accounts using the old address. The password manager can be a landing page for you to jump to all those accounts and make the necessary changes.

Inspect your trash and old emails
To help you think of other sites connected to the old email address, review your trash, and sent emails.
Think also of accounts that may use that email address for recovery. For instance, you may have set the old account as a backup for PayPal, online banking, or streaming services. If you don’t change the recovery address, you might have difficulty regaining access to that account.
You might wonder why you should bother doing this. If you don’t, someone could claim your old account and gain access to your connected accounts. If you press a recover password link on a banking site, for instance, that email will go to that person instead of to you!
The many little things to take care of when you change your email can make this a big deal. Our IT experts are here to help.
We can set you up for simple, secure email communications in the future.

Contact us today at 940-282-0290.
What Internet Explorer's Retirement Means for You
There was no big retirement party; no one got a watch or engraved memorabilia. Yet Microsoft retired Internet Explorer on June 15, 2022. It was a long time coming, but you still may not be prepared for what that decision means for you.
Internet Explorer could be your go-to. It’s been around since 1995 and was the gateway to online browsing for millions of people globally. But, as Microsoft announced, “the web has evolved and so have browsers. Incremental improvements to Internet Explorer couldn’t match the general improvements to the Web at large.”
Microsoft wants people to switch to its Edge browser instead. Expect to see a redirect screen asking you to make the switch. The company will automatically transfer favorites, passwords, history, cookies, and other data from Explorer to Edge.
For Internet Explorer loyalists, Microsoft Edge even comes with an IE mode that allows you to enjoy Internet Explorer-specific features and a modern browser experience on Windows. It also acknowledges that some websites built with older internet technology work only with Internet Explorer.
Alternatively, you might switch to other software. Google Chrome has grown substantially since its introduction in 2008. Today, it has 77% of the market share. Safari, Mozilla Firefox (our preferred browser), and Microsoft Edge take up the next three spots.
Why you can’t keep using Internet Explorer
When software is retired or reaches the end of its life, the manufacturer no longer supports it. That means if you continue to rely on Internet Explorer, you could put yourself at risk.
As Internet Explorer is “out of support,” Microsoft is no longer securing the browser. If there are vulnerabilities, there will be no patches released. If there are bugs, there will be no updates.
At the same time, hackers know people don’t like change. They see an opportunity whenever software is retired. If you stick to Internet Explorer, you won’t have any help keeping passwords and other data secure.
You could also experience conflicts with your computer hardware or software. Internet Explorer is outdated, and Microsoft knows it. Trying to keep it could mean a reduced user experience. It’s a little like sticking with a soup-can telephone when you could be on a smartphone.

What’s the next step?
Eventually, Internet Explorer will be permanently disabled. That’s for a future Windows update. When that happens, you’ll no longer even see the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop or other devices.
Still, you don’t want to wait that long to move to another browser solution. Hackers are already searching for ways to exploit the application, and security risks will grow.
Microsoft has committed to supporting the IE mode in Edge until at least 2029, so moving to Edge could be the easiest solution. You don’t even need to wait for the redirect message: you can click on the Microsoft Edge icon on your Windows device and begin there.
If you want to transition your browser or decide on the best software to suit your needs, try our IT experts. We are here to help.

Call us today at 940-282-0290.
Brian W. Norby
(Owner of both BWN Computer
AND That Computer Man)
