

2015 A Year of Change
By: AIA Central Pennsylvania President, Seth Wentz, AIA, NCARB


Many of you already know that this profession is slow to change.  When talking to colleges I am more likely to hear a fellow architect tell me about the way the things used to be rather than the way things will be.  Today is not one of those days. I am happy to share with you some details of the first major change I have seen to the organization since the time I first got involved in 2006.  Read more...




2015 AIA National Grassroots & Leadership Conference
By: Dan Godfrey, AIA
As president elect of AIA Central PA I had the opportunity to attend the leadership and legislative conference held in Washington DC March 4th through the 6th.  As a first time attendee I was able to see firsthand the value of our organization as architects from across the country congregated with a singular purpose, to advocate for our profession.  While snow dampened "the hill", it would have taken much more to dampen our spirits...

Architects Action Day- April 14th

Yeoman Architect

By: James A. Mehaffey, AIA

Let's start 2015 on a fun note. I realized recently that I know many people who studied architecture and ultimately changed career paths. I wonder whether the curriculum that those people share with me has had any influence on their alternative career. My friend George Costanza likes to say, "Nothing is higher than architect". I wondered if that was true...

Was it the curriculum that made them decided to change their careers? Or had their career been augmented by the architectural curriculum? I have compiled a list of famous people who have in one way or another studied architecture prior to embarking on an alternative career path. Some of these I had heard about, others were a surprise. What would have happened to some of these people had they stayed in this/my profession?

Click here to read the whole article. 
PechaKucha Harrisburg- April 14th 
After Architects Action Day

Click Here for more information
Spring Lecture Series
  • Tod William and Billie Tsien
  • Thursday May 21, 2015, 7:00PM
  • Armstrong World Industries Corporate Campus

  The 2015 AIA Central Pennsylvania Lecture Series will kick off on Thursday, May 21st in Lancaster. Tod Williams and Billie Tsien will make a presentation about the work of their New York City based firm at 7pm at the Armstrong World Industries Corporate Campus.

Click Here for more information
AIA Central Pennsylvania's Job Board
AIA Central Pennsylvania is pleased to announce the availability of a new resource on our web site.

We have created an  employment page where firms in Central Pennsylvania can advertise their employment opportunities.

If your firm has interest in posting employment opportunities please email Amal Mahrouki at amahrouki@AIAPA.org

If you are looking for employment opportunities click HERE.

click here for the big picture

click here for the big picture

click here for the big picture
Spring 2015




Our Lending Library isn't just for Associates, Architect members can study for LEED certification.

Click the image to see what materials are available!

 Now accepting 2015 Scholarship Applications!

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