May 2019
Live, Work, Thrive
Your Monthly Update
from the Community Development Partnership
A Word from Jay...

With Town Meeting season and Memorial Day weekend behind us, I’m looking forward to finally seeing some sunshine and beach weather.

We have lots of great news to celebrate in this issue of our E-news. Thanks to our efforts through the Lower Cape Community Housing Partnership, we saw unprecedented action at Town Meetings this spring to address our region’s affordable housing crisis including approval of over $8 Million in local funds for housing initiatives.

You can also read about the owners of Field Point Oyster in Wellfleet who received a microloan from the CDP, have a thriving business, started a family and are now active members of their community. 

All of this great work could not happen without your interest and support. So here is to more sunny days and a successful summer season on the Lower Cape.
Jay Coburn
Chief Executive Officer
Affordable Housing
Spring Town Meeting Results: $8.6 million in funding for housing initiatives a cause for celebration
Early this spring the CDP’s Lower Cape Community Housing Partnership (LCCHP) wrapped up its second year in which 55 municipal officials participated in the Housing Institute and 58 local residents were trained as housing advocates. As municipal officials and housing advocates prepared for Town Meetings across the Lower Cape, the CDP amplified the need for housing through its “We Can’t Afford to Lose the People Who Can’t Afford to Live Here” public education campaign.

CDP trained advocates attended committee meetings, asked questions, posted flyers in their communities, made phone calls, spread the word and showed up to fight for articles that supported housing in each of the eight towns of the Lower and Outer Cape.

We are thrilled that Lower Cape Select Boards demonstrated their commitment to housing production at this spring’s Town Meetings by recommending 48 housing-related articles totaling over $8.5 million in town funding.

Supporting Local Business
Field Point Oysters: Oysters are a family business
“Oysters are live animals, so that makes us more like ranchers than farmers. We care for our oysters like children.”
                                                          Katie Murphy
Co-Owner, Field Point Oysters

In early 2013, Mike deVasto and Katie Murphy, approached the CDP for a micro-loan to help them grow their fledgling oyster business. Founded in 2011, Field Point Oyster Farm is located on a grant that had been in Mike’s family for over 30 years. A 2 acre farm, located in Wellfleet Harbor at the entrance to the tidal flats between Lieutenant Island and Indian Neck, it is a prime location as a plentiful supply of nitrogen and algae flows through the flats and serves as a good food source for the oyster beds.
The CDP manages a special loan fund, supported by Wellfleet SPAT (Shellfish Promotion and Tasting) to help shellfish farmers purchase high quality oyster seed and buy new equipment. While the CDP loan was the financial boost they needed, “It was extremely helpful to meet with the CDP’s Director of Business & Credit Programs, Pam Andersen, on a quarterly basis to help provide focus on the business and growth and keep an eye on the balance sheet,” says Katie.  

Will you support our Spring Appeal this year?
Did you know that...

  • $25 will help cover the cost of a workshop to help a business owner "green" their business.

  • $50 will allow us to help a young entrepreneur write a business plan for their great idea. 

  • $100 will support a young family's participation in our First Time Home Buyer's Workshop, making sure they are informed consumers and eligible for preferred financing terms for their new home.
Thank you for supporting our Spring Appeal and the work we do to help our community thrive!
Supporter Spotlight
Barry Bluestone…a life dedicated to activism and housing
“The CDP is the organization that is foremost across the Lower Cape for dealing with the issue of housing.”

 Barry Bluestone
Member, CDP Advisory Council

CDP supporter and Advisory Council member Barry Bluestone is a renowned public policy, housing, and urban development expert who understands the connection between housing and jobs better than most. Barry is also a part-time Truro resident and is deeply committed to the work the CDP is doing to address the Lower Cape’s housing issues and nurture local economic development.
A native of Detroit, Barry grew up in a very progressive household during the automotive industry’s heyday.  

Learn how Barry's work in public policy and urban affairs align with the CDP's efforts on housing here .
Upcoming Events
Summer Evening on the Farm

Join us on Thursday, August 22 for our 6th Annual Summer Evening on the Farm at Halcyon Farm in Brewster.

This is one of the highlights of the summer with great food and drink supplied by the local businesses we love and great music featuring the Bert Jackson Quartet.

To find out more and reserve your tickets, visit our Summer Evening registration page .

To join Team CDP, visit our team registration page here.

Our team training rides will take place every Wednesday at 5:30 and will begin on June 5th. We will meet in the parking lot of the CDP offices in Eastham.

Contact Britt at
508-240-7873 x25 or
if you have questions.
The Gasp:
CDP Group Training Rides Begin June 5th!

The Gasp is a fun-filled all day event that begins with a bike ride from Sandwich to Provincetown. Hop on a boat and watch whales breach as you head back to the Sandwich Marina. Finish the day with a clam and lobster feast at the Sandwich VFW.

The best part? The ride raises money for several local charities, and the CDP is a beneficiary!!

The ride takes place on Sunday, September 15th from 7:00 - 3:00.

The biggest change this year...Most of the ride will take place along the Cape Cod Rail Trail.

To learn more about this event, visit
Business & Credit Workshops
Cape & Islands Green - Level 1 Workshop

June 3
10:30 - 12:00
Cape Space, Hyannis MA

SCORE Individual Business Counseling

June 19
9:00 - 1:00
CDP Offices, Eastham
Cape & Islands License Plate Program

Here's something exciting...those Cape & Islands License Plates are a huge benefit to the CDP. Did you know that each year they generate nearly $200,000 in funds to support our programs? 

You can order your plate online here. The funds generated as a result of this program help support a number of organizations across the Cape including the CDP.

This Place Matters
 our bi-weekly radio & television show
Tune in
 92.1 WOMR & 91.3 WFMR   
 Wednesdays 12:30pm
  Also on  Lower Cape TV
Join host Jay Coburn & guests to learn more 
about activities affecting the people and places on the Lower and Outer Cape.

June 12 : Join Sarah Colvin , Member of the Community Leadership Institute's Board of Directors and Alex Hopper of the CDP and current participant in the Institute as they discuss the program.

June 26 : Join Brad Schiff, Chatham resident and President of Pierce Cote Advertising, and Andrea Aldana, Director of Housing Advocacy for the CDP, as they discuss the CDP's recent public education campaign.

If you have an idea for a guest or topic -  Contact Britt Beedenbende r
Thank you for supporting the work we do to make the Lower Cape a place where we can all live, work and thrive !