Our New Billboards Are Up
As you are traveling around the Lehigh Valley be sure to keep your eyes out for our new billboards. We are proud to see the men of The Mission sharing their stories. Here are the locations to try and spot:

  • Tilghman St, East of Werley Rd
  • Hamilton St, East of St Elmo St
  • Buckeye Rd, West of Tank Farm Rd
  • Lehigh St, West of Vultee St
  • S 3rd (basin St), South of Union St
  • SR 378, South of Black River Rd WS
  • SR 512, North od Steuben Rd

We can't wait to hear what you think of our new billboards.
Help More Lehigh Valley Men!
Your Donations at Work
Thank you so much Sherwin-Williams!!!

On Thursday, June 6, employees of the Sherwin-Williams of the Lehigh Valley chose the Allentown Rescue Mission for their annual community paint project.

What We Need Most

As summer progresses, please consider donating single serve Gatorade drinks and water for the men at the Allentown Rescue Mission. Our men on the Clean Team work hard outside in the elements and they also need replenishing and refreshing juice and water.

“Summer has set in with its usual severity.” As the sun makes its presence known, please help our men in the clean team protect against harmful UV rays. Please donate sunscreen and sunglasses….

Lives Changed
Please join us in congratulating the twelve men who graduated from our Christian Living Program during the second quarter of 2019. Stephen, Raymond, Anthony, James, Dean, Pedro, Kariem, Eashon, Todd, Michael, Curtis, and James may sound like ordinary names, but these are not ordinary men, and they have extraordinary stories.

All twelve have one thing in common: they came to the Allentown Rescue Mission because they were homeless. They are now on their way to becoming productive members of society. One has received his barber license and practices in Allentown. Another works in a manufacturing facility in the Lehigh Valley. Several have become employees at the Mission working in either maintenance or housekeeping, or cooking meals for fellow residents and staff.
These twelve men, like all of our graduates, came to us because they had no place to go. They embraced our Christian Living Program, and transitioned from homelessness to our Clean Team, and finally to employment outside the Mission and independence.

These men are on a journey to a productive life, and the Allentown Rescue Mission is here to help them thanks to our donors. The next time you see a man wearing a blue shirt keeping our city clean think about his story. He came to the Mission because he had no place to go. Now he is working to make both his life, and our city, better.

Congratulations men of second quarter 2019!
Upcoming Events
Our 17th Annual WAEB Spaghetti Dinner will be here before you know it.

Meet the Rescue Mission Team
Gabriela Ochoa is a rising junior from Harvard University. She will be joining us this summer as our intern. She is concentrating in Human Development and Regenerative Biology with a secondary in Global Health and Public Policy. She also plans to attend medical school.

She chose the Allentown Rescue Mission for the unique opportunity to integrate her interest in social work and medicine. Gabriela is honored to be able to help change men's lives in our community. We are thankful to have her for the summer.