By the NSU Law Academic Success and Professionalism Program (ASP)
May 2022 | Issue No. 1
A Marathon a Day: Studying for the Bar Exam
By: Dean Susan Landrum
I once read a newspaper article about a man who was running a marathon a day for 100 days to raise money for charity. Can you imagine doing that? Some people liken bar prep to running a marathon, but I think it’s more – it really is like running a marathon a day. That task may seem overwhelming at first, but remember: you’ve been in training since day one at NSU Law. There’s nothing you are being asked to do in the upcoming months that you haven’t done before. You’ve done a marathon for every exam you’ve taken. The difference right now is the intensity, not your ability to do this.

What do you have to do to “run a marathon a day”? First, it’s important to understand that, like the charity runner, you aren’t trying to win a race. Instead, it’s about finishing the task of the day. The marathon runner knew he had to complete 26.2 miles each day to accomplish his goal; similarly, your commercial bar course gives you a list of tasks to accomplish each day. It’s important that you take that schedule seriously if you’re going to be successful on the bar exam. It’s not who’s fastest in this race that matters, it’s all about who finishes in the end.

What would happen if the marathon runner decided that he didn’t feel like running one day? Still, the miles would need to be done if the charity was to receive its donation. How difficult it would be to make it up the next day, running 52.4 miles instead of the usual 26.2. Even worse to get behind more than one day – if 52.4 miles seems overwhelming, imagine having to run that distance multiple days. Similarly, in bar prep, the opportunity to catch up if you fall too far behind in your studies can quickly become overwhelming, even insurmountable.

What made the marathon runner successful is that he had a routine, a method for approaching each day to make sure that he could accomplish that day’s goal. There was stretching and warm-up before the day’s marathon began. He had the right clothing and shoes to support his efforts, and he’d carefully studied the route he needed to follow. At the end of his run, he cooled down to ensure that his muscles could recover from the day’s run. He ate to provide his body with the fuel it needed to accomplish his goals, and he made sure he got enough sleep at night. Like the runner, you should take a similar approach to your bar studies this summer. Create a regular schedule, starting at the same time each day. Work at a pace that helps you to complete each day’s tasks, making sure you take regular breaks and avoid distractions. And don’t forget that proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep fuel the brain as well as the body. In the big picture, you really aren’t that different from the serial marathon runner at all.

Concerned about setting up your bar studies routine? Schedule a consultation with your bar
coach as soon as possible. Taking the right approach in the early days of bar prep will help you stay on track to run your own “marathon a day.”
Study in the Law School This Summer!

Successful bar studiers create a regular routine for their bar studies, treating their bar studies as a job that they do every day. One of the most common ways to develop that routine is to come study in the law school. We welcome you to study in the law school every day, and we look forward to seeing you! Here is more information to help you plan if you want to study in the building:
  • The law school building is open every day from 6 am to midnight.
  • May 2022 graduates can reserve study rooms in the library through the online system, just as you were able to in the Winter semester.
  • The first floor of the library is for bar studiers only - no law students or other university students will be permitted in that space. The first floor space is convenient, as it is right next to the ASP suite. Stop by any time to get a snack when you are studying!
  • There are also "quiet" rooms on the first floor for bar studiers who want a quiet space to study, with no talking permitted.
  • BarBri will be offering streamed lectures again in the building for the first time since the start of the pandemic. If you are taking the BarBri course, you are welcome to attend. Classes start on Monday, May 16, at 9 am in Lecture 5. (Of course, you can also access BarBri video lectures on your personal computer as well.)
  • We will be holding bar simulations, workshops, and regular study breaks this summer. So stay tuned for further announcements in the newsletter each week!
Resources for this Week (May 9- 15)
Raising the Bar Kick-off Dinner
Monday, May 16 at 5:30 PM
We will host a kickoff dinner on Monday, May 16, at 5:30 pm in the law school. Come join us to hang out with your bar coach and fellow bar studiers as we officially kick off the July 2022 bar study season! Please RSVP by Wednesday, May 11 by clicking the button below so that we make sure we have the right amount of food for everyone.
Introducing the Bar Taker's Resources
Welcome to NSU Law Raising the Bar!
Did you know that we create and post bar study resources in Canvas for you? These resources are meant to supplement your commercial bar prep course, not replace it. Successful bar takers take full advantage of the resources that are available to them. Click the button below to access Canvas, and email Anthony Martinez ( if you have any problems with access.
Maximizing the Value of Your Bar Prep Course
Featured Video
Dean Landrum has created this short video providing tips for how to best utilize your commercial bar course: Maximizing the Value of Your Bar Prep Course. (Find this video helpful? You can find more videos in Canvas!)
Raising the Bar Facebook Group
Private Group
Looking for a fun way to stay connected and encourage each other daily? Please join our private Raising the Bar group on Facebook too! Post memes, send us your selfies while on this journey, keep connected to your fellow NSU Law bar studiers. Your coaches look forward to seeing you on Facebook, and you never know what you'll see from us too!