The Mission is Open
During the evolving pandemic of the Coronavirus, the Allentown Rescue Mission has stayed open and continues to accept men. Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate, and restore men who are homeless and for many men the Allentown Rescue Mission is their last and only option.

At this time, we have approximately 45 men residing at the Allentown Rescue Mission. That number changes every day as we are accepting men 24/7. We have beds for 123 and have plans to take more if need be. As of now, we have an exhaustive list of policies for the shelter to limit the potential for COVID transmission. We developed our protocol based upon CDC guidelines. The men in different programs are physically separated, and we have restricted the amount of interaction and sharing of common spaces between the staff and our men.   

We need and appreciate your help, now more than ever, as the Allentown Rescue Mission is our men’s home. We are especially thankful to donors who have dropped off food and much needed supplies. Please continue your support. We accept physical donations via curbside drop-off so donors can maintain social isolation in their car. 
Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Your Donations at Work
The CARES Act, signed into law March 27, includes tax incentives for both donors who itemize and those who take the standard deduction. The Act also provides tax incentives for businesses who decide to give back.  

These incentives include: 
  • Gifts up to $300 are 100% deductible, even for those using the standard deduction. 
  • The maximum charitable deduction is raised to 100%. Previously individuals could deduct up to 60% of their adjusted gross income (AGI) for charitable deductions. This is helpful for donors making major cash gifts, reducing their overall federal tax burden. 
  • Charitable giving for a corporation has raised from 10% to 25% of taxable income. 

We need your help more than ever. Will you consider a gift of $300.00 today? To give online, please visit our webpage at or mail your gift to 355 Hamilton St. Allentown, PA 18101.

Please note the Allentown Rescue Mission is not making specific donor gift recommendations. For tax related donation advice, please consult your financial planner or tax professional.

What We Need Most
During the Coronavirus pandemic the Allentown Rescue Mission is doing everything possible to ensure our men remain safe and healthy. New protocols include thoroughly cleaning multiple times a day, and providing bagged meals to our men in order to keep different programs separated. With the continuation of pandemic protocols we are in need of a few things in order to continue providing these procedures. The Allentown Rescue Mission is in need of cleaning supplies and items for bagged meals to continue our services. Please see the lists below. Any donations can be dropped off at the Allentown Rescue Mission, Monday – Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.. We even offer curbside drop-off to protect our donors! Just call the phone number on the sign when you pull up, and we’ll send someone right out. Thank you in advance! 

Cleaning supplies…
Hand sanitizer, Clorox/Disinfectant Wipes, Bleach, All Purpose Disinfectant Spray Cleaner, Pine sol, Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Latex Gloves (Large-XL), and 55 Gallon Trash bags

Food items…
Single-serve snacks, Single-serve beverages, Items to make sandwiches (peanut butter, jelly, mayo packets, tuna packets, lunchmeat, cheese, bread, etc.), Powdered drink mixes, and Single-serve cereals.

With your help we can make sure our men are staying safe and healthy during this difficult time. For a full list of our needs, click here.
Lives Changed
Curtis and Mike are members of the Allentown Rescue Mission’s Clean Team, and they take pride in their work. Although they are in a good place now, that wasn’t always the case.

Curtis was sitting in the Lehigh County prison looking out of the window in desperation. He noticed a bright red sign shining, “God is Love.” Curtis says that this was like a sign from God himself. He knew that’s where he needed to go after he finished serving his time. As a kid, Curtis went to church with his mom and aunt. He knew God was the answer to his despairing state. As he sat in the Transformation Program classes, everything he learned as a kid about God started to connect inside of his heart. Curtis’s life is turned around now that he knows that God loves him, and has forgiven him. Since his graduation, Curtis has been working for the Clean Team handling facilities and maintenance project, but his skills are flexible. Curtis has recently stepped up to help out the kitchen when they needed an extra hand. 

Michael failed to report to his Parole officer which led him to more jail time on top of the time he was already serving for a DUI. Mike had to work through a great deal at a young age: a homicide-DUI accident in 2004, the death of his grandmother, and being hospitalized and diagnosed with diabetes. With all of these things happening so close together, his life was never the same. Michael pushed away his wife over his guilt resulting from the accident. He knew about the Allentown Rescue Mission, and came here right after serving his time. Mike feels safe here, and the camaraderie with the men in the Transformation Program has helped him come out of his shell. He feels motivated to keep moving forward with his life. Mike has been working on the Clean Team since his graduation and has been helping with the facilities and maintenance. 

Curtis and Mike have truly come a long way. By learning lessons, getting a job, and working hard, they have truly changed their lives and are on the path to restoration.

Read more stories like this on our Changed Lives blog.
News and Events
Two dorm rooms have been adopted at the Allentown Rescue Mission as part of our “Adopt A Room” program.
  • Matthew McConnell adopted a dorm room on behalf of his father, Reverand James McConnell.
  • Husband and wife, Jane and John (pictured above), adopted a room after they decided to take their retirement money and give back to the community.

Thank you Matthew, Jane, and John for your sponsorship!

Would you consider adopting a room today? When you adopt a room you are providing the essentials needed in order for one of the men to live in a clean and up-to-date room. Our dorm rooms need to be furnished and maintained, and with your help, we can do just that. 

To adopt a room today, please visit:
Employee Spotlight
Our employee spotlight for the Month of May is Development Associate, Sarah.

Sarah started at the Allentown Rescue Mission 6 years ago in October. Sarah says, “I believe that God has me here for a reason and I’m thankful I have a small part in the work He is doing at the Allentown Rescue Mission.” Sarah has worked in many departments at the Allentown Rescue Mission including; Food Service, Administration, and now the Development Department.

Although Sarah does not work with the men directly, she helps rescue, rehabilitate and restore these men by working with our donors. “My job is more about the donors and how they are the ones that make rescue, rehabilitation and restoration possible in the lives of the men here.”

Sarah has a personal connection to the Allentown Rescue Mission- “My husband is a graduate of the Transformation Program close to 14 years ago. I’m forever grateful that the Allentown Rescue Mission introduced my husband to Jesus Christ. He now works as the Pastoral Care Coordinator and counsels the men through their struggles. I get to see his heart for these men he tries to help.”

Sarah’s advice for you when dealing with homeless men is to be friendly. “Smile and say hello,” says Sarah. “The unexpected could happen to you one day and you would want that same care and compassion.”

Thank you Sarah for all of your hard work in helping rescue our men! To learn more about what we do, visit