
The Driver and Employee of Distinction Award

Nomination Period is Open!

For many decades, PBA has sponsored a Driver and Employee of Distinction Award's Program. This annual program enables members to recognize outstanding employees for contributions to the company they are employed by, their passengers, the motorcoach industry in general, and the community in which they serve.

We invite you to nominate your drivers and employees and join us for the awards presentation the evening of March 25, 2024 at the Marketplace Networking Reception in State College, PA (Venue TBD).

Operator and Tour Operator members can nominate a driver and/or an employee for a Driver or Employee of Distinction Award.

Travel Supplier and Associate

members can nominate an employee for an Employee of Distinction Award.

The nomination cost is $300, to cover the cost of their gift and plaque.

A company representative (or the nominator) and the nominee must be in attendance. Also, you can register two guests per nominee, at no additional charge.

Please note, we accept one Employee and one Driver nomination, per member company.

Don't delay! The deadline to submit your nomination is January 31, 2024. Nominate your best today by clicking the button below to register and begin the nomination application.

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Patricia Cowley 
Executive Director 
Telephone: 717-236-9042 
Email:  director@pabus.org 
Website: www.pabus.org
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