March 4, 2024

Dear Friends and Partners:


As March rolls in and spring takes hold, it's a time for new possibilities, especially for baseball fans like myself. Spring training kicks off, bringing a buzz of excitement and hope for our favorite teams to clinch the title.


At Max Fab Consulting, we're tapping into a sense of renewal and optimism. We're looking ahead, focusing on how we can make a positive impact on the lives of those who've served. March is not just a month; it's a reminder of our commitment to supporting veterans and creating spaces where they can thrive.


Our dedication to veterans isn't just words; it's a genuine thank-you for their service. Let's explore practical ways to contribute to veterans' well-being and make a real difference together. Your involvement can be a catalyst for change and a source of hope for those who've sacrificed so much.

Stay Max Fab,


CMSgt, USAF (ret), RN, BSN, MS

Leadership Coach, Consultant & Keynote Motivational Speaker

Military transition expert

MaxFab Consulting

(307) 757-6310

Getting Vet READY with Faith E Church

I had the great pleasure of working with the leadership of Faith Evangelical Church in Billings, Montana to help implement the Vet READY Program into their culture. Vet READY addresses the factors that lead to high turnover among veterans, and this comprehensive training and support encompass crucial areas such as camaraderie, military-to-civilian transition challenges, mental health, and values alignment. Here is what they said about their Vet READY experience:

"Dave's passion for veterans to effectively be integrated into the workplace and faith communities is contagious. Through his personal vulnerability and sharing the experiences of his fellow veterans, we have been compelled to become a Vet READY community that provides healing and shows God's love in meaningful ways." 

--Lonnye Finneman, Executive Pastor, Faith Evangelical Church


Kangaroo Leadership Podcast Episode: Making Time for the Right Things

I enjoyed my conversation with Sarah Schroefel, who is heavily involved in various initiatives and is a role model for many in her community. We discuss her journey after losing her mom to cancer right before she started high school and how that experience shaped her leadership. We also cover her love of sports, especially basketball, her journey as a basketball official, and how she navigates the world as a strong female leader. Listen now!


A Challenge to Corporate America: Are you ready to get Vet READY?

The concept of Vet READY—turning corporate spaces into environments where veterans can find purpose, team, and a thriving community—is a call to embody the commitment of the pig rather than the mere involvement of the chicken. Read more.

The Corporate Veteran Responsibility: Your Nation Needs You Now!

A staggering 43% of veterans leave their first

civilian job within one year, and 80% depart before the completion of their second year. This trend highlights a glaring mismatch between veterans finding employment and securing roles that align with their skills, needs, and ambitions. Read more.

Letter to the Editor in the Billings Gazette: Create a Vet READY workplace

Creating a "Vet READY" workplace is crucial — appreciating veterans' experiences, acknowledging their value, and placing them in roles where they can excel. Read the rest of my letter to the editor about the importance of businesses being Vet Ready.

Deep Leadership Podcast: How to Tame Toxicity at Work

Two of my favorite people - This will be full of cool nuggets! My Shipmate is changing the world! Kim, thanks for being my sounding board and thought partner. You are the person to clean up toxicity!! Listen now.



Schedule a time to connect with me through my Calendly or send me an email. I'm always here for you! Also, forward this newsletter to anyone you think would be interested!

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