You Must Learn to Be Willing
Willingness to Let Urges Pass
If ”0” was not at all willing and ”10” was completely willing, how willing are you to have a trigger and let it pass? This month we will explore the concept of urge surfing. Imagine lying on a surfboard with water at waist level. Pushing water away is fruitless. Instead, try being picked up by the waves and "surfing" them. Surfing a thought, emotion, or urge is just riding it out. Watch it rise, crest, then fall. Remember to stop and breathe. You are much stronger than your urges, and the thoughts that make you believe you need to act on them.
Step 3: Be Willing
This Month's Blog Article
Part of this third step involves us being willing to ground ourselves when we are feeling the urges. Breathing, despite being a physical action, is one of the most important parts of mental health. Focusing on our breathing can actually help to reduce stress, anxiety, and urges allowing us to stay calm and focused on our goals. It helps to close your eyes and focus on a spot. To get started with a breathing exercise, try to take five slow, deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you do this, be mindful. Notice your chest and stomach rise and sink. Notice your thoughts and emotions and urges.
Willingness Excercise
This Month's Exercise
This month's exercise is about exploring our thought processes and how can rationalize those thoughts by having someone else offer their perspective and vice versa.

One person is the "therapist"- who presents a willingness exercise.
One person is the "client"- who practices a willingness exercise.
Debrief experience as a therapist and client.
Unhooking From Thoughts
This Month's Tip
Thoughts are triggers: "I need a break", "I can't do it", I'm stressed out". Pick a thought. On a scale of "0" (no power) to "10" (overwhelming power), how powerful is the thought? Now add, "I'm having the thought that...".

Then add "I'm noticing I'm having the thought that..".

Re-rate the thought, on a "0" to "10" scale. The goal is to step outside your thoughts, and recognize it as it is- a simple thought. Understand that ultimately, you are in control. Think of some other thoughts you have, that you control daily. We have to understand it's all in the same thought process.
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