Meetings in Argentina
May 2-6, 2018
Sally will be traveling to Argentina to give lectures on her 4 book series "Parenting by the Spirit".

Argentina is likely a long way away from most of you. So we invite you to join us in prayer for the Lord to be the Center of these messages and break across the language barrier.

We all need to come to understand that we have often, in our parenting approaches did them apart from God. We didn't know. May God enlarge the scope of this that we learn to depend upon our connection with Jesus to guide and direct our steps instead of depending upon a methodology or approach.

God is the Principal, we the Under-Teacher. We must learn this position, in order to Teach their minds and Train the wills of our infants, children, teens, and beyond of the power In Christ Jesus to Redeem us from serving Sin and Selfishness. Only In Him can we be Transformed!

This book series is a tremendous tool in the hands of parents to educate them in how to get In Christ and be empowered to choose to do God's will instead of their own. For we can only give what we personally possess ourselves. Let's teach our little ones, our growing ones of this empowering connection with Christ to be Like Him!
Tuesday May 1, 2018
7:30 pm "The Fairy Wand Experience"

Wednesday May 2, 2018
2:00 pm "The Mary Principle"
7:30 pm " Parenting By the Spirit"

This will be about how to recognize the inaudible voice of God guiding and directing you to be the parent He wants you to be and how He will direct and empower you to be like Him. We must learn union, and communion with God plus surrender to Him personally called The Mary Principle, in order to teach our children the same.

Thursday May 3, 2018
2:00 pm "The Voice of God"
7:30 pm"Parenting Your Infant/Toddler
By the Spirit "

Ages 0-4. We will cover how habits develop, how we cooperate with God to train in good habits. We need to teach our infant's and toddler's to recognize right and wrong and choose with God to do what's right. We can teach them of the voice of God in simple ways. Then by repetition of choosing right their character and habits will be more like Christ. And be empowered by Christ enthroned within.

Friday May 4, 2018
2:00pm "Parenting Discipline Ideas
7:30pm "Parenting Your Teen By the Spirit "

Ages 13 upward. Many of our teens have experienced only do's and don'ts in the name of religion. They have come to the conclusion its impossible to oppose their flesh. It doesn't work for them and they see it doesn't work for their parents or church friends. This hypocrisy alienates our youth to believe in God, to trust or surrender to Him in oh so many cases! How do we win them back and take them to Christ?

Saturday May 5, 2018
8:30am "Dealing With Our Emotions"
11:00 "Parenting Your Child By the Spirit "
6:00pm "Union & Communion

Ages 5-12 will be focused on How to teach their mind (thoughts) to know what is right. How to train their will to do what they know is right. How to pray, prompt and see to it your child does what he knows is right through a personal surrender to God. In order to obey they need a vital connection.