May 3, 2023

At A Glance

At a Glance is a Department of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) publication that provides information on major initiatives, policy changes and program updates. Feel free to share At a Glance with your colleagues. Find previous editions of At a Glance on our website. Thank you for your interest!

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A Message from the Executive Director

Redesigning care delivery for better outcomes

The Accountable Care Collaborative (ACC) is the Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) care delivery model, designed to cost-effectively provide access to quality health care services while improving member health. The model in place today, referred to as ACC Phase II, has been in effect since July 1, 2018, and was developed based on substantial stakeholder engagement. HCPF is now in the process of soliciting feedback from stakeholders to help frame the next generation of the ACC, Phase III, which will build on what works well today while making improvements to both modernize and address opportunities. The goals of Phase III, which will go into effect July 1, 2025, are to:

  • Improve quality care for members
  • Close health disparities and promote health equity
  • Improve care access
  • Improve the member and provider service experience
  • Manage costs to protect member coverage and benefits, and provider reimbursements

We invite you to actively engage in the ACC Phase III stakeholder process by signing up for the newsletter, joining upcoming meetings and viewing our fact sheet as well as additional information on our website. HCPF will also leverage the opportunity to better collaborate with the Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) and stakeholders to more thoughtfully align where appropriate the ACC Phase III and the emerging BHA’s Behavioral Health Administrative Service Organizations (BHASO) model, now that the BHASO’s implementation date is being moved from July 1, 2024, to July 1, 2025. This updated timeline, reflected in the revised House Bill 23-1236 Implementation Updates To Behavioral Health Administration as amended on April 26, amendment number L.028, which exactly aligns with Health First Colorado’s ACC Phase III timing.

To further advance our quest for better member health outcomes while reducing health disparities, last month, HCPF released our latest Maternal Health Equity Report. The report looks at maternal health during the pandemic, provides a window into the lived experience of members, and lays out HCPF’s roadmap to improve maternal health care and equity. In tandem with the release of this report, HCPF held an Advancing Maternal Health Equity for All Coloradans event, which included about 200 attendees. We invite you to review the report and watch the webinar recording by visiting our website

Thank you for your continued partnership in helping Keep Coloradans Covered as the COVID-19 public health emergency and the continuous coverage provision end. This month is the first renewal anniversary month in three years that may result in membership disenrollment from the Medicaid and CHP+ safety net coverage programs, as federally required. Partners and providers, please help us Keep Coloradans Covered by educating staff and patients about the renewal process. Resources are available to help you achieve this shared goal, at the PHE Planning Resource Center and Also, has plain language resources in English and Spanish with links to help members with what they need to know about their renewals. Members need to take action when they receive their renewal notice electronically or through the mail in an envelope with red lettering reading - “URGENT - PLEASE REPLY”.  They can complete their renewal, including signing and returning their paperwork by the deadline listed on their renewal, in three ways: online at, in the Health First Colorado app, or by mail. 

Thank you for your partnership through this legislative session. We will include a summary of the key bills impacting HCPF and affordability in our June message as well as our final fiscal year 2023-24 budget. In the interim, we thank the General Assembly and our stakeholders for your valued input and collaboration on so many impactful legislative items, which are on our Legislator Resource Center.

Thank you for your collaborative efforts to improve our delivery system, better align our Phase III work with the BHA’s emerging BHASO work, reduce maternal health disparities, Keep Coloradans Covered, and drive meaningful legislation impacting Health First Colorado, CHP+ and health care outcomes and affordability for all Coloradans.

Breaking News

Health Equity Plan Public Meetings:

HCPF is committed to ongoing and sustained health equity for all our members. 

The purpose of the health equity public meeting is to provide space for providers, members, and community stakeholders to learn about the Department Health Equity Plan, and to provide input and feedback. Our goal is to establish the current state of health equity, and strategically look at innovative ways to improve health outcomes and decrease health disparities for our members in Colorado.

To achieve better health outcomes, stakeholder engagement is critical. Register for one of the following upcoming public meetings:

Feedback from sessions will inform the Dept. health equity strategy & implementation.

Health equity happens when everyone has equal opportunity to be as healthy as they can be. No one's race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography or preferred language should negatively affect their health care. Health equity work includes removing obstacles to health care access and positive health outcomes.  

Communication Toolkits and Resources:

HCPF has been working with stakeholders and partners to develop communication toolkits to prepare members for the return to normal renewal processes. 

The Take Action on Your Renewal toolkit is new! The materials in this toolkit are designed to encourage members to look for their renewal packet in the mail and PEAK mailbox and take action when they get it. This toolkit includes general member awareness outreach partners can share in their websites, newsletters, social media as well as direct-to-member email and text messaging communications. It also includes downloadable, customizable flyers. These resources are currently available in English and Spanish. 

The Preparing for Renewals toolkit includes renewal process information that explains key terms and provides sample notices so partners can see exactly what the member will see when they go through the renewal process. In addition, both partners and members can view short videos in English and Spanish on key actions: updating an address, completing the renewal process, and transitioning to other coverage if a member no longer qualifies.

Update Your Address Campaign:

We know that many members have moved over the past few years. It is crucial that we have correct addresses so that members get the information they need to keep or change their coverage. Please continue to help us spread the word to Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members to update their contact information. Update Your Address tools are available in the top 11 languages for HFC members.

Health First Colorado Renewals Page:

In preparation for renewals to start back up, HCPF has added an informational webpage for members on the Health First Colorado website. Members can find general information about the renewal process and answers to frequently asked questions. This page is published in English and Spanish

For the latest information on returning to normal renewal processes and other communication resources, visit the COVID-19 PHE Planning webpage

Helpful Resources

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Female provider, kneeling next to parents holding small child.


In March 2023, there were

1,713,718 Coloradans enrolled in Health First Colorado and

47,637 enrolled in Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+).