Attendance Awareness Campaign Update
A project led by Attendance Works
May 15, 2019
Attendance Awareness Tools

The updated Count Us In! toolkit includes options for promoting good attendance and tips for engaging community members. If you're just starting, choose which options work best for your school and community. If you've developed your own attendance awareness campaign, dig deeper into the resources we provide to build your initiative. View our How to Use This Toolkit section and get started!

The end of the school year is a good time to infuse attention to attendance into activities aimed at preparing young children to enter kindergarten in the fall. The Attendance Works Early Matters toolkit offers ideas, resources and inspiring examples to help schools preschools, and community agencies partner with families at the site level to make attendance a priority during transition. Find the toolkit.  

Attendance Works! 

Your gift will help fund more great resources to raise the awareness of the importance of attendance for educational equity and student achievement.
We Belong in School!

Creating a school environment that fosters a sense of belonging -- so children feel safe, supported, connected and engaged -- helps students to learn. How can teachers create a sense of belonging in the classroom? Edutopia's video, Building a Belonging Classroom, is part of its "How Learning Happens" video series which shares teaching practices grounded in the science of learning and human development. In Building a Belonging Classroom, teachers create connections between students and teachers.  View the video.
AAC Webinar

There is still time to register for our second Attendance Awareness webinar Nurture Dreams: Ensure Students Feel Safe, Supported, Connected and Engaged, on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Speakers will discuss strategies for the middle and high school grades where chronic absenteeism often spikes. Register here.

Save the dates! Here is the complete list of webinars for Attendance Awareness 2019.  Find out more in our blog post.
  • March 21: Lay a Foundation: Engage Families to Address Chronic Absence in the Early Years. Listen to the recording.
  • May 16: Nurture Dreams: Ensure Students Feel Safe, Supported, Connected and Engaged
  • August 8: Open Doors: Create a Healthy School Climate
  • September 10: A Place Where We Belong: Improving Conditions for Learning
Policy News

A new report from the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and EducationCounsel shows how the chronic absence metric in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) can be addressed through social and emotional learning, positive conditions for learning, and whole child supports. It highlights how several states are using chronic absenteeism in their ESSA plans. Kansas, for example, is using rates of chronic absenteeism to inform efforts in schools already identified for support. Find CCSSO's brief,  Social and Emotional Learning and Development, Conditions for Learning, and Whole Child Supports in ESSA State Plans.
Summer Learning Event

Celebrate National Summer Learning week, July 8-13. Building good attendance habits in summer programs can reinforce the importance of attendance and help students and parents start the school year right. Check out the tips for families and strategies for summer learning providers from the National Summer Learning Association.  Learn more
Attendance Awareness Partners

Over 80 non-profits or state organizations are supporting Attendance Awareness Campaign 2019! We welcome your suggestions for new partners. Check out our partner pages, including our new page for state partners, and contact Catherine Cooney,, if your organization would like to join and help spread the word about attendance.
Attendance in the News
Spread the Word!

We're building good attendance habits in our schools. How about you? Learn more and get started! #SchoolEveryDay

There is still time to register! Join @attendanceworks May 16 for Attendance Awareness Campaign webinar, Nurture Dreams. Everyone who registers will receive a link to the recording & presentation slides. Register: #SchoolEveryDay
Campaign Convening Partners
See the full list of Attendance Awareness Campaign partners here.
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