May 2024

At A Glance

At a Glance is a Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) publication that provides information on major initiatives, policy changes and program updates. Feel free to share At a Glance with your colleagues. Find previous editions of At a Glance on our website. Thank you for your interest!

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A Message from the Executive Director

2024 Legislative Recap

Thank you for your partnership throughout the 2024 legislative session. This session, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) tracked 63 bills, successfully navigated 15 agenda and priority bills through the process, and completed 78 fiscal analyses of 71 unique bills. Thank you for your partnership in helping pass bills of interest, with 85% of final votes in support. We are now working to implement all the bills and budget requests that impact HCPF safety net programs or leverage our expertise to the betterment of Coloradans. This includes 45 bills, eight legislative requests for information and nine new or changed legislative reports. Please visit our Legislator Resource Center for our latest fact sheets on the 2024 legislative session.

Thank you to the General Assembly, advocates, providers and other stakeholders for partnering to advance bills that support the Coloradans we cover and serve, provide added supports for Coloradans in need of substance use disorder (SUD) and behavioral health care, protect the health and safety of members, and expand eligibility and services for some of our most vulnerable members. We are also very thankful for new policies and funding that continue to support our health care providers who provide valued access to care for our members. Below are key highlights of the legislative session.

HCPF was involved in two bills that address substance use disorders (SUD). HB24-1045 creates and expands programs and services for SUD treatments while SB-047 creates several measures regarding the prevention of SUD. HCPF also focused on creating and expanding programs for youth who are in, or at risk of being placed in, out-of-home care through HB24-1038

Both HB24-1400 and HB24-1229 address Colorado Medicaid’s eligibility procedures. HB24-1400 allows HCPF to no longer require additional verification during a member's Medicaid redetermination if certain criteria are met. HB24-1229 gives HCPF the authority to pursue an 1115 waiver to expand presumptive eligibility to include individuals with disabilities and facilitate prompt delivery of services in a community setting. Both of these bills support the Polis-Primavera Administration goal of Keeping Coloradans Covered.  

As part of the Joint Budget Committee and Long Bill, bills were passed to extend the Rural Stimulus Grants funding through the end of 2024 (HB24-1465), as well as sunset the Colorado Indigent Care Program (CICP) as a distinct program due to funding for CICP clinics being repealed in 2021 (HB24-1399).

Other bills passed protect the health and safety of members and state dollars in cases of organized crime or organized fraud schemes (HB24-1146); make a variety of technical changes to multiple state agencies’ required legislative reports to ensure relevancy, timeliness, accountability and transparency (SB24-135); allow a one-time payment of $5 million to safety net hospital Denver Health (HB24-1401); and retroactively discontinue transfers to the autism treatment fund while transferring any remaining balance to the tobacco litigation settlement cash fund (HB24-1208).

HCPF’s fiscal year 2024-25 budget is $15.9 billion Total Fund and $5.0 billion General Fund, reflecting about one-third of the state’s budget. 96% of that budget goes to pay our valued health care providers caring for Medicaid and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members. This includes a 2% increase in provider reimbursement rates across the board, on top of last fiscal year’s 3% increase and prior year increases of 2% and 2.5%, targeted provider rate increases, and direct care workers wage increase across the state to $17 per hour and to $18.29 per hour in Denver, effective July 1, 2024.

In addition to our collaborative work this legislative session, thank you for your continued partnership in helping Keep Coloradans Covered throughout the 14-month public health emergency (PHE) unwind. April was the final month of Colorado’s PHE unwind process, reflecting the state’s and the nation’s return to business-as-usual eligibility processing. Still, our work is not done! Members can still leverage the 90-day reconsideration period to submit their renewal information late, or after that, submit new applications for coverage at any time. More information is on our updated website, reporting webpage and in our newsletters. Providers and partners, please continue to leverage the following tools to support Medicaid and CHP+ members through the renewal process as a best practice to achieve shared goals: Update Your Address, Understanding the Renewal Process and Take Action on Your Renewal (available in the top 11 languages spoken by our members). Flyers have been developed for employers to distribute to employees to remind them to look for their Health First Colorado renewal packet and where appropriate, how to transition to employer-sponsored coverage, and the importance of doing so in a timely manner. 

