February 2, 2023
DS Rev. Suzanne Block
Isaiah 43:18-19: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

Welcome to 2023! There was a time when I thought the year 2000 was so far away. And here is 2023! Amazing! When I look back from my birth year until now, so much has changed. Changes in technology, medical advancements and the way students learn (in person as well as remotely), and how AAA charges a car battery, to name just a few examples.

The way we worship has also changed. I remember heated discussions around drums and guitars in the church sanctuary. Yes, I am that old. And today how flexible churches have become with technology. Being able to share God’s word of hope found in Jesus Christ through live streaming, Zoom, and the pre-recording of services. Sharing of the Good News and making connections locally, regionally and globally.  

Change is hard. Yet, the prophet Isaiah give us God’s word: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

We can become so caught up in the past that we miss what God is doing.
We long to “go back to normal” that we miss what God is doing.
We don’t want to change so we miss what God is doing.

God is doing something new every day. Let us ask ourselves the following questions:
  • Are my eyes, ears and heart open and ready to perceive what new thing God is doing?  
  • In order for me to see what new thing God is doing, how am I faithful and obedient to God’s leading in my life?
  • Am I sensitive to the nudging of the Holy Spirit?  
  • Am I loving God with my heart, mind soul and strength?
  • Am I loving my neighbor?  

In order to be faithful and obedient to God’s leading in our lives, I challenge us through February 28th, 2023 to pray John Wesley’s Covenant Prayer daily. My prayer is that this will lead us to perceiving and seeing and hearing what new thing God is doing!

Wesley’s Covenant Prayer: 
(Traditional Version)
“I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be employed by thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things
to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine. So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.”

A Covenant Prayer in the Wesleyan Tradition
(Contemporary Version)
I am no longer my own, but yours.
Put me to what you will, place me with whom you will.
Put me to doing, put me to suffering.
Let me be put to work for you or set aside for you,
Praised for you or criticized for you.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things, let me have nothing.
I freely and fully surrender all things to your glory and service.
And now, O wonderful and holy God,
Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer,
you are mine, and I am yours.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
Let it also be made in heaven. Amen.

The prophet Isaiah gives us God’s word: Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

With grace, joy and peace,

PS: I am excited to hear from you what new thing God is doing in your life, in ministry, in your neighborhood in this new year of 2023!
PO Box 687
Bath, NY 14810

District Administrative Assistant Patti Gridley
Office phone-607-962-8047

District Superintendent Rev. Suzanne Block suzanneblock@unyumc.org
office phone- 315-898-2089 and leave a message for her.
Prayers Calendar for Pastors & Churches
February 5-Knapp Creek UMC. Rev. Jerry Piper, his wife Kathy and their family.
February 12-KonXions UMC. Rev. Dr. Stephen R. Crowell, his wife Kristan and their family.
February 19-Loana Emmanuel UMC. Pastor Mike Spell, his wife Jaimee and their daughter Allyson.
February 26-Limestone, Little Valley & Napoli UMC's. Carlisle "Shorty" Gross, his wife Renee and their family.
March 5-Northern KonXions UMC- Pastor Craig Buelow, his wife Diane and their family.

click here for full calendar
Save the Date for Regional Meetings with Bishop Hector
Starting Jan. 1, 2023, Bishop Héctor Burgos, who prefers to be addressed as Bishop Héctor, will be the new bishop of the Upper New York (UNY) Conference. Bishop Héctor is eager to meet laity and clergy throughout the Conference and has scheduled dates for regional meetings. The meetings will be as follows:
The clergy meetings will be from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
The laity meeting (and clergy unable to attend the earlier time) will be from 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
2023 Appointment Season News
From Bishop Hector
On Jan. 23, Upper New York (UNY) Area Resident Bishop, Héctor A. Burgos Núñez, sent a letter to the Upper New York Conference regarding the upcoming appointment season. This letter featured the processes for appointment discernment, retirement announcements, expressing interest in open churches, and transitioning churches.
Click here to read the full letter, which includes important dates.
Report Your Church Statistics on AC Stats: Replaces the Ezra System
Annual Church Statistics (ACStats) is the one-stop location for United Methodist data that tracks membership, expenses, and income. It's designed to help churches submit year-end statistics to the Upper New York (UNY) Conference digitally in a way that's cost-effective.
This user-friendly platform replaces Ezra as the method of reporting your church statistics.
March 17, 2023, is the deadline to complete the 2022 statistical report for your church; however, you cannot enter any data to the 2022 statistics tables until Jan. 3, 2023.
In the meantime, you may familiarize yourselves with the new ACStats platform by reviewing the user's guide for local churches. Translated reports are available in Spanish and Korean

