

President's Message:

The Benefit of AIA Membership

Tippetts HeadshotBy: Wendy H. Tippetts, AIA


The question is often posed by nonmember architectural interns and registered architects "what are the benefits of AIA membership, and what are the compelling reasons for membership?"  I have been an AIA member for about half of my professional career and I have had my own firm for just over twenty-five years in Central Pennsylvania.  The particular reasons our firm joined the AIA were three fold:  we felt that the continuing education program was important for the profession of architecture, and for that matter any profession, and we wanted to support that; we appreciated the high quality Central Pennsylvania  AIA lecture series and breadth of conversation with fellow architects surrounding these events;  and lastly, we wanted to participate in the design awards program and believed that a peer review awards program was far more challenging and meaningful than other awards that are often bestowed by organizations in communities.  All of these reasons have real validity and are certainly good reasons for joining the AIA, but they are not the only ones; and now I am keenly aware that there are many more, even more compelling.  Read more...


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Grassroots Review

By: Tammie Fitzpatrick, AIA


The 2013 AIA Grassroots Leadership and Legislative Conference was held March 20-23 this year in D.C.  This was my first year attending the Grassroots Conference, so it was a new experience being

Grassroots 2013
Tammie Fitzpatrick at the White House while attending Grassroots.

introduced to the leadership initiatives of the AIA.   I also developed an understanding of why it is important for representatives of the Central Pennsylvania Chapter to attend. 

The most important part of the Grassroots Conference is the day we spent lobbying on Capitol Hill for our industry's issues.  Our job is to visit all congressmen in the Central Pennsylvania region.  There are  roughly six congressional districts in the region and that can really change depending upon where you draw the line.  Of those six congressmen, only three would give our group appointments.  We mainly met with the congressman's aids or assistants; however the only aids that I felt were actually listening where of those districts that we had a constituent present in our group.  In other words, they made it pretty clear they only cared if we were a constituent of theirs.  It didn't matter that we were there representing Architects in their district.  They wanted to know where each of us lived.  Read more...

rgs ad 2013  

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Architects Day

By: Bruce Johnson, AIAstate capitol bldg


Pennsylvania Architects will visit the center of Commonwealth government at the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg on April 9th as part of AIA Pennsylvania's 2013 Pennsylvania Architects Day.  They will meet with their Senators and House Representatives to lobby in support of initiatives and issues of import to Architects practicing in the Commonwealth.  The two key issues this year are:


Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) legislation:


AIA and architects across the Commonwealth support Mandatory Continuing Education (MCE) as a requisite for licensure in Pennsylvania because it enhances the public safety, health and welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth. Bills are being prepared to go through the legislative process in the House and Senate of the PA legislature. PA is one of the few states not currently requiring continuing education for architects. Enactment of a requirement for MCE would place PA on par with other states.


Way back in 1994, AIA spearheaded the development of the AIA/CES continuing education system to certify, organize and track professional development educational programs as a requirement for AIA membership. By establishing and managing the certification criteria for learning opportunities in every area of knowledge relevant to today's architect, the AIA/CES program enables members to keep current on pertinent issues, master new knowledge and skills, plan for the future, and responsibly meet the role society entrusts to a professional architect



PDE PlanCon funding restoration: 



Public school construction funding has been heavily dependent on a process whereby the state reimbursed individual school districts on the basis of need through a process called PlanCon, The Planning and Construction Workbook. In October 2012, the Commonwealth made a decision to stop making promised future payments to approximately five hundred school districts in Pennsylvania, and temporarily placed a moratorium on the PlanCon reimbursement process. This has placed school districts and the Commonwealth's citizens in an awkward position. For those school districts that were already committed to projects, the moratorium forced them to resort to draconian budget cuts and other funding streams to meet financial commitments that had been dependent on the expected state reimbursements. School districts that desperately need to make improvements are unable or unwilling to proceed in an environment of uncertain PlanCon funding.  Read more...

baker ingram ad 2013  

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Click here for Baker, Ingram's website.

