Asbury Sunday Worship:
9:00 & 11:00 am: Worship in the Sanctuary
10:00 am: Sunday School
11:00 am: Live-Streamed Worship
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Our sympathies are extended to Kim and Roger Peck on the death of Kim’s
brother-in-law, Mike Summers, on June 4.
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Take Our Asbury Summer Series Survey! |
In July, we are planning a sermon series and we need your feedback!
One sermon series possibility is tentatively titled 'Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Church but were Afraid To Ask,' and the other possibility is 'Sizzlin Hot Topics for a Sizzlin Hot Summer.'
What do YOU want to hear about this summer? Please take our short survey by clicking here. Your responses will help us greatly!
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We are so excited to be sharing a booth at KC PrideFest this year with our friends at Keystone, Country Club, and Trinity United Methodist Churches!
From Friday, June 7 through Sunday, June 9 at Theis Park (4800 Oak St., KCMO), we are asking for volunteers to help serve a 2-3 hour shift at the event. This is a great opportunity for our churches to support diversity in our community and let everyone know they are LOVED!
For more information, please visit the online Sign Up Genius link at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0449AFA72FA2F85-kcpridefest#/ or contact Traci Keck, Office Manager at Keystone UMC, at traci@thekeystonechurch.org or 816.363.4084. Thank you!
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This year, we once again unite in our call to end gun violence as we come together for Wear Orange. We honor the communities shattered by gun violence alongside the more than 120 people who are shot and killed, and hundreds more who are wounded and traumatized, every day in our country.
From June 7-9, the 75th St. doors of the church will be illuminated orange in commemoration of National Gun Violence Awareness month. You are invited to "Wear Orange" any of those days in unity with local and national organizations working and seeking to end gun violence.
For more information on the Wear Orange project, please visit https://wearorange.org/.
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Voter to Voter Presentation:
Sun. June 9 at 10 am |
Church and Society is hosting an informational meeting on Sunday, June 9 at 10 am in the Parlor, featuring Maryam Abid of The Voter Network and Evan Altman of the ACLU.
We'll be learning about helping Kansans register to vote, as well as ways we can help our friends and neighbors in registering to vote.
Information will also be presented about the Restore My Vote campaign. This campaign helps former felons who have completed sentencing register to vote.
All are welcome to attend! If you have questions, please contact Pastor Jeff (jeffp@visitasbury.org) for more information.
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Come Sing in the Summer Choir! |
Do you love to sing? Do you love to join the choir in the Hallelujah Chorus each year? Come share your God-given talents with the Worship Team and Chancel Choir this summer to learn an easy piece to sing in worship that morning. No robes, no commitment, just fun and fellowship. Just show up to the sanctuary 30 minutes before the service starts on any of the following dates to learn the music, and stay to sing in the service. All levels of musicianship are welcome, but a good ear or sight-reading ability is helpful. Contact Music Director Lindsey Lang at LindseyL@visitasbury.org for more information.
June 9: 11 am service, call time 10:30 am
June 30: 9 am service, call time 8:30 am
July 7: 11 am service, call time 10:30 am
July 21: 9 am service, call time 8:30 am
Aug. 11: 11 am service, call time 10:30 am
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Banned Book Club Returns in September | |
Banned Book Club will return in September and will feature two books at our next discussion:
Sold by Patricia McCormick
Flamer by Mike Curato
A few copies will be available at the church. You are welcome to read one or both! The September date of the meeting will be announced in August.
Questions? Contact Pastor Jeff at jeffp@visitasbury.org.
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Youth Service Trip Update | |
Our Asbury youth and adult chaperones have been busy this week working at the Epworth Project in Slidell, LA. Some of the things they've done this week are tearing out a bathroom floor, laying down flooring, removing baseboards, and making accessibility ramps. And the week isn't over yet!
Check out some of the photos from their trip, as well as this video recap of highlights from the trip so far.
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Do you have an event you would like to be listed on the calendar?
Please call the church office or email Phyllis Williams at phyllisw@visitasbury.org.
Want to include something in the weekly Alive Newsletter?
Please submit all material by WEDNESDAYS AT NOON for inclusion
in the Thursday newsletter, or it will be posted the following week.
Questions? Contact Sharlynn Verner at sharlynnv@visitasbury.org. Thanks!
