Stay Cool During the Heat Wave This Week
Temperatures in the mid 90s are forecast for the first half of this week. Although Public Safety Power Shut-offs (PSPSs) by PG&E are not predicted and cooling centers are not required, please check the Marin County Emergency Portal: for more information.
PG&E Vegetation Management Update
PG&E will be working on trees in the area for the next few weeks, so please be aware of possible traffic delays and tree work overhead.
Please contact PG&E with any questions or concerns at or 1-877-295-4949
Climate Action Update
The County of Marin in collaboration with local jurisdiction staff have been developing a model green building reach code that will include additional requirements beyond the State building code for new construction and remodels to accelerate building electrification and energy efficiency, both of which will help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
To learn more about the reach code development process and provide vital input on the proposed requirements, please join the next Climate Action Committee meeting on August 16 at 7 PM over Zoom. Sean Youra, the Town’s Climate Action Coordinator, will provide details about the proposed reach code and solicit feedback from the public during the meeting.
Fairfax Election Update
The nomination period for the November 8th Fairfax election ends August 17 at 5:00 pm. The offices up for election are: Town Council Member (2 terms expiring), Town Treasurer and Town Clerk. There is also a ballot measure to renew a special tax for paramedic services.
Climate Action Committee Meeting
August 16 - 7pm
Volunteer Board Meeting
August 22 - 6:30pm
Tree Committee Meeting
August 22 - 7pm
Open Space Committee Meeting
August 23 - 7pm
Planning Commission Meeting
August 25 - 7pm
Fairfax Farmers Market
Wednesdays 4-8pm
Bolinas Park
Join family and friends to shop local and celebrate community, every Wednesday 4-8pm May through October.
Mads Tolling Concert
Saturday, August 20th
1 pm
Redwood Grove Stage
Peri Park
Mads Tolling, multi grammy-winning, internationally acclaimed violinist, performs in Fairfax! Mads is a multi-Grammy award winning violinist who has toured the world doing sold out performances, had his compositions performed by professional orchestras, and played in concert with other major artists. His versatility is phenomenal, delving into everything from gypsy jazz, rock n’ roll, tango, to fiddle music.
Come join us for a one hour show. The concert is free; tips encouraged.
Save the Date!
Town Picnic
Sunday, September 18th
noon-5 pm
Contratti Field
Music by Nick Brown, old fashioned games, food trucks Casablanca and Infusion Craft and much much more!
Toddler Music with Dani Levy
Ages 0-6 years
Thursdays August 18 - September 22
Women's Club outside patio
Music with Dani is a fun and interactive music and movement time for young children and their grownups. Dani’s music session will have the children singing, dancing, rhyming, using their imaginations and having fun while creating music together!
Calling all ye fine and would-be actors!
Open auditions for Fairfax Theatre Company's, A Bawdy Satire—Days in the Life of Shakespeare—A Play On Words! Written, adapted and woven together by Sam M. Parry
This will be a fun and farcical play about William Shakespeare's day to day life (a what-might-have-been). Auditions will consist of a cold read. Monologues also accepted but not necessary. Actors from ages 14+ may apply (Note, this play consists of some bawdy language and innuendos) .
Please call: 415-302-0659 to make an appointment or for further information.
Other Town and County News
Did You Know That the Town Has a Sidewalk Repair Program?
The Town’s Sidewalk Repair Program “waives” the encroachment permit fee for the sidewalk repair and will provide up to a maximum of $1000 as a 50% matching grant for the construction work. For example, if the work costs $800, the Town will reimburse applicants $400. The matching grant is subject to the availability of funds. Upon approval of your application, funding will be reserved for your project. Be sure to apply for the program before you start repairs, the Town will NOT reimburse applicants for any expenses incurred for past sidewalk repair work or prior to the approval of their application.
Opportunities for ADU/JADU Permitting and Construction
In January of this year, the Town Council updated the ADU/JADU ordinance and extended the amnesty program another 10 years (expires January 1, 2032). As part of the program all penalties are waived and ALL ADUs/JADUs (legalizing illegal ones or permitting new ones) get 50% permit fees charged. The streamlined permitting process along with the California laws that have been passed in recent years, it's easier than ever to add an ADU or JADU to your property.
You can review the Urgency Ordinance on the Recent Ordinances page and then contact the Building and Planning Department for more information about the permitting process.
Chipper Days
The MWPA Curbside Chipper Program (also known as “Chipper Days”) is happening now.
Want to Get Involved? Join a Board or Commission!
Do you want to make a real difference in 2022? Consider joining a board or commission for the Town of Fairfax. There are openings on several boards and commissions.
Fire Safe Marin Reminds You to Sign Up for Alerts!
Everyone in Marin should be signed up for AlertMarin. By signing up you will receive information specific to your address. This includes events like imminent flooding, wildfires, and evacuations with life safety implications.
Signing up could save your life!
Marin Clean Energy Portable Battery Giveaway
Marin Clean Energy (MCE) has launched their second portable battery giveaway to support backup power for medically vulnerable residents in the event of an outage. The batteries can supply up to 3 days of clean, reliable power and will be provided at no-cost to income-qualifying customers who rely on electric medical devices.
New Options for Supporting Mental Health in Marin
In 2020, Congress approved a new free 24/7 crisis phone number for behavioral health crisis needs nationwide. Beginning July 16, 2022 instead of dialing 911, emergency calls can be placed to 988 for urgent help in a time of mental health, substance use crisis, or even witnessing another person experiencing a behavioral health challenge.
Spread the Word
We want to share the Town News with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe here.
You can also share the link on your social media which will reach your whole network. Together, we can help keep everyone informed about upcoming meetings, events and more!
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