August 2022 Newsletter
In this issue:

-Article: "I am worried about you!"

-Video Book Review: Impossible to lead without understanding Trauma? ; "The Body Keeps Score"

-Updated course schedule:

-Managing Corporate Change©

-Leading Projects© returns. Video from John

-Women Moving Forward® and Advanced WMF® new dates in CA.

Advanced WMF®
Oct 12-13, 2022
Westlake Village CA
3 Spaces Left

Women Moving Forward®,
December 6-8, 2022
Westlake Village, CA.
4 Spaces Left
Managing Corporate Change©

Virtual via Zoom

October 17, 19, 21, 2022
8:30 AM- 1:30 PM Pacific Time

$4,250 USD

Advanced Men's Course©
October 25-27, 2022

Catch up day Oct. 24

$4950 In-Person

Santa Barbara, California

Only 5 slots left!
Bacara 16
Leading Projects through Relationship, Commitment Purpose©

Broadens its audience to all leaders.

As I updated the course description for LP two days ago I realized the course content I designed for Project Managers 10 years ago is now what everyone needs today. The ability at a very high level to influence all the people around you especially when you have no direct reporting relationship! This course has the most advanced psychological principals I have ever taught in them.

September 20-23, 2022 In-Person

Westlake Village CA


Here's a short video from john explaining the changes...
Women's Leadership Retreat©
November 8-10, 2022 FULL
Waiting List Available
2022 Courses Public
Workshop Schedule

Leading Projects through Relationship, Commitment and Purpose©
Sept 20-23, 2022 In-Person
Westlake Village, CA

Managing Corporate Change©
October 17, 19, 21, 2022
Virtual via Zoom

Advanced Women Moving Forward®
October 12-13, 2022
Westlake Village, CA
$3,250. 3 Slots Left

Advanced Men's Course©
October 25-27, 2022 Catch up day Oct. 24
Santa Barbara, California In-Person
$4,950 Only 5 slots left

Women's Leadership Retreat®
November 8-10, 2022
Santa Barbara, CA
$4950. FULL Wait list available

Woman Moving Forward®
December 6-8, 2022
Westlake Village CA. In-Person
$4,250 4 Slots Left
I am worried about you.

We are living with Pervasive Covid fatigue as another variant is making people I care about sick and making me worry about getting it, again. The great resignation causing chronic understaffing and long hours that never end. Companies are managed like cults where every single action feels like life or death. Too many clients working with private equity funding where the promise of having a life without financial worries has morphed into a pressure cooker of profit tyranny squeezing 18% profit, while pulling people off purpose. So many teens and younger kids suffering from anxiety and depression. The war in Ukraine. Political divisiveness in the US and around the world. Roe v. Wade being overturned. Fears of a catastrophic climate future. So many people in horrible shape with a future that keeps looking scarier.

What would historically have shown up as an opportunity to make a difference was just turning into an overwhelming pile of things I had to do. And people to take care of.

I believe I had done a pretty good job of negotiating the Pandemic for a very long time. Being locked down was just “retirement spring training” I quipped. But after two and a half years of Pandemic and the rest of the above, it is exhausting. Don’t get me wrong I think we were doing way better than most. All my skills and training have been used to keep above the fray for the most part. But the strain of it all, has taken its toll.

For one item on the pile, I had promised to watch a TED Talk a client in Florida had recommended. So begrudgingly I watched it to get in off my list. First off it was very funny, and I needed a laugh. The content presented a real possibility to get out of my funk. Watching that TED Talk turned to watching another Talk on the same topic and I was committed to trying the discipline that they proposed. It was free and fast, two of my very favorite things. It didn’t require an app and I didn’t have to sign up for anything.

I selected what I liked out of all the activities recommended. They have more than met their promise now 2 months later. I was excited enough to share it with some other clients and they have had good results too. If you know the items up in the first paragraph very personally, you are the one I am worried about. So, I offer these insights as my client in Florida did to me with a hope it will lighten your load and brighten your attitude as it has mine.

Here are the links to the TED Talks:

As always, we invite your comments.

John's Video Book Review asks the Question "Can you lead today if you don't understand Trauma?"
The Body Keeps Score
See John's Video below...
Remember we require proof of vaccination for all In-Person classes!
Got my shot 2

Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.®
An International Consulting Company
692 Camino Verde 
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360, USA
PHONE (303) 660-5206