PLEASE take the time to read the user's guide before entering your data. Please make sure you write down your login and password some where as the Administrative Assistant's no longer have access to help you with that. So, if you have issues logging in you will need to contact Autumn Wells at the conference office. You may contact Autumn at 315-898-2004 or email her at autumnwells@unyumc.org
Click here to learn more.
Is Your Church Looking For Choir Robes ?
Falconer UMC has several choir robes (approximately 30) that they no longer use. They would gladly donate them. They are all red with white reversable collars.

Please contact Shirley Vandenburg at 716-665-5182
Bishop's Installation Service Announced
Join us to celebrate the assignment of Bishop Héctor A. Burgos-Nuñéz as the new episcopal leader for Upper New York. Bishop Héctor's service of installation and celebration begins at 2 p.m., Sat., , Mar. 11, at Liverpool First United Methodist Church, 604 Oswego St.. Liverpool, NY. This service is intended for the whole Conference. You may participate:

  • In-person at the Liverpool First United Methodist Church. Limited seats are available. Please RSVP for in-person participation no later than March 4 by registering here. A reception will follow this service.  

  • Watch the livestream from anywhere. For livestream participation, no RSVP is necessary. Click here
NEW ALPS MTH Course of Study Registration
Attn: Local Pastors - several of you take classes from ALPS MTH - please read the note below concerning registration.
Dear Local Pastors
Please register this week for March, April and May COS courses. We want to make sure there is space in all the courses that you need. You may also register for summer and fall courses on the same form. Registration forms and course syllabi are on the ALPS-MTH website https://www.alpsumc.org/
If you are a new local pastor, COS 121 is offered in March. COS 122 is offered in May. Please be sure you complete these prerequisite courses so you may take other COS courses. You may take 122 prior to 121.  
If you have any questions about course locations or zoom options please call me. We look forward to seeing you in class.
Blessings for your ministry 
Dr. Barbara Nye 615-289-4332
UNY Annual Conference Special Session Registration Is Now Open
Registration has opened for the 2023 Special Session of Annual Conference to be held on March 25 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. If you are eligible to vote, be sure to pre-register by March 10, 2023. There is a $10.00 fee for this conference for all eligible voters, except for equalization members. Click here to register for the Special Session.
Those who are not eligible to vote, do not need to register and can watch the Special Session via livestream by clicking here on March 25.
Registration will close on March 10, 2023.
Are You Connected To UNY?
Do you receive the latest news and updates from UNY Conference? All pastors should be connected and as many people from your congregation that would like to be. This is open toeveryone – pass the word!
If you are not connected please follow the instructions below. 
To sign up either click the following link: https://bit.ly/UNYnotes.      
Or follow the steps below:

  • ·Go to the conference website
  • Click on News in the toolbar
  • Select Connect with UNY

Sign up for all six categories or just select the UNY Notes.
Adirondack District Lay Servant Ministries Offering 2023 Lay Servant Courses By Zoom
2023 Lay Servant Course
Lay Servant courses
Adirondack Lay Servant Ministries has added some courses to the 2023 schedule.

