“Sisters, Servants,Soldiers” Worldwide!
"Are You Experiencing a Spiritual Eclipse?"
Just a few years ago in August we experienced an eclipse. A few thousand of us were at PTP in Pigeon Forge, TN, and it was one of the best places to view the phenomena. It was wonderful being with brothers and sisters in Christ and sharing that experience!

An eclipse occurs when the earth gets between the sun and the moon. The moon has no light of its own; it simply reflects the light of the sun. Consequently, when the earth gets between the sun and the moon, even in the middle of the day, everything becomes gray and overcast. The light is not strong. Darkness prevails.

In Matthew 5, Jesus reminds us that we are " . . . the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

Sisters, we can do many things from our homes and I believe that we have all tried to stay close to the Lord and do what we could to influence others during this "eclipse" we have been experiencing for the past few months. I am the first to say that our first mission field is our children and we are responsible for being the wives God intended for us to be every day.

However, during this time we may have gotten very comfortable not being the "salt, light and leaven" that the world needs to see! We may have allowed the cares of this world, even our own safety and security, to overshadow God's commands for us to permeate the culture with our reflection of Him.

It is time for us to meet as a Body when at all possible. Yes, take precautions, especially if you have underlying health issues, but we cannot let the health of the Lord's Body become weak and compromised!

Watching worship at home is comfortable. However, worshiping together is how we encourage, strengthen and personally empathize with one another in this physical world. Ladies, we need each other! God made us that way.

It is time for each of us to be moving out of the eclipse and shining more brightly for Christ in a world that needs Him desperately! "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" is on a mission to encourage and help us all to do that using our talents for The Lord!

For His Glory,
Sisters in Wylie Texas on September 11th . . .
We studied "Let Go and Grow!"

It was so refreshing to be together with other parts of the BODY. The BODY is strongest
when it is whole and working together!
"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" sent Sister Wanda Robinson to World Video Bible School in March to make the videos that go along with her books from Gospel Advocate about Intriguing Lesser Known Men of the Bible. It is an outstanding video series from which we can all learn so many things! Here is the first in her series. You may go to World Video Bible School to view them all and may even want to use them in Ladies' Bible Classes!

Here is the link . . .



The Dates for NEXT YEAR are
July 18-22, 2021.

Mark you calendars!
We have speaking dates available for 2021! Please contact us and we will be happy to help you find a wonderful Speaker
for your Ladies' Day, Lectureship or Retreat!

UPCOMING "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers"
October 10, Fordland, MO
October 17, Tuscumbia, AL
November 7th, Grand Rapids, MI

Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt

Please visit our Website at: www.sistersservantssoldiers.com


Join Our "Sisters, Servants, Soldiers"
Facebook Group!

We have recently set up a Facebook Group for us use together to discuss
things that sisters in Christ want and need to discuss.

We are here to help and encourage one another!

I hope you will click the link below and join our
"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers" group!

