Commercial & Industrial Interlocking Flooring
Interlock or glue-down - A sticky situation?
SelecTech has a well-deserved reputation for our patented interlock flooring solutions. We appreciate that but what we are really striving for is finding the RIGHT flooring solution for our customers. On many occasions, the best option for a customer has been flooring applied by adhesive. It’s all a matter of asking the right questions.

Here are some very specific issues you need to address if you are weighing the pro's and cons of interlock vs. glue-down:

  • Portability – If you think you will need to move your flooring at any time, interlock is the only real option—unless you accept that you will need to purchase new flooring should you move.
  • Downtime – Can you afford to take on the expense of downtime associated with glue-down flooring? That down time can vary and be up to two weeks--even more if you are laying down flooring on new concrete. If you are a manufacturer in operation 365/24/7, two weeks of down time is probably more of an expense than you are willing to absorb. For smaller operations, you may have other space where that work can be done, and a few weeks might not be so bad. It really does depend on your operation.
  • Risk of removing existing flooring – We encourage glue-down customers to remove the existing flooring before putting down new flooring. Actually, we insist on it and for good reason. You can find a number of things when you remove flooring. There could be asbestos. Perhaps a moisture issue. It’s one of the dangers of choosing the glue-down issue based on cost alone. There’s always the possibility that removing the flooring could unearth an expense that makes the interlock option look much more appealing financially.
  • Wear and tear – If you have an area of your flooring that receives a heavier dose of foot traffic, chances are it will wear out faster than other parts of the floor. With interlock, the affected tiles can be replaced as needed. In a glue-down situation, its more difficult to replace individual tiles. With interlock, replacement of worn tiles takes minutes. With glue-down, much longer.
  • Ergonomics – Perhaps an overlooked argument in the discussion of interlock vs. glue-down. Interlock tiles are thicker than glue-down and offer much better support and comfort. The discussion of lost work time and potential workers comp claims doesn’t often come up in a flooring selection discussion. It probably should. Better ergonomics can help retention, work attendance and a number of other variables that could make interlock seem like a bargain.

If you have questions about a flooring solution for your company, please give us a call so we can discuss in depth. As you can tell, there are many things to consider. Please call 508-583-3200 or visit our website by clicking the button below.
Industries that deal with areas such manufacturing, shipping, warehouses, and transportation all face similar problems in their flooring and are constantly looking for viable solutions for their future commercial renovation projects. A durable floor that can withstand forklift traffic, heavy equipment, large machinery, and other similar gear is essential in any industrial environment.
33 Wales Avenue, Suite F
Avon, MA 02322
Telephone: 508-583-3200