Please remember that you MUST attend all class times and dates to receive credit.
No refunds or credit for courses will be given. All registrations and course fees MUST be in by the date due.
For a registration form or for more information, contact Arlene Schmidt, arlenedschmidt@gmail.com For more information about the courses (books, etc.) click here for the updated brochure.
Advanced Course: Leading Prayer
Wednesdays, March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29: 6-9pm
ZOOM: Fee $15
Registration and course fees due by Feb. 15
Advanced Course: Called to Preach
Tuesdays April 11, 18, 25, May 2 & 9: 6-9pm
ZOOM: Fee $15
Facilitators: Jacqueline Kim & Team member
Registration and course fees due by March 28
Advanced Course: Polity
Wednesdays, May 3, 10, 17 & 24: 6-9pm
ZOOM: Fee $15
Facilitator: Bruce Hazard & Team member
Registration and course fees due by April 19
Advanced Course: Opening Ourselves to Grace
Thursdays: May 4, 11, 18, 25, & June 1: 6-9pm
ZOOM: $15
Facilitator: Jacqueline Kim & Team member
Registration and course fees due by April 20
UMCOR Cleaning Buckets For Buffalo 
In the aftermath of the Christmas Blizzard, many have asked “What else can we do?”.

Buy items from the Upper New York Mission Central Hub’s “Cleaning Kit" Amazon Wishlist now through March 1st and have your items shipped to Harris Hill United Methodist Church, located in the Buffalo area. 

Harris Hill United Methodist Church’s “Go! Ministry” was prepared to respond to their community's cleaning needs after the blizzard with UMCOR Cleaning Buckets. They graciously provided these buckets to their neighbors and helped many make sense of the mess that was in front of them. Let's help replenish their buckets!

If you are dropping off in person, please call Harris Hill UMC to schedule a drop off at (716) 632-4688
Buying from somewhere else?
Ship to: 8495 Main St, Williamsville, NY 14221
Updated 2023 Equalization Members 
for Annual Conference are Being Sought
Would you like to serve as an Equalization Member to Annual Conference?

Please Click Here to find the 2023 Cornerstone District Equalization Member Application for Annual Conference. 
Please read the application carefully as it has changed from last year. This year there will be three (3) sessions that our EQ Members will need to attend. There will be two (2) virtual sessions - Saturday March 25th and Saturday October 14th - in addition to an IN PERSON session to be held June 1 - 3, 2023 at the SRC Arena at Onondaga Community College in Syracuse.
Applications are to be received in the district office no later than
Monday February 6th, 2023.

Each session will have a separate registration process and cost associated with it. There will be NO COST for the March 25th session.
Thank you to all of you in advance for volunteering your time and energy in serving as an Cornerstone District Lay Equalization Representative.
‘Engage New People Grant’ Available
The Upper New York New Faith Communities' Team is excited to announce the “Engage New People Grant” to benefit local churches in the Upper New York Conference that are working to Engage New People not already in their church/ministry. New Faith Communities Conference-wide purpose is to reach people outside the Church in new and contextual ways. 
Grants will be available up to $2,500 to help local churches and ministries. Grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis in 2023. Churches and ministries may apply for up to $2,500 during one calendar year. Please expect 60 days to review your application.
Click here to apply for the “Engage New People Grant.”
Upon completing the application, the New Faith Communities' team will reach out to the pastor/lead planter of the church and/or contact person listed to confirm your submission.
Employer Legal Updates For 2023
With the end of 2022 has come (and will come) significant legal changes. It’s hard to keep up-to-date on all the new workplace laws that are in effect. Tracy Rickett, the Upper New York Human Resources Generalist, has you covered!
Click here for laws related to posting requirements. Click here for three laws related to leave. Click here to learn the pay requirements for exempt employees and a new law requiring pay transparency. Click here to learn about the Human Rights Law update. Click here to learn about amendments to the Nursing Mothers in the Workplace Act.
With these many new requirements, now is a good time to dust off your handbooks and update them if you have not done so recently. Tracy Rickett is happy to draft or review any handbooks or other policies for legal compliance. You can contact her at tracyrickett@unyumc.org or (315) 898-2017.
Book Study and Discussion Group
by James Harnish with Justin Larosa
Discipleship in the Methodist tradition affirms that there is always more work for God to do in the human heart. Our focus in this study circle is the ongoing transformation of the heart that happens as the love of God that came to us in Jesus takes up residence in us, enabling us to become agents of God’s transforming love at work in the world.
Thursday, February 2nd @ 7:00-8:30 PM
Thursday, February 16th @ 7:00-8:30 PM
Thursday, March 2nd @ 7:00-8:30 PM
Thursday, March 16th @ 7:00-8:30 PM                           
Thursday, March 30th @ 7:00-8:30 PM
Thursday, April 13th @ 7:00-8:30 PM
All Sessions will be held on Zoom. Please email one of the facilitators to register. There will be no registration fee, but participants (lay or clergy) need to purchase their own book.
Wendy Zepp: wzepp@stny.rr.com
Ann Welch Wood: awelchwood@hotmail.com
 “…the followers of Jesus mature in faith by learning together in community, often with people whose life experiences are very different from their own.” - Robert Schnase, 5 Practices of Fruitful Congregations
Need Something To Do While Waiting For The Super Bowl To Start?
Need something to do while waiting for the Super Bowl to start? Chiz Rider will give us a sneak peek at morning worship. We will then enjoy a pot-luck lunch in Darrah Hall, followed by a full concert in the Sanctuary at 1:00.

