Leveraging our Power / Increasing Voter Turnout
View as Webpage August 09, 2022

Most would acknowledge the importance of our hard-won right to vote, that voting is our voice, and that our collective voice, when voiced effectively and in large numbers, represents power;

This power is required to make change happen; to hold our elected representatives accountable, to influence policy, funding, investments and the provision of services; power to vote in the right folk and to boot out those that do not or will not represent the best interests of black people.

Voting is the heart of democracy and the core of a representative form of government.

When we don’t vote in sufficient numbers, we relinquish our power and abdicate our responsibility to work in our own best interests and the best interests of our families and our community.

For the August Breakfast, this Saturday, August 13th, COAL hosts an open discussion on ways to increase our community's turnout at the polls. We will review the June 28th Primary Election turnout (Chicago data included herein), followed by open discussion.
Please join us and voice your ideas, suggestions, recommendations and thoughts on the general and specific steps necessary to significantly increase our community’s voter turnout out at the polls.

COAL wants to hear from its membership and greater community-of-interest; COAL wants to hear from each of you. Let’s start the dialogue towards taking real action.


COAL Board of Directors

"The time to work seriously and collectively,
to improve the state of our Community, is upon us..."

Let's be intentional in all aspects of the Work that must be Done
August 13th Breakfast Logistics:
Topic: Leveraging our Power / Increasing Voter Turnout
9:00am - Join / Informal Meet & Greet
9:30am - Program
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID:  820 2548 1758 Passcode: 122830
Mobile: +13126266799,,82025481758#,,,,*122830# 

RSVP by replying to this notice at publicpolicy@coalchicago.com
COAL Commentary - Commandeering the future of our community

1 Corinthians 13:11King James Version
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Let us, as a community, put away politically childish things....let us not be distracted by the shiny objects that the powers that be will place in front of us, to distract us and to lull us into complacency - a few dollars here, an invitation to the big house there; a token investment here, an assurance that they will do differently in the future there, when their immediate history factually belies this....

Let us think and speak as politically mature men and women, let us understand as politically mature men and women, let us act as politically mature men and women.… which means that we start to re-elect those who have served our community well and that we replace those who haven't...

It means that we not listen to those with only a personal agenda, one that is in conflict with a black agenda...

It means that we thoughtfully and intentionally build the coalitions necessary to achieving our goals...

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

Let us, as a community, put away the childish notion, that there isn't power in the vote... ’cause there is - and the powers that be know it (which is why 100's of millions of dollars are spent to sway our vote or confuse us in order to get us to stay at home).

Let us think as strong men and women, from young adults to old - let us march to the polls, in great numbers, from the start of early voting, through to the end of day on election day, in the General Election of November of 2022, and in the Municipal Elections of 2023, and onward… let us begin the process of redefining the future of Chicago and its surrounding towns and villages, and of commandeering the future of our community...
August 27th Breakfast (Zoom):
Business with the Illinois Tollway Authority, Diversity and Inclusion
Guest Speaker: Terry Miller, Chief of Diversity & Strategic Development at Illinois Tollway
September 10th Breakfast
Guest Speaker: Supreme Court Justice P. Scott Neville Jr.
About COAL

COAL is an umbrella organization founded by 13 of Chicago's historic African American mens clubs. COAL's overarching mission is to identify, examine, illuminate and find resolution to issues impacting the greater community. We strive to use our collective experience, expertise and resources to improve the quality of opportunity, quality of preparedness and the quality of outcomes (expressed as 'quality of life') for our Community.
Founding Member Organizations

100 Black Men Of Chicago ■ Chicago Assembly ■ Chicago Connection ■ Druids Club ■ Frogs Club ■ Lunch Bunch ■ New Committee ■ Original 40 Club Of Chicago ■ Rat Pack ■ Royal Coterie Of Snakes ■ Saints ■ Sigma Pi Phi Beta-Boule ■ UIC Male Forum (now Chicago Good Health Group)
What We Believe

The Coalition of African American Leaders believes that it is important to examine the critical issues confronting the African American community where injustice, inequality and the absence of access and opportunity continue to prevail, thereby negatively impacting us as a people.

COAL is an assemblage that advocates and organizes for appropriate and responsible public policy change, system behavior change and equality of opportunity. We aim to achieve for all of our people the fullness of the life experience without any form of racism or exclusion as a deterrent.

We believe we must prepare ourselves for the opportunity of this full participation, thereby achieving the necessary education and training to participate.
Contact: Clarence Wood, Chairman 312.404.8269 - Craig K. Wimberly, President 773.350.9315
Email: publicpolicy@coalchicago.com