Thank you for your collaboration throughout this legislative session to advance important policies for the betterment of all Coloradans. We appreciate the hard work, passion and expertise of our elected officials, advocates, providers, partners and stakeholders.


Provider Disenrollment for Providers Who Have Not Revalidated:

Providers are reminded of the requirement to revalidate in the program at least every five (5) years to remain an active provider. Providers are contacted via email with instructions six (6) months before the revalidation deadline. Providers who have failed to revalidate with a revalidation date in 2023 will be disenrolled beginning May of 2024. Visit the Provider Revalidation webpage for more information.  

New Training and Technical Assistance Program for Behavioral Health Providers:

Colorado is transforming its behavioral health system. The goal is to expand access to care and enhance the quality of care delivered to all people in Colorado. As part of this reform, HCPF has launched a Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) program to address the diverse needs and goals of behavioral health providers. The TTA program is designed for all behavioral health providers. The focus is on expanding benefits and services, improving access to care, and elevating quality.

The TTA program includes live virtual and pre-recorded trainings. Register now for upcoming trainings and office hours:

Visit the HCPF Safety Net Providers landing page and join the Behavioral Health Provider TTA newsletter for training announcements, links to pre-recorded training materials, and more!

HCPF is committed to supporting behavioral health providers through this transformation so they are prepared, informed, and have access to the resources they need.

Announcement: Health Related Social Needs Amendment to the 1115 SUD Waiver:

HCPF is pursuing a Health-Related Social Needs (HRSN) 1115 demonstration waiver amendment earlier than anticipated, authorized by the passage of House Bill 24-1322 “Medicaid Coverage Housing & Nutrition Services." The HRSN 1115 waiver amendment will expand health related social needs (HRSN) housing and nutrition services and supports for certain eligible Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) members. This is in addition to the 1115 waiver amendment submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) on April 1, 2024, expanding access for coverage and inpatient mental health services. 

The timeline is significantly expedited in order to capitalize on unprecedented support by CMS to expand certain housing and nutrition related services and expand access to whole person health services for those most in need as soon as possible. This timeline is only possible because community partners have been testing, implementing pilots, researching, and documenting the need for these benefits. THANK you to everyone who has made this possible! 

HCPF hosted three stakeholder meetings for attendees to learn more about the proposed HRSN 1115 waiver amendment, ask questions and offer feedback on the proposed service set and population, and learn about timelines and ways to be involved. 

For more information or to subscribe to the newsletter, contact

Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Provider Training:

Providers are strongly encouraged to register for training opportunities regarding the RAC program, including:

  • What to expect if audited by the Colorado RAC
  • Audit timelines
  • Usage of the Health Management Systems, Inc. (HMS) Colorado RAC provider portal for audit tracking, record uploads & transparent reporting
  • Information on provider rights & responsibilities

HMS and HCPF have created quarterly meetings for different audit types including:

  • Complex Audits, Medical Records Reviews
  • Hospice Specific Complex Audits, Medical Records Reviews
  • Automated Audits, Data & Claims Reviews

Colorado RAC 101: Hospice, Medical Records Reviews Training

June 18, 2024, 2 to 3 p.m. MST Registration Link

Recorded training and presentations for the HMS Colorado RAC 101 and for the HMS Colorado RAC Provider Portal are on the HMS Colorado RAC website at under the tab on the left titled “Resources & Informational Documentation.”

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Female provider, kneeling next to parents holding small child.


In March 2024,

1,165,294 Coloradans were enrolled in Health First Colorado and 79,544 were enrolled in Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+).