Chiz made his concert debut at age 7 and national touring began during his last years in high school. His first recording at age 15, was a custom cd titled, “CHIZ.” Chiz has collaborated with some of America’s most talented instrumentalists to create two albums and he has been blessed to have performed with such popular Christian artists as Carman, Margaret Becker, DC Talk, Newsboys, Cindy Morgan, Larnell Harris, and Michael W. Smith. Ninety percent self-taught, he began by imitating songs he heard on the radio. Now, Chiz’ fresh musical style embodies a jazz/pop sound that has been influenced by such versatile jazz musicians as Wynton and Branford Marsalis, Maynard Ferguson, Louis Armstrong and Jon Faddis. Chiz Rider Ministries maintain an active national touring schedule of over 260 concerts a year as well as several international performances.

This is a free event and a free-will offering will be taken.
Taking Place at Christ First UMC, Jamestown
2023 Safe Sanctuary Training Schedule
The UNY Safe Sanctuaries Team has scheduled four, 3.5 hour Zoom basic trainings in 2023. There will also be Training of Trainers sessions.
The Basic trainings take place 9 AM to 12:30 PM, Saturdays: Feb. 4, May 6, Aug. 5 and Nov. 4. The Training of Trainers will be 9 AM to Noon, Saturdays, Mar. 4 and Oct. 7.
The Basic training is for all clergy and anyone working with children or vulnerable adults. The Training of Trainers is for anyone who would like to become a church or District Safe Sanctuaries trainer in the UNY Conference. You need to have taken the Basic Training first.
If you need training between these dates, or would like to host an in-person training, please contact the District Office or send an email to the Safe Sanctuaries team, safesanctuaries@unyumc.org.
Registration for the February training will open Jan. 4. Look for the link in upcoming announcements.
For more information regarding Safe Sanctuaries, visit the Conference website: Click here. To view the poster, click here.
Scholarships Available
for United Methodist Students!
Applications are now open for scholarships from the United Methodist Higher Education Foundation. Every year, UMHEF awards $2+ million to students planning to attend one of the 100+ UM-related colleges, universities, and seminaries across the country. Don’t let finances get in the way of achieving your dreams of a quality education! Apply by March 1 at https://umhef.org/apply.
Downloadable Prayer Poster for the New Year
Happy New Year members of the Upper New York Conference! The New Year is a great time for reflections, prayers, and getting together with families, friends, and loved ones. Click here for some printable posters you can use to be mindful of God's place in our lives. 
PO Box 687, Bath, NY 14810
Monday-Thursday-Visits to Office by Appointments Only
physical location: 35 Wilkes Ave., Bath, NY 14810