march 26, 2020 covid-19 edition
Welcome to this special COVID-19 edition of Creative Connection. We hope you're all doing well and are finding ways to tap into your creativity during this time; the world really needs it! If you have questions or concerns, just shoot us an email .
we got you!
The times are uncertain, but creativity will get us through! Arts and culture are so important during times like these, and we are very fortunate to have an amazing arts community here in Greater Lansing. You all inspire us so much, and we want you to know that we are here for you--to support you in any way that we can! Read more.
grants funding
creators & organizations
Please note that some of the above resources are lists that have been curated by numerous organizations and institutions; as a result, there may be some repeats and overlap.
to keep you engaged and growing
what ya'll are doing
So many of our area artists, musicians, poets, actors, dancers, fine crafters, arts organizations and other local businesses are finding ways to share the arts with our region. Here are a few that have come to our attention.
important data collection
take the survey
Americans for the Arts   is collecting impact stories and data to see how COVID-19 affects arts and culture. The survey will capture the effects of the outbreak on operations through cancelled events, lost wages and additional expenses. So much important information could come out of this collection! Please take a few minutes to  fill out the survey. And... s ee data results so far.
help artists mobilize
Mid-America Arts Alliance wants to hear from individual artists about the specifics of how the disruption caused by COVID-19 is affecting you. Please help them by taking 5–10 minutes to complete this survey . If you have any questions, contact
keep creating
Things are being canceled and postponed, and that can be scary and maybe even a little paralyzing for some. We want you to take care of yourself in the ways that you need to, but we also want you to keep creating when you are ready. The future has lots of promise; so please keep making art, seeking out calls and submitting applications. Here is a link to sign up for the free Artwork Archives Complete Guide to 2020 Artist Grants & Opportunities.
still on the horizon
ArtPrize is currently still on in Grand Rapids Sept. 16 - Oct. 4, 2020. Artist registration is April 13 - June 4, 2020. Learn more.
send us your creative opportunities
If you are developing online video classes, webinars, holding art sales etc., please let us know. Email the Arts Council at  to list your opportunity in our next Creative Connection.
photo opp! share your creative connections
Now more than ever, we would love you to send us photos of you. Whether it's earlier pics of you or your organization connecting with others or photos of what you're doing now to keep busy and make the best of these quarantined times! We want to keep our communications fresh, fun and full of our members doing what they do best! Send photos to
visit for complete arts info!