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- Electronic Fund Transfer
Online through Easy Tithe
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- Text the word 'Give' to 913-774-6060
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Help Serve Lunch at Cross-Lines on June 13 |
We need six servers to help serve lunch on Thursday, June 13 from 10 am - 1 pm at Cross-Lines (736 Shawnee Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105).
Want more information? Please contact Mark Able at markable41@gmail.com. Thank you for your willingness to help!
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2nd Quarter Ministry Grants Due June 15 |
The Asbury Endowment Committee is excited to announce the inaugural offering of Asbury Ministry Grants. Asbury endowed funds are underwriting grants of up to $1000.
Individuals, committees, and small groups are encouraged to use these grants to sustain, enhance, or create mission and ministries within the Asbury faith community.
Grants will be offered quarterly throughout the year. Application deadline for the second quarter is June 15. Application and instructions can be found by clicking here.
For questions, please contact Dan Clevenger at 913-432-5573 or at DanC@visitasbury.org.
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Food of the Month for June |
The Food Pantry's "Food of the Month" for June is canned pasta. Donations may be placed on the table in the Welcome Center or on the cart by the main entrance door.
The Food Pantry volunteers are very grateful for the donations from Asbury members! Thank you to all for your continued generosity. All are welcome to visit the pantry and storeroom any time with Rosie Sanders, Director of the Asbury Food Pantry (roseann.sanders@gmail.com) to become acquainted with what we're doing there to provide food for our neighbors.
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Midwest Mission Distribution Center Trip: September 22-27, 2024 |
Be a part of this fun, worthwhile, and uplifting experience at the MMDC in Springfield, IL. No matter your skills or abilities, there is an important job that needs you!
Work activities might include refurbishing bikes and sewing machines, building desks from old wooden bleachers, or assembling sleeping mats. In the evening, enjoy fellowship at the Comfort Inn where we will stay. The Mission Scholarship Fund will cover material costs payable to the MMDC. Individuals will be responsible for lodging, transportation and meal costs. All participants are encouraged to use scholarship funds available through the Asbury Mission Team. Questions can be referred to Dan Clevenger at danc@visitasbury.org. Reserve your slot by July 15!
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Family Ministries Day at the K | |
Join us for a night of fun at the K on Tuesday, August 6 to celebrate a great summer and to watch the Royals take on the Red Sox.
It's Dollar Dog night and tickets are $26 each. The game starts at 7:10 pm and we'll carpool from the church. Contact our Director of Family Ministries, Heather Jackson, to reserve your tickets. This event is open to parents/guardians, youth, and kids.
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Kids Hour: Sundays at 10 am |
Kids' Hour is a great way for kids to make friends and build community while learning Bible stories. Kids (PreK - 5th grade) are invited to join the fun of exploring Bible stories through weekly rotations such as art, music, games, cooking, drama, science, and videos.
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Children's Church: 11 am after the Children's Time |
Kids PreK - 3rd grade are welcome to join us for Children's Church after the Children's Moment at the 11 a.m. service in the kids' wing (3rd floor east). We might make a craft, play a game, watch a movie, or learn a new song and dance. No matter the activity, kids will have fun learning and growing together!
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Sunday Nursery Hours: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm | |
9 am: The nursery is open for children who need it, up to 3rd grade.
11 am: The Nursery is open on Sundays for children aged infant through 5-years-old (if they haven’t started Kindergarten yet). Children who have started Kindergarten are encouraged to join Children's Church.
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VBS Registration is Open! |
Join us for some VBS fun June 16 - 20 from 6-7:30 pm! An optional light meal will be served at 5:30 pm.
Our 3-year-old through 4th grade campers will explore timeless Bible stories that show how biblical characters trusted God in the face of their own fears, and went on to do great things in God’s name. Click here to register your 3-year-old-4th grade student!
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GodSquad: July 29 - August 2 |
GodSquad is our annual service week for those in 4th - 6th grade. We will serve at a variety of local nonprofits throughout the week.
Participants will meet at the church at 9 am each day and head to the service sites, and will return to the church by 1 pm daily. Click here to register your child today!
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NO YOUTH ACTIVITIES this week due to the Youth Service Trip. Please pray for the 15 youth and 5 adults traveling and serving in Slidell, LA this week.
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Save the Date! GodSquad: July 29 - August 2 |
GodSquad is our annual service week for those in 4th through 6th grade. We will serve at a variety of local nonprofits throughout the week. Participants will meet at the church at 9 am each day and head to the service sites, and will return to the church by 1 pm daily. Click here to register your youth today!
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