Welcome to Archway's February Newsletter! I almost cannot believe we are already deep into February as it feels like we just wrapped up New Years celebrations. Tempus Fugit!
This month our focus is on DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) and Black History. We strive every day to be an organization grounded in these ideas, focusing on staff as well as our residents. Archway has been studying the meaning of DEIB and how organizations are stronger and more resilient when they successfully integrate these ideas into everything they do. That is certainly what we are trying to do at Archway every day - drawing on a diverse workforce and paying a lot of attention to how our individual and organizational behaviors can better advance them. Later this month, Beth Harris-Robinson, Archway's General Counsel, will share her thoughts on affordable housing as an important part of justice. Look for Beth's piece later this month.
In this edition of our newsletter, you'll also find pieces on our Featured Property, 40 West, one of our Lakewood communities where Daquisha Durrah ("DQ") is our Service Coordinator and is focusing on Black History Month with our residents there.
Our Featured Staff Member this month is Ladia Htoo, who works on our Supportive Services team and strives to embody a culturally inclusive environment. She believes that differing mindsets and viewpoints are actually beneficial as it opens up doors to many opportunities. I know you'll enjoy learning more about Ladia and the work she is doing with Archway residents.
Finally, at the risk of shameless self promotion, you'll find here some links to the press Archway has received since closing in December on financing for our project at the Mosaic Community Campus in the Park Hill Neighborhood of Denver. Getting the financing for this project put together and closed just about a year after we received a bond and tax credit commitment from CHFA took a herculean effort by Archway staff as well as our team of architects, engineers, contractors and other partners such as the Urban Land Conservancy (ULC) and the Denver Housing Authority. We are immensely grateful to all who helped us get this financing closed, which allows us to now focus on delivering new affordable housing units early in 2024.
I would like to take a moment to thank my Archway colleagues, Leslie Rutherford and Kendall Curtis, for making this newsletter happen. You do a wonderful job and it is a pleasure to collaborate with you! And Kendall, we are sad to see you depart Archway this month for new adventures, and wish you all the best!!