The Arizona Agricultural Education/FFA Foundation is made up of 25 individual volunteers who are leaders from business and industry. These individuals serve three year terms to help guide the Foundation and secure support to provide the sustainability of agriculture education and the FFA in Arizona. You will see them at FFA events assisting, helping coordinate Foundation events, selling raffle tickets and meeting with others to share their passion for FFA and our future leaders.
This year we have three leaders that have concluded their time serving on the board but their passion and commitment to agriculture education and the FFA will continue. We are grateful to Jim Klinker, Scott Whitten and Ricardo Valencia for the time, talent and treasure they have provided during their years of service.
During the State FFA Leadership Conference, approaching June 9-11, 2022 in Tucson, the Foundation Board will welcome four new individuals to serve the Foundation over the next three years. The board is comprised of individuals from across Arizona to serve in At-Large positions or represent an FFA Region in Arizona. We would like to welcome Jacque Cook of North Bowie Farming, Paul Bush of CALCOT, Brinton Colburn with Foothills Bank and Steven Bales of Bales Hay Farm & Ranch Feed Store.
The Foundation could not provide the service to FFA, agriculture educators and the agriculture education programs in Arizona without the commitment, hard work and dedication of the volunteers that serve on the Foundation Board.