LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.

Ask not what multisport can do for you...
- Note from Nancy Jones
One of the greatest and likely most addictive features of the multisport lifestyle is watching ourselves grow and change. Morph. Transform. Each successful season further drives home the truth that we are veritable machines of personal betterment.

Multisport does that for us.

In the beginning, triathlon was the catalyst for endless stories all with the same underlying theme- when I started triathlon, so many other important factors aiding a solid happy life seemed to just fall into place. Or even 'triathlon saved me' from many different destructive menaces worth running in the other direction. Later in our more seasoned athletic careers, multisport was the way we could gauge our sanity or how grounded we were during life's trials by being able to get in our training we've grown to treasure so, no matter the circumstance. A baby comes into a family and the parents negotiate training/racing to not lose their minds. An injured athlete remains calm and collected as two other disciplines can likely fill the void. The ebb and flow of normal chaotic life and guaranteed change has only ever partnered beautifully with swim/bike/run. A team with the inevitable result of enlightened humans living at a personal standard height that is downright contagious.

Multisport does that for us.

Which leads me to the obvious question- WHAT CAN WE DO FOR MULTISPORT? Contrary to what most might assume, it is in fact a living breathing entity. It exists in the man power behind races and events all sizes with silent organizations steadily working to provide your 'fix' in all tri ways. Namely, it exists in our very own Las Vegas Tri Club! The very club that for many started that positive life feature snowball effect. And for all of us, helping to continue it.

And like ourselves and our athletic agenda, LV Tri Club is in need of 'new' . More 'variety'. More 'change' to stir the pot in the perfect recipe of ' renewal' . This call out to our community in joining LV Tri Club on the OTHER side of the race adventure can be as grand as possibly being a board member (sort of like a Full distance race). It could be as mighty as being a club ambassador (Half). Or even as effective as race to race volunteering (short course fun that's still a huge deal). Check out descriptions of the superhero positions behind the scenes here and see if anything speaks to your tri heart!

Triathlon and it's second to none community (ours in particular) doesn't just exist on it's own. It's a product of human energy that must always be nurtured and never taken for granted. And to assure it's positive contagion continues strong in our lives and community, please-

...Ask what you can do for multisport.
On the Calendar:
LVTC Race Events: 

September 8, 2019 Triathlon, Aquabike, Duathlon, Relay, Youth Tri

Socials/Training Events/Education

Summer swims

Clear your calendar!-
2020 Season kick-off dinner on 2/1/2020 (details to come)

Click HERE to visit our Calendar
Featured LVTC Sponsors:

Base Performance
 Whether you’re a weekend warrior, fitness newbie, or an age group champion, BASE Performance can help you reach your goals. Engineered to fuel your body with only what you need and nothing you don’t. It’s time train harder, race faster and go longer than you thought possible. Discount Code: LVTC19 or you click this link and it will take you direct once at checkout discount code will be automatically applied.

Compass Realty and Management Providing smooth transitions and great results since 1977. Innovative and affordable service for home buyers, sellers and investors. Free home warranties for buyers and sellers. Dennis Nelson  701-729-6308
Member Spotlight!

This month’s spotlighted member is a relative newcomer to the sport, but a man who is improving at a rapid pace!- Shawn Roof

Prez Corner:

Thoughtful notes from a fearless LVTC leader.


Taking on the challenge of training and competing in a sprint, Olympic, 70.3, or Iron distance event is something many of us enjoy doing. Early morning swims, late evening track workouts, long bike rides in the hot summer days … there is something appealing to the training process to prepare for a triathlon.

Then there’s race day … the day to bring all the pieces together. But there is so much more to having a successful race day then relying on the training. There is the logistics of race day … How are you transporting your bike? Where to park? What time to get to transition to set up? When is packet pick up? Where do I put that race number sticker?

If you enjoy traveling to races, you have increased the logistics of having a successful day ten fold … passports, rental cars, hotel, food … lots of things to manage. All of the logistic issues can get in the way of enjoying the race – so what to do? Make lists!:

·   List out all the equipment you need for the swim, bike, and run segments.
·   List out tools you’ll need to bring.
·   List out all the nutrition supplies you’ll need pre-race, during the bike and run segments (and transitions too).
·   List out all the extra gear you’ll need in case of weather (e.g., cold, rain, etc.).
·   Print out all your travel documents, check and make sure passports are up to date (if traveling internationally).

These lists can seem a bit over-doing it … but it really does help. The end-goal is to try to make your race day less stressful due to logistics.

If you can get to that start line healthy and have the least stress due to logistics, you are giving yourself a great opportunity to enjoy the benefits of training and have a successful race.

~John Mercer

Coach's Corner!
Check out our LVTC member coaches for resources, education, and training opportunities for all abilities!
Featured this month: Nancy Jones.
Check out her bio and contact info HERE
Club Store:

Las Vegas Triathlon Boco Gear Trucker Hats and Silicon swim caps are now available for purchase on our online store.
LVTC Olympic Level Sponsors
XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club