Vol.1: Issue 5 | May 1, 2023 📜 ⚔️ Jennifer Eivaz
“Arise Prophetic Voices of Australia”

Maria Vaioleti-Ponga

Australian/New Zealand Prophetic Company

“I heard the Spirit of the Lord say that He calls forth a distinct sound in prophetic voices within this nation. In the spirit I saw huge wine barrels stored side by side and as Jesus walked beside each one, He opened them. The wine had a significant aroma, was rich in colour and poured freely and abundantly. As Jesus opened each one, he moved to the next to open its brass tap and let it flow out. I knew that the wine would fall and spill everywhere as it gushed out of the barrels, but almost immediately the Holy Spirit revealed to my spirit, that this was a prophetic act of the abundant and lavish release of the VOICE of the prophetic that was being spilled freely and extravagantly by Jesus, over the Great Southlands. 

The wine vats were a sign of the remnant, who had been reserved and matured. They were now being unleashed with the new sound of the prophetic voice, over the Great Southland. These multitudes of sounds were the voices of those consumed by God. As they spoke and sang their voices transformed the Nation of Australia, just like the new wine released from heaven onto the earth by Jesus.

My encouragement is 'Arise Prophetic voices of Australia, you are anointed to transform the Nation as you come forward in your multitudes and your sound is released in words, songs, worship, writings, books and poetry. May you be blessed to receive and release God's prophetic voice in this season throughout Australia. This will be done through your prophecies and declarations in every language and culture throughout the nation". Proverbs 3:10 “So your barns will be filled with plenty, And your vats will overflow with new wine”.


Maria Vaioleti-Ponga, Perth Western Australia AU.

Maria is an educator and prophetic voice based in Butler, Western Australia. She is an intercessor for the Pacific Island Nations, and her heart is to see healing and restoration to first nations people within the Great Southlands. She is a wife and mother of two and serves as a Prayer Team Leader in her local church as well as serving as a one of the team leaders for the Global Prophetic Alliance team based in Australia.

Healing Testimony 🦴

Gina M Chapin USA

AUS/NZ Prophetic Company

Two weeks ago I was led to give prayer for a lady at one of our church worship nights. I originally approached her to pray over her powerful dancing/flagging gift that I had observed a few weeks before. However, she asked if I would also pray for healing for her jaw. I quickly asked the Holy Spirit if I could pray for her and heard, "yes." She said she had been in terrible pain with an infection in her jaw and was scheduled for major surgery the next week.

As I prayed, I could feel tremendous heat coming out of my hands and all sorts of things leaving her (deliverance). I wasn't sure if she had been healed, but when I finished praying she said the terrible pain was eliminated! We stood and praised Jesus together!

When I saw her the next week she gave me the rest of the story. Her jaw had been broken (she didn't tell me how) and she had shards of bone left that they would shave out, realign her jaw and then give major antibiotics to deal with the infection (a major surgery). After the worship service that night, she walked out to her car and suddenly something came out of her mouth - it was a bone fragment! She saved them in a tissue, not knowing what had happened. She still had no pain!

That Friday when she returned to see her surgeon, she told him that she felt healed - They ran a CT scan to see the status of her jaw injury and infection - ALL the shards of bone were removed and the infection was non-existent!

The doctors couldn't believe it - they wanted to know where all the bone fragments had gone? She said she had spit them out in her car a few days before and saved them - They had never heard of that happening to anyone before - A creative miracle!!!! As a result, she didn't need big surgery, just a minor office procedure - Praise Jesus! He's THAT amazing and so good!!!!



is Feb. 29 - Mar. 2, 2024

🙏🏾 🇳🇿 New Zealand Prayer Strike 🇳🇿 🙏🏾
June 27-29, 2023

I have exciting news to share with you.

I am leading a team (8 total including me) to do a prayer strike in 🇳🇿New Zealand on June 27-29th 2023.

Here is how it began: 

In the beginning of 2017 the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart to reach into Australia and equip the seers and intercessors, something I thought would be impossible given that I live on the other side of the world. 

I began from the ground up with very little resources, but to my amazement look what God has already done just five years later

And we are continuing to see daily momentum and expansion. 


Just like Australia, the Holy Spirit has turned my heart towards New Zealand to equip the seers and intercessors, but also for evangelism with signs and wonders. I have no idea how this will unfold, but I do know that when God speaks He makes a way. 


We are beginning from the ground up once again, and I felt led to start with a prayer strike in the capital of New Zealand. 

In doing this prayer strike I will be taking a small, but select, group of people to New Zealand to learn higher-level intercession. This kind of intercession is usually very intense and cannot be handled by just anyone. 


He said this to me about New Zealand, "It will be worth it in the end." I'm not sure what that means, but we might have some pretty high hills of spiritual warfare to climb on this project. No matter what this entails, I've given Him my YES and He has given me His AMEN.

Will you say YES as well? First, we will strike the ground in prayer and I am inviting those who want to plant the “First Seeds” in this nation to join with me now. To be honest, I don't need financial support for this project. THANKFULLY, I am resourced already. 

The Holy Spirit told me that this is an opportunity for you to plant a 

FIRST SEED because this ministry is GOOD SOIL. 


Will you prayerfully consider sowing “First Seeds” offerings into New Zealand to see this nation be equipped and see their full spiritual inheritance in the Kingdom? This nation is in the ❤️ of God and Jesus will get what He died for. 

Blessings and much love, Jennifer Eivaz



Key Dates
Oct. 29-31, 2023
Receive powerful teaching and impartation for healing and miracles ministry. You'll encounter God’s presence through dynamic worship and experience the healing and miraculous glory of the Holy Spirit within a powerful community.

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