News & Updates - August 15th

  • Assumption Mass Schedule
  • Parishioners Respond to the Lord's Call
  • Religious Education Fall Registration Open
  • Youth Ministry Update
  • Parish Picnic Tickets Available Online
  • 10th Eucharistic Congress
  • St. Vincent de Paul Thank You
  • St. Catharine's Weekly Stewardship
  • Weekly Mass Intentions
  • Annual Catholic Appeal Progress

Mass Times


5:00 pm


8:00 am

10:00 am

12:00 pm

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The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Holy Day of Obligation

Thursday, August 15

St. Catharine's Mass Times

August 15, 7:30PM

Online donors may donate HERE

Parishioners Respond to the Lord’s Call 

"Catechesis is the echo of the Word of God … to transmit the joy of the Gospel in life." (Pope Francis, 2021)


Just three short months ago, it seemed all but certain that we would not be able to offer our Summer Religious Education program. There were only a handful of volunteers to serve over 225-children, and we were in between Religious Education directors at the parish.


But the Holy Spirit was at work stirring the hearts of many people here at St. Catharine’s. When we put out our final plea for volunteers, nearly three dozen catechists and adult aides (as well as almost forty teens) heeded the call and said yes! It was amazing to witness their commitment to receive and then echo the Word of God during classroom lessons, creative activities, prayer, Mass, music, playtime and many moments of personal connection. The joy of the Gospel was alive every day.


It is not an overstatement to say we could not have done it without their dedication, commitment, and love -- indeed, any faith formation program can only exist when parishioners share that faith. On behalf of our DRE Rosemarie Flood and the Summer Session parents, I offer my immense gratitude to the St. Catharine’s Religious Education ministry.



Fr. Pat

Religious Education Fall Registration Open

Are you being called to serve as a catechist for the Fall Religious Education Session? If you have a passion to share your faith with our young people, contact Rosemarie Flood at  to see what’s involved.



Registration is open for our 2024-25 Religious Education session!

The link to register children in Grades 1-8 is below. Please register by the due date of August 26th.


For more information, please contact Rosemarie Flood or Susan Cizin in the Religious Ed Office: 732-758-8568


Click Here to Register

Youth Ministry Update

Save the Date

First YM Meeting

September 15

7- 8:30 PM

Fr. Scheg Center


Parents, we invite you to join us at 8 pm for a brief overview of our exciting upcoming YM year!

Click the link HERE for registration form

All teens, whether new or returning, must have a registration form filled out.

Parish Picnic Tickets Available Online!

Buy Tickets Here!!

SVdP Cars Needed

St. Vincent de Paul has two families who are in need of cars to help in their daily lives. If you or someone you know, has a vehicle to donate please email or call 732-224-1395.


For further information on St. Vincent de Paul visit their webpage HERE.

10th National Eucharistic Congress

by Bob Buus

One of the testimonial speakers who impressed me at the National Eucharistic Congress was Astronaut Mike Hopkins, who made two trips to the International Space Station and spent a total of 333 days orbiting the earth. Like me, he is a convert to the Roman Catholic Church and like me he has a strong belief in the real presence, body and blood, soul and divinity of Jesus in the Eucharist. You can watch his 13-minute talk by clicking below:

Bob's full comments can be read HERE.

St. Catharine's Weekly Stewardship


For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. - 2 Corinthians 8:9 


Our success as vibrant parish depends on the generosity of our parishioners!

Your regular contributions will help cover necessary parish operations and maintenance expenses, as well as provide support for important community outreach services, faith formation, and other vital ministries. Your ongoing support is vital to our success and ability to offer ongoing service.

Please consider joining our electronic giving program HERE for your parish offerings. If you prefer to receive offering envelopes in the mail, please notify the parish office. Make sure to use them regularly, as the office will stop mailing them if they are not being used. Your prayerful financial support is needed and welcomed, and all active parishioners must participate at a level consistent with their means.

Sharing Our Treasure for 7/29/2024 - 8/4/2024

Total Weekly Sacrificial Stewardship


Envelope Collections


Online Donation


Loose Contributions


Total Contributing Households


Avg Donation


Registered Parishioner Families


August 15: Solemnity of the Assumption of the BVM (online donors may still donate HERE)

Weekly Mass Intentions

Week of August 18th, 2024 ▪ Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday August 17


Anthony Rasa

Sunday August 18


People of the Parish


Ray Novak


Renée Campis

Bernard Durnin

Ann Marie Angelo

Rocco Infanti

Monday August 19

Living and Deceased Members of

the Pennington Family

Tuesday August 20

People of the Parish

Wednesday August 21

Evaristo G Cruz

Sandy Fyfe

Thursday August 22

Bernadette Bonner

James Williams

Friday August 23

Noreen Scheurer

Bernard Bowden

Annual Catholic Appeal Progress

2024 Annual Catholic Appeal Progress:

as of August 12, 2024

Goal: $140,000.00

Pledged: $114,806.00 (82% of goal) 

Paid: $111,116.00 (79% to goal)

Total Donors: 297

Average Gift: $387

Please help us reach our goal! Donations can be made online at Make sure to select St. Catharine Church, Holmdel in the Parish Affiliation drop down menu. Thank you for your generosity!

 Online donors may donate HERE

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