Dear Friends:

As we move into November, we are reminded that nature reveals her most introspective side, with vivid colors and smells that evoke memories and awaken our senses. Each leaf that flutters to the ground and every scent carried by the chilly breeze captures the essence of fall—a poignant reminder of the cyclical beauty of life.


November also brings a profound significance: Veterans Day. This day reminds us of the sacrifices made by countless brave souls who've donned the uniform and dedicated their lives to defending our freedom and values. This year, as we raise our flags and wear our poppies, I'd like to highlight a figure that underscores the changing face of our armed forces: approximately 424,000 female veterans are among us now. Their service, often marked by unique challenges and unparalleled valor, deserves our gratitude, attention, and understanding.


On this Veterans Day, don’t merely thank a veteran for their service. Go beyond. Ask about their story and their journey post-service. Ask about their experiences and listen to their needs. Within their stories, you might discover resilience, heartbreak, courage, and hope. By lending an attentive ear, you're offering solace and possibly igniting a beacon of change.


This November also presents me with a unique opportunity to highlight Veteran READY, an initiative that bridges the gap between veterans and non-veterans. Together, we are channeling our energies to address the complex challenges veterans face during the transition from active duty to the civilian world. It's about helping veterans adapt, understand their journey, and, most importantly, recognize their undying spirit. Check out the Veteran READY program to get your business Vet READY.


This month, with introspection and celebration, let's create moments that touch hearts and transform lives.


When the Cows Lie Down: The Reason People Quit YOU, Their "Leader"

My NEW book explores good and bad quitting. It also focuses on why people are quietly quitting—leaving the workforce, avoiding office environments, and giving up on social aspects of work. By understanding the reasons behind quietly quitting, you can leverage that knowledge to your advantage.

There are times, however, when quitting becomes essential for success, health, and raising your game. There are also moments when people quit YOU, their leaders—times when the cows lie down, so to speak.



Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower and Spacepower: Battlefield Perspectives

I am honored to be part of a group of service men and women who share their battlefield experiences and perspectives in this collection of stories called Battlefield Perspectives. Check out my story called Clear the Beds which is focuses on moral injury and the challenges and struggles that go along with it. 

Leave No Veteran Behind

I’m excited to be part of this collection of stories where 12 veterans share their stories to inspire others in transformational and practical and tactical ways. Preorder now!


The Role of Leadership in Workplace Culture: Thrive or Wilt?

Company culture often determines how long you stay at your job. Leadership is also a primary influencer of the culture. Research shows that job satisfaction is tightly linked with the immediate supervisor’s leadership style. Get more insight into how to create a positive work culture and become a leader people DON’T quit.

Transforming Passion into Action: Crafting a Compelling Value Proposition

As I continue to meet passionate, experienced people with a burning desire to share their knowledge and expertise, I often think about this common dilemma: Why do they

struggle to gain the traction and attention their passion and experience deserve? Read more.


Slay to Success Talk Show

I had a lot of fun slaying it with the “slay Queen” and fellow Air Force veteran Rochelle Hemingway on her talk show Slay to Success. She brings awareness to and highlights women and men who are living a life of service on their OWN terms and SLAYin’ it to make a positive impact in the world. I share how I’m “slaying it” after my 30+ years of service. Check it out.

Kangaroo Leadership Podcast Episode #7: I will not be silenced: A female soldier's journey unveiled

I had the pleasure of hosting Dallas Knight on my podcast. Her extraordinary journey spans from a dedicated Army combat veteran to a visionary executive in the corporate world. She shares her struggles transitioning to the civilian world and provides advice on how to work through the darkness and come out a winner. Don’t miss this impactful episode.

Nancy's Bookshelf

I was honored to be on Nancy’s Bookshelf to share a bit about my new book: When the Cows Lie Down: Why People Quit YOU, their leader. Check it out!

MisFitNation Show

I had a great time on the MisFitNation Show with Rich LaMonica. I talk about what it takes to become and grow as a leader and my leadership experiences throughout my 30-year career in the U.S Air Force. I also share my commitment to helping transitioning veterans and trauma survivors navigate PTSD. Check out the episode.

The Executive Leadership Podcast

Excited to have had the opportunity to be a guest speaker on the TC Advisory Group podcast called The Executive Leadership Podcast discussing how businesses can help assimilate veterans into the workforce. Tune in!

We've All Done It Podcast

I was honored to be on Kimberly's podcast to talk about what it means to quit a leader, how you know the signs of when your team is thinking of quitting you (hint: it has something to do with cows) & how to best show up as a leader for those you serve. Tune in!

Battle Buddy Podcast

Grateful to have been a guest on the Battle Buddy Podcast with host Keith McKeever to talk about moral injury. I shed light on what moral injury is, how to recognize it, and the importance of addressing this often-hidden aspect of veterans' mental and emotional well-being. I share my powerful story called the "Clear the Beds" that you don't want to miss! Check it out.


I look forward to speaking at these upcoming events. Join me!

Book me now to speak at your upcoming event!



Schedule a time to connect with me through my Calendly or send me an email. I'm always here for you! Also, forward this newsletter to anyone you think would be interested!

Stay Max Fab,


CMSgt, USAF (ret), RN, BSN, MS

Leadership Coach, Consultant & Keynote Motivational Speaker

Military transition expert

MaxFab Consulting

(307) 757-6310

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