"Catechesis is the echo of the Word of God … to transmit the joy of the Gospel in life." (Pope Francis, 2021)
Just three short months ago, it seemed all but certain that we would not be able to offer our Summer Religious Education program. There were only a handful of volunteers to serve over 225-children, and we were in between Religious Education directors at the parish.
But the Holy Spirit was at work stirring the hearts of many people here at St. Catharine’s. When we put out our final plea for volunteers, nearly three dozen catechists and adult aides (as well as almost forty teens) heeded the call and said yes! It was amazing to witness their commitment to receive and then echo the Word of God during classroom lessons, creative activities, prayer, Mass, music, playtime and many moments of personal connection. The joy of the Gospel was alive every day.
It is not an overstatement to say we could not have done it without their dedication, commitment, and love -- indeed, any faith formation program can only exist when parishioners share that faith. On behalf of our DRE Rosemarie Flood and the Summer Session parents, I offer my immense gratitude to the St. Catharine’s Religious Education ministry.
Fr. Pat