Artists Holiday Catalogue!
Artwork can be the perfect, truly one-of-a-kind, gift for the holidays. Browse the Placer Artists Holiday Gift Catalogue, and see the variety of work from jewelry, to notecards, children's books and more! When you make a purchase, you are supporting our Placer County artists. Proudly brought to you by the Arts Council of Placer County and its supporters and partners. Happy Holidays!
Brand New CARES Grant
For arts and culture organizations serving socially vulnerable populations and communities of color in the Placer County Community, the ACPC is distributing funds from the California Arts Council's CARES grant funds.

We encourage you to apply, application deadline Dec 4:
Amazon Smile for ACPC
Connect your Amazon account, so when you make purchases on Amazon, they will make a donation to ACPC Grants.
Share this link with friends and family, and start supporting today with Amazon Smile!

Giving Tuesday
Tuesday, Dec 1 is "Giving Tuesday" a time to think about supporting organizations who enrich our communities and provide much needed program. We encourage supporters to donate to ACPC or your favorite art organization in Placer county. 
Big Spoon Yogurt- is donating 50% of your purchase on December 1. Just mention ACPC and a donation will be made to support Arts Grants.
2020 Holiday Radio Show!
The holiday’s just wouldn’t be the same if we didn’t go out and hit the town! Well, this year, we at WMTC, bring all that fun and excitement into your home. We invite you to join us this season for the best of the holidays and Broadway's best.
Streamed Shows: December 18 - 30, 2020

Pippin (from the backyard)!
The show is available to stream on now through December 6. The production was filmed over the Summer in the backyard, with masks, distancing, and safety protocols. It's a spectacular, new type of theatrical experience for a new age of theatre.
Hidden Treasures!
Placer County artist, Susan Knopp, has tucked away glass bead treasures in Auburn. These delights are awaiting discovery, and are intended to be found and taken, like a treasure. Each face bead was handmade and is unique (as each of us are). Each face bead was made in her studio using a torch and the method of lampwork, like ancient bead makers thousands of years ago. She goes further in adding natural materials, and arranging interesting installations.

Susan likes the surprise that the artist, Banksy uses in his murals, Art is left for people to discover.
New Local Dick Blick Art Supplies Ambassador
Dick Blick Art Supplies just signed a contract with Placer County artist Frank Ordaz to be a national ambassador! One of the nation’s largest art supply retailers, will have Ordaz featured on their website and will be producing two videos with them highlighting their products, most notably Utrecht Oil Paints Frank says he has been using them for years and really loves the product. Additionally, the producers of "Color in your World" will be at the Frank Ordaz gallery, in Auburn, to film a small 30 minute documentary of his work in partnership with Blick. Learn more about Frank Ordaz:
Multi-state Production Includes Placer County Talent!
Placer County artist, Anita Menon, was the co-creater and choreographer for the Northwest Children’s Theater digital production of “A midsummer night’s dream”. This original adaptation has Shakespeare language combined with Indian Classical Dance hand movements and choreography. 
This was rehearsed in zoom and filmed following Covid guidelines - which meant only one actor/dancer In the room at a time. It was a multi state collaboration with participants from Oregon, Washington, Hawaii, and California. "Needless to say it was a challenge but hey! as artists when have we not overcome challenges to create our craft? " says Anita.
Show runs until Dec 6. Use the link to enjoy a preview video:
Rocklin Fine Arts Show
Lots of great art from many excellent artists is now on display at Lincoln City Hall. Catch it now until 18 December.
Local Film bound for Film Festival
FIREBIRD, a short ballet film for family/children audiences, has been selected to be a part of the Kids First! Film Festival. "We are very excited to be shown at the festival in the new year!" says Anne Merino from Placer Ballet. This project was supported by an ACPC Arts Grant.
ACPC Mission--Arts Council of Placer County promotes and advocates for all arts across Placer County to enrich and help develop the artistic culture of this region of Northern California.
Brought to you by
Arts Council of Placer County
Please support them any way you can
Susan Cooley-Gilliom Fund for Visual Arts
We are Proud to be the Local Arts Agency and Partners for