Kansas E-Tips
PPI News and Events
If you have environmental compliance questions, call 1-800-578-8898 or email us
2021 P2 Intern Symposium
PPI will host the 2021 P2 Intern Symposium on Sept. 10, 2021, from 9:30 A.M. to 3 P.M. The virtual symposium will be held via Zoom and will feature presentations by students who completed 11-week internships with host companies and PPI. Seven 2021 interns will share the results of their projects. PPI interns help Kansas companies find innovative methods to reduce pollution, save money, and improve the health of their communities and workforce. The complete symposium agenda is available and registration is now open. If you have any questions or would like more information, email Lynelle Ladd

Are you or your employees in need of hazardous waste training this year? Failure to properly train employees who have responsibility for dealing with hazardous waste at your facility can be costly -- in fines, potential employee exposures, inappropriate disposals that put trash haulers at risk and even spills.

The Pollution Prevention Institute hosts a KDHE-approved online training that offers an immersive reader option and provides a "Certificate of Completion." Cost of the training is $50 per participant. Questions? Email Nancy Larson for more information.

EPA Safer Chemical Ingredients List

Finding less hazardous or toxic replacement chemicals to use in your workplace is not always an easy task, but EPA’s Safer Choice program provides certification for products meeting the program’s human health and safety standards. On Aug. 10, 2021, EPA added 36 more chemicals to the Safer Chemical Ingredients List. The chemicals on this list have been evaluated and determined to meet the EPA’s Safer Choice requirements. EPA also provides a database that consumers can use to find safer chemical choices. If you need technical assistance identifying safer chemicals for use in your operations, we can help. Email PPI or call 800-578-8898. 
71st Annual Health and Safety Conference

The Kansas Department of Labor’s Division of Industrial Safety and Health is hosting its annual conference Oct. 5-8 at the Double Tree Hilton in Wichita, KS. This conference features the latest in OSHA regulations, changes in laws and upcoming rules. The agenda is available to view and registration is open.  

Do you plan to hire an engineering or science intern next year?  

More than 100 Kansas companies have hired and utilized K-State’s Pollution Prevention (P2) Summer Intern program for energy and pollution reduction and cost savings. The program is funded through a U.S. EPA P2 grant with a focus on EPA’s national emphasis areas (NEAs). EPA NEA industries for 2021-22 are metal fabrication, aerospace, food and beverage manufacturing, automobile manufacturing and chemical manufacturing. Companies in these industries are encouraged to apply for a P2 intern. The host company application process will be open soon and go through Dec. 31, 2021. For more information, email PPI or call 800-578-8898.
P2 Week is September 19-24

Looking for pollution prevention activities to celebrate P2 Week? EPA offers a resource webpage dedicated to P2 at work. One key practice is implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS). Plan, Do, Check and Act are the four tenants of an EMS plan and can help your company reduce environmental impact, and increase operational efficiency. For technical assistance with P2 in your workplace, or in developing an EMS, call 800-578-8898 or email PPI.