Vol #06 June, 2020
Greetings Dear Friends,

It is heartwarming to read good news about new graduates! It is especially encouraging to know how our students have overcome so many challenges!

I've seen many of our "kids" suffer and endure situations that to me is truly astonishing. Walking in the rain after a long day, waiting in the sun for a bus that doesn't show up, doing homework in a crowded cyber cafe, commuting daily to class by bicycle on a highway, going home to a house that has lost electricity, not having money to buy a required book or to take an exam, needing more food...these are a few issues our kids endure. 

While I could list a hundred ways they've demonstrated courage and persistence, others are more private, such as medical and emotional issues. On top of so many challenges, imagine struggling to make a better life without
positive role models. Well, Casa de Kids assists them with it all! 

My favorite quote from Thomas Edison is: "If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astonish ourselves." This month, we have graduates that astonish ME! Two students are graduating from high school, one from university, and one studying to take his legal bar exam. 

Please take a moment to read some of our students' feedback below. 

Thank you so much for making this life-changing work possible. 

In Gratitude,
Drew L. Vogt
CdK President/cofounder

The greatest good is what we do for one another.
-- Mother Teresa
Can you help our new Graduates?
CdK needs help to provide:
  • Food/ groceries
  • Modest graduation gifts
  • A man's suit (required for taking exams)
  • Diploma & exam fees
  • Medical equipment (required for MDs' internship)
The First Woman in Her Family
After a successful final high school year, Xochitl (pronounced "Sohchee") was supposed to celebrate her graduation with her class at a dinner party, COVID changed that. She is the FIRST WOMAN in her family to achieve this level of education! She struggled to complete her education during this COVID quarantine period, working online in a cybercafe. She shared with us that: "The only memory we will have is a picture of me and my classmates to be taken when the pandemic is over, in front of our school." In her leisure time, she learned to embroider with her mom.  Xochitl is currently waiting her admission results to continue into higher education in August. We are sure she did great! 
Feedback from Students
Although our regularly planned classes and cultural trips are on pause because of COVID, we are in regular communication with our students. We want to make sure they are staying healthy and up to date with their online classes. Some of them are struggling but Casa de Kids has their back. Thanks to donors like you, whatever their situation is we are here for them! Here is a summary of what our students shared with us when asked how this pandemic is effecting them:

  • Maatsa, 20. WiFi signal is not good so it's hard to have online classes. I should also be doing my internship right now.
  • Pablo, 17. I feel very uncomfortable having to be home all day, Im very irritable.
  • Zaira, 22. Online classes do not work as well as attending school. You don't learn as much, not all subjects or classes are covered.
  • Cecilia, 20. It's a very challenging economic situation as in a few days we will run out of resources at home and will need to break quarantine rules.
From University to Hospital Intern
Jose Alberto was one of the first students to join our program. We have seen his persistence and dedication to enter one of the toughest professions as a medical doctor. During this pandemic, he says he's adjusting "from being a university student to a hospital student." The festive graduation he has dreamed of for years was cancelled due to the pandemic; instead, he and his family and friends will celebrate it with a big dinner.  "I was dreaming of a big celebration to mark the achievement of my greatest dream." This Fall, for his internship, he will need an N95 mask, oximeter, and other face protection. He shared with us: "All these requirements mean more expenses for us."

Jose will now join doctors on Oaxaca's frontline in the battle against COVID-19. We are immensely proud of him!
A Unique Graduation
 Jesus, 17, is one of our youngest students who will graduate this month from high school.
"This was not the way we dreamed of closing out our high school years," Jesus said. For the past six years, he has gotten straight As and became President of his class for the past two years. Undoubtedly he was able to overcome many of the challenges he faced as an abandoned baby. He's accomplished so much, he was hoping to share the joy with his classmates at graduation. But, he says, "conditions were not optimal in the middle of a global pandemic." He remains optimistic, saying, "At least it was a pretty unique end of the year."
Why Oaxaca? 
Oaxaca City is the capital of the state of Oaxaca (pronounced wah-ha-kah). While our state is famous for native and culinary arts, it ranks as the country's third poorest with one of the highest illiteracy rates. Its mountainous terrain makes commerce and education difficult, attracting many seeking a better life to Oaxaca City.
To empower disadvantaged youth with education and life skills, enabling them to break cycles of poverty.
A world where youth are treated with respect and empowered through education, thriving in equality, integrity and freedom, creating the life of their dreams, while giving back to their community.
Know someone who'd like to learn of our work?
Casa de Kids | www.casadekids.org
EIN #83-0774465