Invest in Good. Local. Food.

Somehow we got the idea that you're interested in sustainable local food in Central Texas.

So are we! We're Austin Foodshed Investors. We've been around since 2014. Our mission is to increase the supply of good, clean,fair, local food. We do that by investing in local sustainable food and agriculture entrepreneurs. We serve three main groups:

  • Local "good food" entrepreneurs looking to raise sensible capital;
  • Local "values-based" impact investors looking to engage, and invest, in the private companies of our neighbors the farmers and food companies;
  • Local advocates, activists, and just plain fans of locally grown or produced healthy delicious food!

Below is our latest newsletter, fyi. We hope you like it, but if not, click the "Unsubscribe" link at bottom and we'll quit bugging you.

We hope you're enjoying these first tastes of Spring, and hope to hear from you if we can be of service.


Curt, Eric, and Jarred of Austin Foodshed Investors
AFI News: Spring 2018
Learn Fundraising at Free Workshop
Co-hosted at Farmshare Austin in Cedar Creek, minutes from Austin

THIS THURSDAY March 8th, 2018, 8:30 - Noon

Are you "investor-ready"? What does it mean to be "investor-ready?" Is there funding available for small food and ag entrepreneurs beyond the bank, or friends and family, or maxing out the credit card?

After a great 2017 season, we're back for 2018 with the first Rolling Roadshow of the year co-hosted by our friends at Farmshare Austin.

The event is free and open to all local sustainable ag and food companies considering raising capital - even if that possibility is far in the future - as well as to Technical Assistance Providers that help entrepreneurs.

Thanks to our Roadshow Partners:  USDA/FSA Capital Farm Credit NCAT,   Texas A&M AgriLife Extension CAPCOG  (Capital Area Council of Governments),  SCORE Austin , and  Texas Center for Local Food .
And Special thanks to  Farmshare Austin !
Recent Fundings
AFI News
AFI Pivots (slightly) to Focus on Producers (& their customers and vendors)
We take our mission "to increase the supply of good, clean, fair, local food" seriously. And "supply" comes from farmers and ranchers. 

In 2018 we're refining our focus, just a bit, to be more helpful to sustainable producers. We started by sponsoring the  TOFGA  conference in January, where we released a new farmer-centric web page, " Producer Programs for Sustainable Farmers & Ranchers ."

We're still eager to continue to work with small food entrepreneurs, and especially those with a strong commitment to local sourcing.
AFI Partners with SCORE
Austin SCORE  certified Mentors are experienced entrepreneurs, corporate managers, and executives who volunteer their experience and knowledge to help small business owners and entrepreneurs achieve success.

We've partnered with SCORE specifically to help AFI's client and portfolio companies hone their financials. For potential investors, if "story" sparks interest, and "team" sells the deal, "financials" often kill it. To mitigate that, we've created a dedicated team of financial analysts, planners, and CFOs who've jointly developed guidelines and templates to ensure that your company financials are presented clearly, concisely, and summarized in a way that investors can understand the business and make informed investment decisions.

And best of all, SCORE's services are free!

If you're a sustainable food or ag entrepreneur considering raising money - even if your financials need some help - please visit the  Raise  section of the AFI Website. If you're not raising money, but would like business coaching and financial planning assistance, we'd be happy to introduce you to our friends at SCORE, or you can go to them directly at their  website . Tell them AFI sent ya!
Around the EcoSystem
Austin Social Entrepreneurs

SparkImpact is a new collaboration of Austin's Social Impact Entrepreneurs and Changemakers.

On March 17, 2018 SparkImpact will kick off with a free event from 1-6 at Soma Vida including panel discussions, storytelling, and pathways for engagement and inclusion. AFI's Curt Nelson will be one of the panelists.

HMI Beginning Texas Farmers & Ranchers Women's Class

Are you a beginning woman farmer or rancher eager to make the best of your resources, heal the land and succeed in a holistic manner?

Peggy Sechrist and Katherine Ottmers, experienced facilitators and practitioners of the Holistic Management® framework, will guide you towards the completion of your Management Plan for the Farm & Ranch of your dreams in this all women's class.

Learn About Soil Health in Less than Five Minutes

This great video from our friends at  NCAT explains many of the key aspects of healthy soil all while conducting a simple experiment you can do at home.

"Soil Aggregate Stability" shows dramatic differences in erosion and water retention which result from different management practices of the exact same soil type.

Sustainable food starts in the soil, and this 4:54 video is a great introduction!  English Spanish .
Please Join Us...
Join the AFI Investor Network
No Minimums, You Decide Which Deals to Do
Are you an accredited investor looking to transition a portion of your portfolio into socially responsible "impact" businesses? Wouldn't it be great to invest in a local food company, to meet the founders, tour the facilities, maybe even help with business mentoring or your specific expertise? If so, please consider the  AFI Investor Network .
Thanks Again...
... for all you do to support business with purpose, local food, and impact investing!

All the best,

Curt, Eric, & Jarred
Austin Foodshed Investors
DISCLAIMER: Local Impact Investors LLC, dba Austin Foodshed Investors, is not a venture fund, investment bank, broker dealer, investment clearing-house, investment club, or investment advisor, but rather a forum in which investors and companies may be educated on aspects of investment and business, as well as introduced to each other for possible investment. We are not registered with the Securities Exchange Commission, any self-regulatory organization or any state securities commission. We do not recommend or make any representation or warranty regarding any particular company or financial product for investment. All investments in entrepreneurial companies involve a high degree of risk, investors must be able to bear the risk of complete financial loss. All AFI Investors, at the time of transaction close, must be Accredited Investors within the meaning of SEC Rule 17 CFR §501(a). 

Securities transactions requiring intermediaries are offered by under Rule 506(c) of the JOBS Act of 2012, per 17 CFR §230.506(c).

Users of this website, as well as companies applying for potential fundraising assistance, consent to agree to our  Terms of Use  and  Privacy Policy .