Scholarship Fundraiser

By: Lindsey Stitt, Staff


The AIA Central Pennsylvania Chapter has awarded a scholarship to an architecture student for the past two years.  This program is not possible without the support of our members.


In an effort to increase the opportunities of local architecture students, the Board of Directors is hosting a Scholarship Fundraiser for 2013.  We will work to raise $2,000 in donations throughout the year.  An update of our progress will be included in each quarterly newsletter. 


Donations will be accepted at all chapter events or you can donate online by clicking the advertisement below.


Scholarship ad


Spring Lecture

By: Chris Dawson, AIA


Our 2013 AIA Central Pennsylvania Lecture Series kicks off on Thursday May 16th at the Agricultural & Industrial Museum in York at 7pm. Michel Rojkind presents the work of his firm rojkind arquitectos, in a lecture titled "Overstimulation."

Spring Lecture Photo  

Michel founded rojkind arquitectos in 2002 in Mexico City after being the drummer in a popular Latin American pop band. He has quickly made a name for himself with strikingly memorable projects that include a residence for a ballerina, a museum for Nestle Chocolate, the Japanese restaurant Tori Tori, and the Liverpool Department Store in Mexico City. Michel has taught widely including at SCI-Arc in L.A. last year. His work strikes a wide range of cords for me in that it is provocative and simultaneously thoroughly resolved, functional and beautiful, translates from small to the very large scale and I am looking forward to hearing him present the pursuits of his firm.


Please join us! Click here for more information or to register. 


We are still seeking support for the 2013 Lecture Series. 

Thank you to those who have already committed:


Armstrong World Industries            Centria

Chris Dawson Architect                  Phillips Group

Conestoga Tile                              LSC Design

The Engineering Society of York     Murphy & Dittenhafer Architects

Fessenden Hall of PA                    RLPS Architects

Keith Bush Associates                  Kinsley Construction

Modernfold of Reading                   Tippetts/Weaver Architects

Whitney Baily Cox & Magnani

Pennsylvania Concrete masonry Assoc.

 wohlsen ad 2013

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Conference & Expo and Design Awards

 By: Tammie Fitzpatrick, AIA


Save the date for Thursday, October 3, 2013! 
 This year we are holding the Annual Conference & Expo and Design Awards at Harrisburg University of Science and Technology in Harrisburg, Pa.  The Harrisburg University of Science and Technology was incorporated in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on December 12, 2001, making it the first independent science and technology-
photo for DA article 2013

Black Diamond Jet Team, TONO Architects, LLC

2012 Citation Award Winner

focused, non-profit, university to be established in Pennsylvania in more than 100 years. Harrisburg University was created to address the Capital Region's need for increased educational opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers, and it represents a major step to attract, educate, and retain Pennsylvania's diverse 21st century knowledge-based workforce. It is the only STEM-focused comprehensive university located between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, PA.  Read more...

Thank you to our event underwriter...

Harrisburg University Logo 



warfel ad 2013 

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Click here for Warfel's website. 

Tour and Movie Night

The Emerging Professionals of the AIA Central Pennsylvania Chapter invite you to a special event!

Click here to register!

april 2013 troegs flyer 

april 2013 troegs flyer 

 2013 7group ad

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Click here for 7group's website.

Spring 2013
President's Message
Grassroots Review
Architects Day
Scholarship Fundraiser
Spring Lecture
Conference & Expo and Design Awards
Tour and Movie Night



AIA Central PA Logo and Tagline  

Now accepting entries for the 2013 Design Awards.

Click here for detials!






 warfel logo 2013 newsletter 





Who are the most innovative

architectural firms in the world

today?  According to this post

by Fast Company magazine,

Snohetta is at the top of the list. 

Craig E. Dykers, AIA from

Snohetta spoke at the AIA

Central Pennsylvania Spring

Lecture in 2010.






RGS logo 2013 newsletter 



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Our Lending Library isn't just for Associates, Architect members can study for LEED certification.

Click the image to see what materials are available!



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