Children’s Choir
The Children’s Choir will be singing at the 10:30 service this Sunday. Be sure to greet them and thank them for their contributions.
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Special Guest Speaker
Julie Collins has arranged a special guest speaker, whom she met a the Friends of Westchase Luncheon, to speak at the Tuesday Ladies Bible Study. On Tuesday, May 21st , Sharon Collins, a Christian artist, author and speaker will join their group at 1:00pm in the library to present a
45 minute speech accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation
of her beautiful artwork. You may view her website at .
Please come , enjoy, and be blessed!
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IT's NOT to late to Sign-Up!
Support West Houston Assistance ministries at their Annual Spring Dash on May 18th to run and fight hunger and poverty in Houston!
Sign-up HERE.
(More Info:)
Dress in your fanciest cape and/or superhero outfit and run or walk our 5K/1K. Everyone is invited to this in person race, kids, colleagues, and neighbors! Those who register receive a finisher medal, T-shirt, bib and a swag bag filled with goodies and sponsor gifts! After your heroic run and fight against poverty (POW!), all superheroes will enjoy food, drinks, fun activities, and raffles that will be available for them. Super Pets on leashes are also welcome. Your support (registration, sponsorship, or donation) helps raise funds to provide critical assistance to individuals and families who need food and financial help and provide individuals with training and education for better job opportunities.
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May 19th is Pentecost Sunday!! | | |
Graduate Recognition Sunday
Family and Friends, share your good news! On May 19, 2024, Ascension will honor high school, specialty programs, technical school, and college/grad school graduates. This is a very special occasion in your family member's faith journey, so mark your calendars and plan to attend the 10:30am service. We need to hear from you by May 13th with the student's name and a short bio including future plans to be printed in the bulletin. Please email the church office with the names of any family members or friends of Ascension who are Spring 2024/Dec 2023 graduates.
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Wear Red!
We will celebrate the gifts of the spirit on Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is the celebration of the giving of the Holy Spirit to the whole church, the breaking down of walls between us and the sustaining grace calling into union with each other all around the world!!! We ask that you wear red to celebrate this day.
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Our next baptism will be held on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, during the 10:30 service. If you, your child, or someone you know is ready for Baptism or would like to learn more, please contact Fr. Mark at The baptism application can be found on the website or you can have it sent to you; then fill it out and return it by mail, email, or dropping it in the plate. Ascension will be honored to welcome you to a life of grace through Christ our Lord.
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Pentecost Celebration
We will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday with a fabulous POTLUCK lunch!! Break out your secret recipes and bring a delicious treat to share. Bring savory dishes, casseroles, salads, and desserts. What ever your heart desires! Mark your calendars and be sure to join us in celebration of the descent of the Holy Spirit!
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Pentecost is also Whitsunday. In accordance with Canon 14.2 of the Diocese each parish is asked to make an offering for the Episcopal Endowment Fund on that date. If you would like to contribute, please use the labeled white envelopes designated for this fund. Checks written directly to the Diocese will be forwarded; checks written to Ascension with “Endowment Fund” in the memo line will be recorded and one large check sent from Ascension.
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Episcopal Confirmation Classes for Adults
Bishop Doyle will be visiting us on Sunday, August 18th and he will preside over the service of Confirmation for all adults who wish to be confirmed as an Episcopalian. For those interested, we will be scheduling two Saturdays of classes. In order to be confirmed, you must attend these classes. Please let Fr. Mark know you are interested.
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Summer Choir
Summer Choir starts Sunday, May 26th.
No Wednesday evening rehearsals, just show up Sunday morning at 9:30 to learn an easy unison or two part anthem!
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Women's Tuesday Bible Study, 1pm
The Women's Tuesday Bible Study is a group of amazing women, led by amazing women. Join these ladies every Tuesday at 1pm! Toyin Agboola guides this Bible Study in a safe trustworthy setting as they learn about the Bible. Julie Collins keeps things organized on the administration side, sending out emails, reminders, and the weekly Zoom link. You can contact her at and she will happily get you into the swing of things, or just come by!!
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Tuesday Night Bible Study
We are studying the Book of Acts every Tuesday at 6:30pm in the Church Library, and for those who are unable to join us in person, use the zoom link:
Zoom Link for Tuesday Night Bible Study , which can be used for ALL of the Tuesday Night Bible Study Classes. The two books needed for this class “Acts for Everyone Study Guide” by N.T. Wright and “Acts for Everyone, Part One” by N. T. Wright are available on Amazon (links below).
I hope you join us and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. -God's Peace, Fr. Mark+
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Sunday School for All Ages
Sunday School resumes. Both Children's Sunday School with Miss Allison Garcia in the upstairs Sunday School room and Adult Christian Education, downstairs in the church library, are back after the holiday break. The Adult Class will continue to have an online option for those who are unable to be present in person.
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Learn more about our on-going ministry
and how you can help!!
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Please visit the following sites to stay up to date on the activities
and on-goings of the ministries we support as they continue their vital missions to help those in need.
Mission of Yahweh -
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