Week of May 13, 2024

Grammar & Logic School News

Two annual Aristoi traditions take place this week: the fifth grade Tom Sawyer Picnic and the Celebration of the Laurel for eighth grade students. Important notices from Child Nutrition and Student Care are included. Show your Aristoi Spirit at the upcoming Spirit Nights! May 27th is the last Student Holiday! The Summer Reading and School Supply lists are linked below. The Celebration of the Laurel details are updated, too!

Visit our Website

New Carline changes go into effect Monday, May 13th

Please read Mr. Pertuso's letter and directions regarding new carline and traffic updates. Click the button below to read the letter in its entirety.

Read about Carline changes here

 8th Grade Banquet

May 17th @ 5:30 PM

Church of Christ in Champions

(13902 Cutten Road)

All 8th Grade Students and Parents are invited to join us for the special "Celebration of the Laurel". This Aristoi tradition marks the end of the Logic Stage and the beginning of the Rhetoric Stage for our 8th grade scholars.

Please follow the Casual Dress Guidelines and dress in your Sunday best.

Grades 6th - 8th begin exams Thursday, May 23rd. Please click the button below for all of the exam details and schedule.

Logic School Exam Schedule

Volleyball Open Gym 

Coach Jenna and Coach Brandy are hosting free Volleyball Open Gyms on select Mondays in April and May from approximately 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM. Scholars in grades 4-8 are welcome to attend!  

Open Gym Mondays:  

May 13 and 20

This is a great way to get back into volleyball, connect with athletes, and prepare for our upcoming second season and tryouts in the summer. We look forward to seeing returning and new faces!

Chess Tournament, May 18th @ Katy Griffin Center

(5610 Morton Road, Katy, TX 77493)

Everyone is invited! Check all the details in the attached link.

Click Here to Register!

School Board Meeting, May 28th @ 5:30 PM

Please contact Ms. Miller for details.

The Aristoi Cypress Team is busily wrapping up this year and deftly planning and preparing for next. Click the buttons below to download the Summer Reading Lists and Assignments.

Humane Letters I (Grade 9) Reading List & Assignment
K - 8 Summer Reading Lists & Assignments

Who doesn't enjoy shopping for school supplies? The Aristoi Cypress Supply lists are included below, so you can get a head start and hit all the sales this summer.

Aristoi Cypress K-8 School Supplies
Aristoi Cypress 9th Grade Supplies

If shopping isn't your thing, your Cypress PTO has a quick and easy way to order next year's school supplies. PTO information is at the bottom of the newsletter.

Tom Sawyer Picnic, May 17th

The fifth grade Tom Sawyer Picnic has been rescheduled for Friday, May 17th.  

We look forward to this great Aristoi tradition!

Student & Staff Holiday

May 27th

Year-End Procedures and your Lunch Balance

Please read the linked letter from Child Nutrition.

Please read the following important information from Student Care

All students' medication in Student Care must be picked up before the last day of school, May 29, 2024.

Medication may only be picked up by a parent or guardian.

See below for contact information.


Please review school immunization requirements at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/default.shtm to ensure your child is properly immunized for the 2024- 2025 school year.

Note that required immunizations include the 7th grade immunization for Tdap and Meningococcal.

If immunizations are required for your student, you must turn in a copy of your student(s) shot record or a notarized Affidavit for Exemption of Immunizations to Student Care no later than August 12, 2024, the first day of school.

Request for an Exemption of Immunizations can be found at https://www.dshs.texas.gov/immunize/school/exemptions.aspx.

If you have any questions about medication pick up or immunizations, please contact:

Thank you for your cooperation.

Cypress K - 4th

In order to provide your student with the best experience in art and music, Aristoi is collecting a $20 fee for each K-4 student. This will assist Aristoi in providing: 

● Art supplies (paper, pastels, paint, clay, etc.) 

● Art tools (printmaking supplies, paint brushes, etc.) 

● Live music and theatre guest performances 

● Classroom instruments & supplies

K - 4th Fine Arts Fee

Cypress 5th - 8th

In order to provide your student with the best experience in art and music, Aristoi is collecting a $50 fee for each 5th-7th student. This will assist Aristoi in providing: 

● Art supplies (paper, pastels, paint, clay, etc.) 

● Art tools (printmaking supplies, paint brushes, etc.) 

● Live music and theatre guest performances 

● Classroom instruments & supplies

5th - 8th Fine Arts Fee

If you have further questions, feel free to contact the Business Office.

Quick Links:

Follow Aristoi Classical Academy on Social Media!

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Aristoi Cypress PTO & Booster Club Updates

Aristoi Cypress PTO Spirit Night

May 22nd

Aristoi Cypress PTO School Supply Sale

now through June 14th!

Click here to order 2024-2025 School Supplies

For more information:

Contact Aristoi Cypress PTO

Follow Aristoi Cypress PTO on Facebook

Contact Aristoi Cypress Booster Club

Follow Aristoi Cypress Booster Club on Facebook

ACBC Snack Sale

May 21st