January 2020
2020 CIM Auction at World of Concrete
We Need Your Help!
The National Steering Committee of the Concrete Industry Management (CIM) program appreciates your support of the CIM Auction. With more than $1.5 million in committed items and more coming in daily, the 2020 Auction has the potential to be the best ever!
Our CIM Auction Committee has done a tremendous job securing items for the 2020 CIM Auction! We've been able to secure a concrete mixer truck thanks to Mack and McNeilus. In addition, we have several one-of-a-kind travel and vacation packages available. However, to reach our goals, we need the help of our supporting associations, universities and Patrons Groups to promote the Auction. We are requesting that all your members attend the live and silent auctions, or participate through online bidding.
Purchasing an auction item is a great way for companies and organizations to support a great cause and advance the industry.
Our associations, universities and Patron's Groups have been instrumental in our success in the past and we hope we can count on your support again this year. We've compiled a list of ideas for you to help in promoting the Auction, including: 

  • Ask your students and Patrons to promote the Auction to their industry contacts (via email, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.).

  • Include information about the Auction in your next enews.

  • Add content to your web site about the CIM Auction and a link to the CIM Auction web page.

  • Inform your staff, committees, and Board about the CIM Auction.

  • Tweet about the Auction (or retweet a the CIM account) - and be sure to use the hashtag #2020CIMAuction.

  • Post information about the Auction on your LinkedIn group.

  • Announce the Auction at your World of Concrete events and meetings.

These are just a few of the many ideas that you can use to help us promote the CIM Auction. If you need any material, press releases or other information to send to your members, please contact Brian Gallagher.
Social Media Sharing
Social media, especially, LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, are very powerful to share information. We have developed a few press releases and videos about the Auction and have posted them to the CIM website.

We encourage you to copy and paste these links below and share via your social media accounts.

The concrete industry is very broad and there are many LinkedIn groups. While we are sharing as much information as possible, please feel free to post a link if it has not already been shared in your group.

We also have various logos, images and graphics you can download and share via your favorite social media channels.

Remember to use the hashtag #2020CIMAuction !
Upcoming CIM Auction Promotions
The CIM Auction and Marketing committees have been hard at work soliciting items and promoting the Auction, working with trade organizations, trade publications and others to help spread the word about the Auction. 

Over the course of the next several weeks, we will continue our efforts to promote the Auction. Some of our activities will include:

  • Press releases

  • Print ads

  • Web ads

  • Social media promotion (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook)

  • Hashtag (Please use #2020CIMAuction)

  • Signs at WOC booths

  • Signs, banners and announcements at the WOC

  • Ads in trade magazines

  • Web ads on industry websites

  • Promotional flyers

  • Ritchie Bros. auction catalog

  • Eblasts to our CIM database

  • Promotions by our trade association partners

  • Promotions by our CIM Patron's groups and university programs

We owe a special thanks to our friends at Informa, World of Concrete and Ritchie Bros. for their efforts in promoting the auction. Without their support, the Auction would not be possible.