Are you resonating with the cosmos or stuck in a personal place of  dissonance ?
Dear Friends, 

Wow! Have we had a busy week and are so excited to share our findings with you. 

Michael McKibben, Founder and CEO of Leader Technologies, came to visit and we headed into the studio to record some video conversations with him and Douglas. 

These will be on the 
A merican Intelligence Media YouTube channel
when they are finished. 

If you don't know who Michael is, we recommend that you view the series we did about him a few months ago. Click here

As Michael has come to know us over the last few months, he has discovered more of our esoteric backstory and has lots of questions. We thought a Q and A session with an engineer like Michael might be of interest to others. It is really interesting listening to the questions that Michael poses about the Qube and sigils....not to mention other esoteric matters. 

Additionally, we have begun a series of 7 videos with Douglas discussing esoteric matters that we wanted to have a long "shelf life" on YouTube. Below you will find one entitled Unveiling of the Soul that he did on apocalypse. Stay tuned for more....We committed to doing at least 7, but if you like them, we might consider doing them more frequently. 
Tyla and Douglas Gabriel



The life-giving teachings that enliven the etheric body are explained in this new theory of education derived from Waldorf education and philosophies that teach that each person replicates the entire evolution of humanity.
A comprehensive overview of the ethers from ancient teachings to the ideas of anthroposophists and modern scientific theories and their function in the human etheric body.
Know Her
Begin your journey in opening the Seven Seals and discover the living imaginations and hidden nature of the Sophia -the Great Triple Goddess.

Know Yourself
Learn how the etheric light that dances from the pineal gland to the pituitary gland is of utmost imprtance in turning matter into spirit. 
Be Pure
Open the seventh seal and secret teachings of the Sophia Christos Initiation and consiously cross the threshold of the spiritual world. 

Did you miss our last few newsletters on how to antidote 5G and EMFs? 


Where are the Vibes?

If you have been with us for awhile, you will know about our special
enzyme  formula called Vibes and how important enzymes are for digestion and overall health. The Gabriels take two with each meal and one with snacks....and have been doing so for years.

We wouldn't go a day without our Vibes. 
We took the order page off of our main site because it became too burdensome to package and mail orders every day. We don't want to have UPC codes on the bottle so this means we have to package them ourselves. We don't need to sell supplements to monetize our sites, so we decided to stop promoting them. 

Our previous customers knew where the order page was hidden and we continued to ship to them - gladly. But now we are at our last box and need to reorder. 
We had a decision to make before placing another order of the Vibes custom blend. Would we put a UPC code on them, place them on Amazon and eliminate the need to personally mail them? Would we offer them publicly or keep them exclusively for Our Spirit readers? 
Because we will always have them on hand for our personal use, we wanted you to have access to them as well. Our decision is to keep them on hand in quantities that will provide Vibes to the Gabriels and the OUR SPIRIT community only. 

From time to time we will remind you where the private order page is. 

Note: Our last box of Vibes has an expiration date of August 2017 which doesn't bother us in the least because enzymes don't spoil, but the FDA requires the date stamp. The new batch will be here in early May if you prefer to order or reorder then.

We only ship within the United States. 

Need a quick review on what the Qube and sigils are?  

Please share this lecture and newsletter with your friends and colleagues.