As schools make a shift to distance learning, we have witnessed a range of proactive responses throughout the arts education community. Arts educators, supervisors, and community partners throughout New Jersey are using a variety of strategies to ensure that arts education will remain an important dimension of student learning—despite the immediate and significant disruption. These collective efforts from the arts community remind us that the lessons of arts education are not bound by location.   The need for arts education remains paramount,  as a source of community, joy, and creative expression,  because these needs aren’t just central to learning, they are central to humanity. 

During this week, when we have seen many things change so swiftly, it seems like an especially good time to pause and reflect on what remains consistent. Since 2007 Arts Ed NJ   has maintained the same vision:  Arts education for every child, every day, every school, every year.  Although we are also navigating the realities of distance learning at this time, arts education remains a core component of educating the whole child. Arts education prepares students to explore multiple perspectives and to connect with others in ways that can transcend location. This is why Arts Ed NJ and its partners are eager to highlight the profound impact of  #ArtsEdNowMoreThanEver

Here’s a short list of unexpected things that have inspired us during this week:

Let us know how arts education is thriving in your community!  #ThisIsArtsEdNow

NJ Governor Phil Murphy has proclaimed
Friday, March 27, as SEL Day in New Jersey!

How are you celebrating today? #SELday #ArtsEdNow

The first annual International SEL Day is March 27, 2020! This is an opportunity to spread the word about the importance and impact of social emotional learning. Working together, we can raise awareness for SEL, bring on new SEL stakeholders, create artifacts that demonstrate SEL in action, share SEL best practices… and more!

Join us in celebrating International SEL Day on March 27, 2020. Sign up TODAY to showcase, promote, advocate for and support SEL in your community.

There isn’t a better time to discuss SEL and how it can change our lives!

Please join a panel of experts and leaders of SEL on 3/27 at 11:30AM on inaugural International SEL Day in a virtual discussion! Register here:


Arts Ed NJ Professional Learning: Upcoming Webinar
Social-Emotional Learning and Arts Education: Navigating Uncertain Times

Monday, April 6th, 2020 | 7:30pm-8:30pm ET

There is nothing normal today for our teachers, students and parents. Everyone is grappling with the strategies to provide comfort and stability to our students in the face of uncertainty. Join Arts Ed NJ for a one hour webinar that will explore how arts educators can incorporate SEL into their artistic practices with intention with the strategies for supporting students emotional needs.

  • Maurice J. Elias is the Director of the Rutgers University Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab  

  • Scott N. Edgar is Associate Professor of Music, Music Education Chair, and Director of Bands at Lake Forest College 

  • Bob Morrison is the Director of Arts Ed NJ and CEO of Quadrant Research

#ArtsEdNow & #SEL
Inspiration & Resources
Tips for managing virtual instruction during the...

By Maurice J. Elias, Ph.D. Maurice J. Elias is the director of the Rutgers University Social-Emotional and Character Development Lab, which has worked over the past three decades to promote research, policy, and practice to benefit schools...

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SEL Resources for Parents, Educators & School...

Our team at Inside SEL has put together an initial list of resources, blog posts and guides to help cope during this volatile and difficult time. Our intention is to continue to add to the list as we come across more relevant content.

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For additional inspiration, check out these SEL-focused blogs:

NJ Arts Standards Adoption Process
Public Comment Closes on March 30, 2020 
Guest Blogs: Distance Learning
Dancing From A Distance | Arts Ed NJ

As dance educators, we embody the definition of flexible figuratively and literally. We physically are present to teach or take a class which is part of our norm and daily dance in our lives as a dancer and educator.

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Remote Learning... No Problem! The Arts Carry On! | Arts ...

The education world, the Arts included, has been given a daunting task for the foreseeable future - continue to educate our students remotely. It's times like this that we must step up to the task with optimism and hope.

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  • Monday, March 30: Distance Learning Q&A with Shawna Longo - Arts Integration Specialist, STEAM Consultant, Music Educator

  • Friday, April 3: Distance Learning Q&A with Robert J. Hamm - East Windsor Regional School District K-12 Supervisor for Arts Education
Check Back Frequently As We Continue To Curate The Resources
Many best practices, resources, and examples have been shared during the recent statewide transition to distance learning. This resource spotlight demonstrates a strategy for arts education which emphasizes student-choice, and promotes development of creativity skills through action and reflection.

Students select from a variety of creative actions, each designed to stimulate artistic discoveries and creative thinking.

Every creative action provides an outlet for students to engage in one of the four artistic processes (Creating/Responding/Performing, Presenting, Producing/Connecting). As students from Kindergarten through 12 th  grade explore the creative actions, they deepen their knowledge about the principles of creativity, and gain new knowledge with each artistic investigation. 
Celebrate Arts in Our Schools Month #TogetheratHome
March is Arts in our Schools Month but this year we are celebrating #TogetherAtHome!

Show us the great work in the Arts happening at home!

Let’s see your “Yesterday” or “Today”  and #Showusyourart you've been working on!
Add your #ArtsEdNow  Story!! ❤️👍🏻 

Add Your Voice! 

#TogetherAtHome #StayHome #ArtsEdNowMoreThanEver 🎭🎨🎼 💃🏻
Add YOUR VIRTUAL Arts Ed Events to the Calendar!

Monmouth Arts is very excited to announce the kickoff of our first-ever Teen Arts Virtual STAGE + SHOWCASE! We realize that the arts are more important now than ever before; it is through the arts that we can express our feelings, provide comfort to one another, inspire hope for the future, and bring together our talented community of artists...and we want YOU to help us do all of these things! Teen artists of Monmouth County are invited to submit short videos of performances, photos of visual art, and digital copies of literary work through the form on our website. Each week, the submissions will be compiled and shared on our social media and website for the community to enjoy! We hope to provide our teens with an artistic outlet, much like they would have experienced at the Monmouth Arts Teen Arts Festival, but in a virtual format that keeps everyone safe and healthy! Visit our website for more info + to enter. Did we mention there are prizes?! 😏 

Don't forget to tag us @ArtsEdNJ be sure to use #ArtsEdNow #ThisisArtsEdNow . Using those hashtags will automatically have you featured in our feed at
40th Annual NJ Governor's Awards in Arts Education
Tickets are available starting on April 4

Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
NEW Arts Ed Now Infographic
About Arts Ed NJ
Arts Ed NJ is the unified voice for arts education in New Jersey. Arts Ed NJ (previously the New Jersey Arts Education Partnership) was originally founded in 2007 as a cosponsored program of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, with additional support from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, New Jersey Department of Education and Music for All Foundation. Additional support has been provided by the Jay and Linda Grunin Foundation, ArtPride New Jersey Foundation and an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. The mission of the Arts Ed NJ is to provide a unified voice for a diverse group of constituents who agree on the educational benefits and impact of the arts, specifically the contribution they make to student achievement and a civilized, sustainable society. Additional information is available at
Arts Ed NJ |